Sold Item on OzBargain - Buyer Threatening Police Action

Hi Ozbargainers,

I recently purchased 2 Xbox One X's bundles only to realize I had no need for the second bundle.

So I put up a message saying I was selling it at cost price and was private messaged.
I messaged the buyer and we met up, It was a very cordial meet.

I had forgotten the bonus controller that was part of the bundle so offered to discount $70 off the cost (Which is the RRP price of a new controller) which I thought was more than reasonable and the buyer accepted.

I had advised the buyer that the seal had been broken and I had opened it to ensure the contents were all correct.
Game code and other items all sealed.

The buyer claims I sold him a second hand machine now and wants a refund as he believes the machine is 2 years old (Apparently serial says it's out of date) , He has advised that he will contact the police, My employer (Via Linkedin) and essentially anyone he can via my social media presence.

I've provided him the exact tax invoice that was sent to me and believe he should pursue it with Microsoft. I do not feel like I should have to take the purchase back as it was all made in good faith, I had offered for him to check all the contents with me at the meetup but he declined.

He is now saying I should take it back as it might be infected by Corona Virus and he doesn't want a second hand item.

What is my legal requirement in this regard?

Thank You


11/4. Mod Note:

  1. Do not post personal details of other users. Guidelines
  2. User(s) who have an undisclosed relationship with other users, and used that relationship to artificially comment/mislead others, including false profile information, have had comments removed and account banned.

Poll Options

  • 968
    Ignore Buyer and Stand Firm
  • 222
    Take the item back and make a loss

closed Comments

          • +8

            @mba: OH. MY. GOD. My mind is officially blown.
            This has to be the best OzB thread of the year at least.

          • +1

            @mba: Great pick up! That's some forensic level investigation right there.

    • +17

      I sorted their comment timestamps in this thread to see whether they were posting at roughly the same times

      • +6

        LOL. Anyone who couldn't comprehend why the seller would create this post if they were the scammer - have just had their minds blown.

      • +8

        Good one.

        Sammy78's account was created 22nd March with the first post being this:

        Mine is Dec 2018 - Microsoft must have a lot of old stock

        It seems ZackyD used the alias of Sammy78 in an attempt to try and give the seller comfort.

        • +1

          Sorry - give the buyer* comfort.

    • +5

      Well spotted.
      He makes pretty pathetic attempts to appear neutral but in every single post, sammy78 adds something that justifies OP's action.
      No proper independent third party would ever entertain the possibility of Microsoft sending an used Xbox. Yeah right… and I just won the power ball.

      Also, Sammy78's demeanor is very similar to OP in that they both seem to find this whole thing funny and a bit of a banter.

    • +8

      Sammy78 is ZackyD's Mum

    • +2

      I remember when Sammy78 started posting on this thread after suspicions started to arise about ZackyD's legitimacy. I remembering finding it kind of weird how this one person was defending the OP so vigorously, but didn't think that the two could be the same person.

      What a twist.

    • +9

      As entertaining as all of this has been for most of you, I need to move on.

      We haven't moved on. Some of us are stuck at home for months more. We need this.

      I feel like the OzBargain community is L.B. Jefferies from the film Rear Windows and we are trying to prove Lars Thorwald is guilty.

      • -3

        Haha! Fair enough, I can see it from that POV. Well I guess until the buyer post about what they intend to do let's keep this thread open.

        • +36

          Will Sammy78 be chiming in soon too?

    • the matter is closed? you started this thread seeking advice which isnt to your favor …. LOL

    • +15

      You’re done mate. Stop with the lies and come clean or just disappear.

      • +10

        He can't help it. That's what compulsive liars do. They can't accept facts and even in the face of indisputable evidence they will continue denying the truth.

    • +4

      Post photos of the serials on the actual Xboxes that you have. Do it instead of talking about it.

    • +2

      Including the same third serial that's invalid?

    • +6

      5 hours 53 min ago
      If this will absolve me, I'll upload that proof with a handwritten paper next to the serials.

      6 hours later…

    • +9

      ZackyD: Hold on, lemme do this properly on Photoshop this time, screwing up like the first attempt is not an option

    • +2

      Take a selfie with Sammy too

  • +35

    Everyone spare a thought for poor Bryanalves

    He called it almost straight away but got hammered with downvotes…

    Lol you got him good. And good stuff posting on here so you get the community on your side while that other guy reading this getting all salty.

