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Lazer Bicycle Helmet $19.95, down from $49.95 (VIC)


Was looking for a helmet, and found this one to be really cheap for a good brand.

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  • I remember buying a helmet at Big W for $20, looks very much the same, and just a quick check reveals they have a bunch of Rosebank for $15..

  • This is quite an old design; I have one from several years that is identical aside from the colour.

    I've gone over the handlebars about three times with that helmet and it's served me well in all three instances; unlike everything else I used to break my fall.

    • +2

      You're supposed to replace the helmet after every crash. Damages it and you might not be so lucky if it happens again.

      • True.

        But there is the school of thought that says Bicycle Helments don't do anything to begin with or can potentially worsen head injures in particular situations; most of Europe doesn't mandate their use for cyclists (including the UK) and their fatality rates/injury rates are the same or lower than ours, even with much larger populations.

        Me, I'm more concerned about friction burns and/or death/disability (which if you're involved in a bicycle crash where that looks to be a possibility; all the helmets in the world wouldn't have saved you. It'll likely come down to gross negligence of the other party involved or gross negligence on your part). There's really not a lot a helmet can do against 2 tons of metal moving towards a human being at 60 plus km/h. The helmet is essentially wearing you for protection in that case. I've met plenty of people who've come off their bicycles and motorbikes in nasty crashes and bitumen is just god-awful when it scraps against unprotected skin for too long.

        Broken bones can heal (mine have very well); but the scars though are much harder to get rid of.

        In any case, I rarely take the bike out for a spin anymore. Way too dangerous around where I live, and I've had enough close calls for my liking.

        But thanks for the concern.

        • +1

          "and their fatality rates/injury rates are the same or lower than ours, even with much larger populations".

          So your more interested in death/ disability but you don't want to wear a helmet - hmmm okay. Got any evidence (links) to your Euro injury/ death rate claim?

        • +1

          Re Europe - lower speeds, often extensive bike paths, man woman child granny all riding - different circumstances & safety issues. Even i might not wear a helmet.

          Oz - fundamentally dangerous roads, limited bike paths, high speed (everyone) - different ball game. I know the argument with helmets - people may go faster if they feel safe with a helmet that ends up not protecting them, but ask any emergency surgeon and they'll all say wear a helmet.

          Anyway, it's the lor which must be obeyed.

          EDIT: just stumbled on this.

  • Postage $12.95

    • Yeah you wouldn't order it online, not a bad deal for pick up though.

  • Why don't you buy a $5.00 helmet from 7-eleven in the Melbourne bike share scheme?

    • That is a personal choice but I wouldn't buy preloved underwear from vinnies and I wouldn't buy a preloved helmet either.

      • Wearing a helmet as underwear. I like your idea :-).
        Wearing my underwear as helmet. I like this idea even more.

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