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Kashmiri Willow Cricket Bats $10 at Kmart (down from $20)


Hard to find a cheap cricket bat, even the op shops have tennis racquets coming out of their tushies but never a cricket bat. Doesnt specify size other than "full size". Judging by hand id say its two to three pounds in weight.

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closed Comments

  • gee these bats have grown in size over the years…I can recall them being as thick as a fingernail.

    anyway…bring back the AERIAL

    • gee these bats have grown in size over the years…

      have you tried the aluminium ones?

      • +4

        I have, we had a couple in the sports shed in primary school. They were awful, you didn't get the spring off the bat like you would with a willow one, and all the energy seemed to travel up the handle of the bat.

  • +8

    Hope you all know that real Kashmiri willow doesnt come for $20 :)

    • +1

      I used to remember that kashmiri bats were considered rubbish backyard bats until the 90s when steve waugh got a bat contract with one of the makers and then suddenly they were the shiz.

      • -7

        English Willow is the only willow that should be used in cricket bats

        • +1

          Its hilarious that you're getting so many negs, english willow is by far superior. Kashmiri is ok for backyard cricket and maybe social cricket.

          This bat will be fine for backyard, tennis ball cricket but so would a fence paling.

          Bring on the negs.

        • I guess that would be a weeping willow.

        • +2

          Depends on what you want to play with:

          "If you are still playing with a soft ball type cricket ball then a bat made from Kashmir willow will be just fine for you.

          Once you start hardball it is recommended you use an English willow bat, due to a significant performance advantage. The ball will travel much easier and further off the sweet spot of a well prepared English willow bat for the same amount of effort. This is due to the English willow growing much slower in the cooler English climate than Kashmir willow which is grown in Kashmir in India. This makes the wood much softer and more pliable.

          It is important to note the English willow bats need to be prepared by knocking in and oiling in most cases, before they can be played with a hard ball. This is very important and if it is not done properly it can have a detrimental effect on the performance and life of your bat. They also need regular maintenance and care."

          Source: http://www.cricketexpress.co.nz/services/english-kashmir-wil…

          I personally have heard very highly of Kashmiri willow back in my playing days in India, which incidentally happens to be very expensive as well. I admire English willow was well and am uncertain if a real Kashmiri willow bat can be sold for $20 that too at Kmart.


        • @varunynr: i bought on of the kmart bats. Definitely one piece willow construction. Actually quite narrow grains.

          I have no way of knowing if the willow is kashmiri or not but as far as i know i dont know of any willow growing areas that are cheaper than kashmiri willow. And kmart have been selling kashmiri bats at this price point for a ling time.

  • +1

    these are only good for hitting tennis balls right? a real cricket ball would snap two of these bowled from a semi competent 12 yr old "fast" bowler.

    • I'm playing in a grade a game this weekend so Ill let you know how it goes.

      • i recommend if you buy this bat, dont skimp on the cup.

        • +7

          All of us use the same cup. Its a solidarity thing.

      • A follow up review would be great.

        And pictures of the bat snapped in half or full of cherries would be great.

        • +1

          Admittedly, such is the crushing power and majesty of my strokeplay that that usually happens anyway.

        • @cannedhams:

          Well the Aussies need all the help they can. You might get a call up.

  • +1

    This will be good to keep next to the bed

    • In case the missus wants to whack you one?

  • -7

    Do they come with a complementary indian soldier?

  • +2
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