    Got rid of a 2yr old xbox and corona for $350 and still kept a controller so you can play 4 play on your 2nd xbox.

    Well played

    • +7

      I'm upvoting. May the Force get back its balance.

      • +1

        Wow he's back from heaps of downvotes to normal now

  • +2

    here is my thoughts, after the seller tried to sell the old xbox in a brandnew box,
    the buyer found out and threatening seller, the seller made a post seeking for advice,

    What is my legal requirement in this regard?

    the buyer posted his point and now seller tries to hide, lie and feel guilty?

    apparently, a lots of people just want currency. what a shame!!!

  • +11

    OP is legit a sociopath if sammy78 is himself and he made this entire elaborate scheme to get away with scamming. The fact that he is continuing to deny and argue makes it even worse for this psychologically health if it's actually a lie.

    Only you know the truth OP, if you are just digging yourself into a deeper hole when you know you are a liar then I suggest you see a psychologist.

  • +5

    This is pretty simple conclusion: OP swapped unit for his old xbox one and tried to flog it to an unsuspectng buyer as new. Why would you open the seal? This is a modus operandi of dodgy ebay sellers “opened but never used”. (Sorry if this is not the case, but if it walks like a duck… etc.)

    • I wouldn't say that all sellers who have advertised an item as "opened and never used" as dodgy.

      I sold an open but never used World of Warcraft Collector's Edition (vanilla) on Ebay. I had opened it to take a look at the items (never unwrapped anything that had a plastic cover though) but never used the CD-Key or anything. I didn't sell it as brand new though, just unused.

  • +1

    This thread is like all those sellers on facebook market place selling brand new nintendo switches, with receipts! if youve got a receipt, just return it to the store. nah, ill sell it for a $50 loss online

  • +9

    mods should allow changing of votes in the poll.. OP twisted the story and played victim to get ozb to side with him… after hearing from the buyer and multiple callouts on OPs dodgy evidence provided, I'm sure everyone wants to change their vote now

    lesson learnt from this thread:

    • inspect all goods and check seals before payment
    • don't sell/buy to/from zackyD
    • +52

      I got negged into the ground when i called OP put as a scammer.

      • +5


        upvoted your comment

      • +4

        Upvoted you. You are still at -45 points. LOL!

        • +1

          Turned around. +25 now.

      • +4

        Have an upvote from me

      • +3

        I feel for you @Bryanalves but you got vindicated in the end.

      • +2

        From -75 last time i saw to now -19, not too bad haha

        • +1

          Plus 25 now. Thx for your support.

      • +2

        I think Bryanalves should be eligible to get free toilet paper as compensation for his rough treatment.

    • +9

      don't sell/buy to/from zackyD

      OR Sammy78 lol

    • +2

      I think it's extremely sad that approximately 87% of the OzBargain users who saw this post voted in favour of the OP…. Yes they probably just read the original post and not the comments, but it's still rather sad that they didn't think that maybe there was another side to this story. Similar to how people see something in the media and just go with what the media says.

      • Not really. Based on the info given by the op it seemed clear cut until Xbox serial numbers didn't match and sammy78 (ops "friend") appeared

        • +2

          Eh, disagree. It "seemed" clear cut simply because people weren't at least slightly skeptical about the entire story. I read the OP and the comments before the buyer came along and thought it was bizarre how everyone was siding with the OP without at least questioning their authenticity. I didn't think it was fair to the other party that this person got out in front first by making the first move and suddenly everyone was on their side without knowing the entire story.

          As we can see it played out completely differently to how the OP said, granted this may not always happen in this sort of situation but people should be more skeptical of others especially when it's all online.

          • +1

            @Ghost47: Let's go through the OPs post? I have no reason to doubt people unless there's reasons to do so. OPs initial post was clearly full of lies which he hasn't been able to support once people started asking questions.

            Hi Ozbargainers,

            I recently purchased 2 Xbox One X's bundles only to realize I had no need for the second bundle. - THATS A LIE, HE LATER SAID HE ALREADY HAS ONE.

