How do you picture the average OzBargainer?

Asian computer nerd in his 20s on a fast food diet


  • +40

    Walk down the middle of Pitt Street (orany major street) and look around at the diverse number of people you see, that is OzBargain because we are everyone and everywhere.

    • +4

      Walk down the middle of Pitt Street (orany major street) and look around at the diverse number of people you see,

      Not sure if joking or serious… ¬_¬

      • +1

        I see a swarm of asians with the token white guy/black guy every now and again.

  • +33

    We are everyone… And we are no one… swishes cape and runs away

    • +83

      For years I've lived a bargain life.

      In the day I do my job; I ride the bus, roll up my sleeves with the hoi-polloi.

      But at night I live a life of exhilaration. Of missed price-errors and adrenaline. And, if the truth be known, a life of unnecessary purchases.

      I won't deny I've been engaged in trolling, even indulged in it. I have teased and insulted adversaries. And not merely in self defence. I have exhibited disregard for community rules, guidelines, and inappropriate uses of negative votes. And savoured every moment.

      You may not think it to look at me, but I have manipulated price-match policies, and Brodened scarce store stock.

      And though in achieving these things, I have set morality aside, I have no regrets.

      For though I've led a bargain life, at least I can say… I have lived.

      • +1

        Amazing. This is the best comment I've read on Ozb.

        • +6

          It's a poem by James Sinclair called Double Life, created for a beautiful TV commercial (the most highly awarded ad in the world in 1999/2000 according to Wikipedia).

  • +6

    Seriously, what a stupid post.

    • +4

      Are you an Asian computer nerd in his 20s on a fast food diet?

  • +17

    like me

    bored, frugal, avg money, letting ozbargain tell me what to buy

  • +2

    the majority ive found are nice and willing to share

    then again there are arrogant members who think the sun shines out of their rear

    all in all id like to think this is a community over anything else

    • +2

      Sorry mate, i'm not sharing my eneloops with ANYONE.

  • +34

    Wearing slazenger gear stained with delivery hero vendors with a pocketful of eneloops

    • +2

      The guy who negged this comment must be a dead ringer

    • grats on the popular comment badge =)

      • Thanks mate, i quite often get those… between lengthy bans i get for keeping it real

  • +2

    You're going by the people who post. There are a lot of lurkers who don't fit your stereotype but are still interested in a bargain. I bet there are a lot of older people and homemakers when you include those.

  • +2

    White, single male in his mid 20's to late 30's. Not a lot of friends, but generally described as pleasant by those who come in contact with him. Unremarkably average looking, not someone who stands out in a crowd. Very neat appearance, clean shaven, with thick rimmed glasses and short combed hair.

    • +9

      You've just profiled a serial killer!

      • +6

        Yes, evidently there is some overlap between bargain hunters and the serial killing community :P

        • +8

          Some people would kill for a good bargain…

    • +2

      Ha! Shows what you know. I have a moustache..

  • The average Ozbargainer would probably be seen on any episode of Bogan Hunters

  • +30

    Based off myself. Ozb-ers must be really really ridiculously good looking.

    • +2

      Today I learned the average ozb-er is Derek Zoolander.

  • +6

    Lots of people here are Chinese, I remember there was a survey.

    • +7

      Tru dat. Any cricitisms of CHina, or brands from China, seems to be taken very seriously and personally, and you will get angry responses.

      • +1

        Not really, just a small number of users and their alts come on here to bag china.

        Really the issue isn't china, it's the companies that manufacture stuff as cheap as possible, then expect there not to be QC issues. china produces some great products, and some really bad ones. I'd expect that from a huge manufacturing industry based around price conservation.

      • It happens either way though. I once said that Australians orgasm when they see a "made in Australia" product. It was like getting beaten to death here, yes that offends Chinese Australians too.

  • +2

    I'd say the biggest group would be Mid 20s / early 30s, Australian of either Chinese or Anglo decent, professional.

  • Protip: Check the facebook section on the right side of the main OzBargain page.

    • +1

      but it needs an account. :(

  • Mildly offensive body odor with a mouthful of cheap fillings wearing a wife beater

  • +1

    not anyone i would associate with….oh wait.

  • +3


  • -1

    It is very mixed.