            So I put up a message saying I was selling it at cost price and was private messaged.
            I messaged the buyer and we met up, It was a very cordial meet. - I WOULDNT SAY THE SAME IF I WAS THE BUYER AND THE SELLER "FORGOT" A CONTROLLER AND OPENED THE BOX TO INSPECT ITEMS

            I had forgotten the bonus controller that was part of the bundle so offered to discount $70 off the cost (Which is the RRP price of a new controller) which I thought was more than reasonable and the buyer accepted - YEH NAH OP WANTED ANOTHER CONTROLLER

            I had advised the buyer that the seal had been broken and I had opened it to ensure the contents were all correct - IM NOT EVEN GOING TO COMMENT
            Game code and other items all sealed.

            The buyer claims I sold him a second hand machine now and wants a refund as he believes the machine is 2 years old (Apparently serial says it's out of date) , He has advised that he will contact the police, My employer (Via Linkedin) and essentially anyone he can via my social media presence - OP SHOULD SAY "I DID IN FACT CHANGE THE DEVICE AND IVE BEEN CAUGHT OUT AS THE BUYER RAN A WARRANTY CHECK ON THE DEVICE", THE OP ALSO LEFT OUT THE PART ON IGNORING THE BUYER AFTER THE TRANSACTION

            I've provided him the exact tax invoice that was sent to me and believe he should pursue it with Microsoft. I do not feel like I should have to take the purchase back as it was all made in good faith, I had offered for him to check all the contents with me at the meetup but he declined. - I DONT REALLY CARE AS A SELLER, IVE FOBBED THE BUYER OFF WITH AN INVOICE KNOWING THAT I SWITCHED THE DEVICE

            He is now saying I should take it back as it might be infected by Corona Virus and he doesn't want a second hand item. - CORDIAL MEET YOU CLAIM?

            What is my legal requirement in this regard? -

            • +1

              @chk: I didn't question the OP itself, just the fact that everyone was siding with them without hearing the other side of the story. I never said that the OP didn't seem legitimate. Sure, it seemed legitimate with the screenshot but that still doesn't mean you should believe everything you see.

              • +2

                @Ghost47: lol sorry for the caps firstly, i didnt know how to format it, my point is the OP lied in his post. If things had transpired the way the OP said then I have no problem siding with him

                Speaking of OP, do we need a search and rescue? Is he ok (that a side reference to his un-popular youtube vid)?

                • +1

                  @chk: Oh, I wasn't sure what you meant by those comments actually lol. I agree, I would have sided with the OP too if everything they said were true.

                  I do agree that OP should fess up… sometimes it's better to admit your mistakes and get in front of your wrongdoings first… but I think it's too late for the OP considering the way they've carried on.

        • +2

          No it wasn't. If there wasnt enough information at the start i would not have called him put as the scammer immediately.

          People just didn't read his post properly.

  • +16

    Definitely will be one of THE thread of 2020, with the twists and turns to the plot and the emotional roller coaster for everyone following.

    Further proves the saying that there are always 3 versions of truth, mine, yours and the actual truth.

  • +13

    I'm really loving the discovery of Sammy78 potentially being the same as OP. An unexpected unfolding of the plot!

    • +6

      That literally blown my mind. Better than any Netflix true crime series :D

  • +14

    All this is sureal.

    • +2

      I feel for you bro, been dealing with this total sociopath. People like that are dangerous, you just got a used Xbox instead of brand new, all in all could have gone worse.

  • +8

    Top unexpected plot twists this year:

    1. Parasite
    2. This post
    3. Westworld
  • +15

    Can I please request all not to post personal information on anyone. And delete if its already posted.

    • +9

      That’s nice of you to ask that for your scammer. Are you ZackyD too? Lol

    • +5

      Says the one that was willing to contact the scammers employer and anyone else via social media presence.

      • +8

        The guy was scammed and the seller blocked all comms, what else would you do to get his attention?

        Got lucky that Zachary left a decent digital footprint to find.

      • +5

        Contacting scammers parties directly is quite different to posting publicly. The contact mum/employer has been used often for personal gripes with great results in many other situations. It's the kind of stuff you see all the time in abuse cases.

    • Is he going to give you your money back?

  • +8

    Well this post is definitely going into the Ozbargain hall of fame, looking forward to the film adaptation on Netflix!

    • +1

      Rather, hall of shame.

    • +3

      I'll make sure to watch it from an Xbox One X.

  • +4

    Wow, what a nutcase… op creates a second acount just to scam people then comes back crying like he's the victim.
    And now his real identity is out lol…

    • Considering the account was created well before this scenario occurred. I would assume OP used a friends account and not created a secondary solely for this purpose.

      If he did in fact plan this whole scenario and it was premeditated….. then yes, complete phsyco. If I were the buyer I would just be glad the OP hasnt kidnapped my dog and sent me a paw in the mail

      • +3

        Sammy78 is the new second account of ZackyD

        • +2

          And I doubt he has any friends to borrow their accounts from either tbh.

      • +1

        Exactly and why would a half-decent friend ask for someone else's OZB handle anyway - it's his second account, to support himself and deceive other people like the buyer!

  • +5

    Brand new and sealed… with the ZackyD guarantee.

  • +1

    I'd like to hear Broden's take on this whole thing.

    • +1

      Wait for the final plot twist.

  • +3

    Geez I take it all back, sorry buyer I feel sorry for you, got legit scammed by scumbag seller. Don't always believe everything you read on the internet, even those "I sold X on ebay, now buyer is claiming it's faulty, it worked perfectly when I sent it" posts.

    • You say that, but u will be back to accuse things without seeing boths sides. I GURANTEE YOU!

  • +4

    The comments from Sammy78 (OP’s alias account) have been unpublished, essentially removing the evidence.

    Mods, what will happen with ZachyD’s account?

    • +3

      Woah.. and in penalty box too. Does that mean that the mods were able to match IP addresses with OP's i wonder.

      Edit: both users are online right now 😯

      Edit2: you can revoke poll votes now 😯😯

      • +4

        Sammy and zackyd both last seen 22min ago 🤔🧐🤔🤥

        • +10

          He has run for the hill and won't post anymore now that he has been found to have:
          - premeditated and cheated the buyer
          - created a fake account to respond to buyer's question before he bought the console off him
          - started this thread to trick everyone and accuse the buyer of being unreasonable
          - used his fake account again to influence and defend his actions
          - photoshopped screenshots to yet again deceive everyone
          - fake account has now been banned

          That list grew very quickly. Only something a compulsive pathological liar would be capable of.
          Yet some dillusional optimists still think that we don't have clear evidence. I guess these people will see smoke bellowing from their house and still won't evacuate.

          • @dji1111111:

            fake account has now been banned

            Its only a temp ban until 25/4.

      • +2

        You mean penalty xbox? Alright, I'll show myself out.

    • +8

      The evidence has been preserved here:

    • +7

      Guess you didn't read the thread, OP advertised it as Brand New (not secondhand) buyer didn't do his due diligence and now we are here

  • +2

    Lord Jesus, after 7 pages of comments I think I need a Nurofen 😄

  • +14

    Mods - can we introduce an ebay style feedback score here for classified sales. I wouldnt want to deal with zachy/sammy for the rest of my life

  • +6

    To sum up, this whole thing appears to have been a little scheme by seller (OP) to simply obtain at no cost a "warranty extension" or a replacement machine.

    - screenshots of doctored serial numbers and discussion
    - Presence of Sammy78 as this points out

    Now, many people here say they want to change their poll choice as the original post didn't paint the whole picture.

    But funnily for this most upvoted comment intended against the buyer, there is no need to change your vote. It's enough to just change it in your head 😆

    • +5

      u can change your poll choice, there's a revoke button now, everyone please take back your votes!

      • -2

        I don't think the revoke button should have been added. I think that everyone who just jumped on the OP's bandwagon and voted ignore without thinking twice should not be able to revote so that they can take a long look at themselves and not believe someone just because they made the first move and presented their side of the story first.

        Why have I been downvoted? I think it's fair that if people make mistakes that they should not be able to just undo them right away but think about their mistakes and not make it again in the future.

  • +8

    Whose gunna let ZackyD's mum know she's bred a Sociopath!!?

    • +6

      Yet you keep coming back. I think we know who needs more help.
      Maybe it is you who needs to seek help since you are so bothered about other people wanting the poll vote to reflect the turn of events?
      I sense a real serious case of superiority syndrome in you

      • -5

        Remember to wash your hands

    • +12

      Hi zachy….3rd account?

      • -7

        You got me Sherlock. Been waiting for 10years to comment on some nonsense Xbox case. Alrhough your detective skills are on par with the collective brainpower here.

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