    You get a lot of internet hero's that you can tell are nerds! live of mummy and daddies money.

    The other half are just normal folks with hobbies maybe to many hobbies! They need to be on here so they can afford all those hobbies but these are the ones that contribute and are really helpful!

    I guess a few people also come on here to gloat! About what they have bought they must have no life's and be really unhappy! If the best in your life is going on a holiday or buying a car maybe you need a change?

  • +1

    A gamer? I'm only here for cheap game bargains.

  • I duno.

    I seen some mum and dads on here act like kids over posts; makes me wonder what they were like when young.

  • +5

    Most ozbargainers are like JV. runs away

  • I am the one who sits at maccas for half the day than goes to the shiftiest looking adult to buy me darts

  • +1

    like a Broden :P

  • +1

    Based on the bargains that usually land on the from page…. They like electronics (eneloops, micro SD cards, usb cables), computers (ssd's), gaming (steam, xbox live).

    Based on the forums they are helpful but have problems with 'ethical dilemmas' that most people see as social norms. So - based on those the average user is male - either Asian and under 25, or white 25-40.

    They are self sufficient and handy but also tech savvy and with disposable income - probably middle class in middle and outer suburbs.

    There is not much talk about sex… So likely the average user I married or in a long term relationship.

    • +2

      There is not much talk about sex

      Have you read the comments inside a condom deal?

      • +1

        and gaytime deals. :P

  • Imagine the average punter on the street. Now imagine they are professionals. Bingo.

  • +18

    The average OzBargainer looks exactly like this

    • +2

      silhouettes of bb8s

    • I think that's the first time I have ever been above average.

  • I'd have to say its your regular white collared worker with a few spare hours in their day to grime through ozbargain.

    Ok its most of the day, not just a few hours… but you get the idea

  • +9

    Huge muscles, square chin, serious face, singlet, never skips leg day.

    Those whey protein samples always run out before I can get one.

    • Beefcake! Beeeefcaaaake!

  • Re: World of Warcraft episode of South Park, that dude who has no life.
    [But with a second screen for porn].

  • I am a Asian computer nerd in his 20s, but not on a fast food diet. :P

    • +1

      You'll can collect your OzBargain badge after completing this

  • Dunno, just average I guess, but, there are those among us far from average.

    How do you picture the "JV"?

    • like einstein

      • don't insult einstein

  • +1

    With a camera.

    • lol

  • +17

    I saw an Ozbargainer last year. We didn't acknowledge each other, because it was embarrassing. My daughter was pointing out that me and the other guy was wearing the same clothes. The same $2 shirt an $2 Slazenger shorts from 80% off sale.

    • +1

      You didn't even say Hi :-(

  • +3

    Frank Grimes. Right down to the hysterical tone and uptight personality.

    • Haha, this is gold!!
      You'll probably get a tonne of thumbs downs, most down to earth comments tend to around here i've noticed..

    • I'm picturing George Costanza types due to the extreme frugality. But given the number of phone/PC gear posts here, maybe a dash of mid-20s nerds too.

  • I've witnessed many ozbargainers at multiple Dick Smith stores last month during the Nikon D3200 sale. Luckily, I couldn't buy one because another ozbargainer bought the last one just a minute before I entered the store. A typical ozbargainer would have his/her phone with ozbargain loaded already and would be talking to the staff to get maximum discount using all the tactics they learned from ozbargain and through those free Udemy courses. We are Professionals ;)

  • +1

    i'd have to add a great sense of humour. been reading posts and forums here for years (to get bargains obviously) but often found the witticisms and observations really entertaining

  • +2

    I see upvotes of green, red downvotes too
    I see the deals for me and you
    and I think to myself
    Ozbargain's for the world

    I see Slazenger
    and station handouts for free
    The bright TA
    And not so bright JV

    The offers on Eneloops
    So pretty to my cash
    As comments flow
    of deals going by
    I see Ozbargainers shaking hands
    Saying "how do you do?"
    They're really saying "price compete"

  • +1

    40 year old male Virgins

  • +2

    Perhaps an online ozbargain census?

  • Sheldon types; High IQ's, low EQ's, socially retarded and persistently argumentative over minor details.

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