• expired

Bonofido Chicken Coop - $138 + Postage = Harvey Normans Next Big Deal! [Expired]


For those of you who missed out on the HP Touch Pad, or were not swayed by the two for one laptops…. Check out this Bonofido Chicken Coop for just $138 from Harvey Norman Big Buys!!!!

As a true Ozbargainer, what could be better than this Chicken Coup. Get yourself some Chickens and you get FREE EGGS!!!! Yes! FREE!!!!!

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Harvey Norman Big Buys
Harvey Norman Big Buys

closed Comments

  • +4

    OK, you get the prize for the most bizarre bargain of the month! Cluck!!

    • +2

      It's certainly a little eggsotic for OzBargain that's for sure

  • +4

    this is an excellent example of Harvey Norman's assault on online shopping

    • +2

      One might even say… eggscellent?

  • +16

    This is eggstraordinarily weird of Harvey.

  • +10

    I'd try and egg you on to buy this but it could get a bit fowl if you chicken out

    • hahahaa…. good one !

  • +21

    is this some kind of sick yolk?

    • +2

      We were hoping for a slow day, we're all a bit eggshausted

  • +4

    Great price, but looks like its only available at the Auburn store (NSW).
    Postage is a killer on this one for me unfortunately at $120 :(

    • Faaark $120 Delivery here too! >.<

      • +5

        Sorry guys, with our oversized items the delivery price from our couriers is a little eggstreme. We're working on it

  • Holy shit. When I first visit that site, I thought they were selling baby (More BIG Buys) too.

  • Auburn bugger,looks pretty good.

    • it's the warehouse that is at Auburn…… it should be available for delivery……

      New stock is arriving in our Auburn warehouse on Tuesday so please expect a slight delay on delivery

      • That's correct! Delivery and pickup should (I say SHOULD) be available Tuesday. Will update if that changes

  • +4

    Laying hens cost about $20 each last I heard and then there is feed. Chooks don't lay all year and they eventually stop laying. You also have to protect them from dogs etc. Worst thing is somebody has to look after them when you go on holiday. So unless you love chooks I reckon you are better off buying eggs!

    • …and i read somewhere you have to have a rooster so the hens will lay more eggs, and where there's a rooster, there are gonna be chicks!

    • yeah I have thought about getting some but it sounds like alot of work and they will attract rats.

      • +3

        We had chickens once upon a time. They do slimy poo's everywhere, they attract foxes to your property (forget to lock them up at dusk and you'll experience the aftermath of the massacre), they crawl under hard to reach places and die, you have to clean out their house (v.v.v smelly) and their food attracts rats and mice. Seriously, it's easier to buy free range at the supermarket.

    • +3

      I've looked after chooks for someone whilst they went on holiday. 7 of them went missing due to foxes as behind the fence was a forest <_<

      • +4

        Off topic …my sis looked after random friends cat when they went away
        and cat decided it wanted a holiday too… oops

      • +7

        I've looked after chooks for someone whilst they went on holiday. 7 of them went missing

        Hmmm…. I'm not convinced that 'looked after' describes their experience :)

    • +1

      +1 or if you have heaps of land and kids who can do most of the work , feeding them etc haha. Then you could have about 8 chooks and plenty of EGGGGSSSS.

    • +2

      i have chickens. only one stopped laying for a couple of weeks (laying less more so then not laying, went from 1 egg a day to only 1 every 2-3 days) while it was malting, other then that, they lay lay lay. They eat alot of scraps and chicken feed is pretty cheap as well. they only cost 5-10$ and having a rooster didn't really change anything. protecting from animals involves from wire for a cage, not that hard nor expensive. their also fun and cute ^_^

      • +1

        Yeah, I understand that the cost of feeding them is, well,, chicken feed :\



  • +2

    +ive from me because….well just, because.

  • +5

    Yea…but can I get cable to it? Also whats the wifis signal like inside?

    • +4

      I want the white one. With the extra Gb's!

    • +1

      Full disclosure, I've heard reports that the chickens you put in this don't have much memory

  • -6

    +$317.50 postage, negative from me.

  • $45 to Adelaide…..

  • +7

    Just bought two using my Amex card to get a further $50 off. Thanks OP^^

    • That's a pretty weird impulse buy.

      • +3

        I was joking :)

  • +11

    "Suitable for 2-3 children"

    • +3

      SMALL children. Can't condone putting 2-3 large children in one of these

  • +2

    $120.95 postage!! to postocde 7256 is a deal breaker…

    • Understood. Getting cheap, automated delivery prices that are available on the spot for full disclosure is something that we are working on getting much MUCH cheaper in the coming months

      • +1

        Cant believe you bought into that oztrez :p jv is in melboure and picked a random woopwoop location for you haha

        • I take everything that jv says seriously. He tends to point out the bigger flaws in deals and which is fantastic feedback for us to get it right!

  • +1

    It's $31.50 delivery to Melbourne, which sounds very reasonable.

  • Please note! We have sold out of stock that is immediately available. New stock is arriving in our Auburn warehouse on Tuesday so please expect a slight delay on delivery

  • +5

    $318 postage to 4825…might as well just stock up on eggs and skip the wait

    • Well thats to pay for the 4 trucks, 1 train, 2 boats and the tractor needed to get it to such a far away place :P

  • +5

    $260.60 postage!! to postocde 6760 OMG !!!

    Harvey must be delivering them personally…

    • I just lol'd at the price :D

    • +4

      Why did the chicken cross the road? Because getting delivered was too expensive

  • would make a kick ass dog house ay

    • for 2 or 3 Chihuahuas, yeah, maybe???

  • +3

    What's the dimension of this? I can't find it :S

    NVM: I'm blind. Dimensions 126x66x113cm Wayyyyy too small. If you have two POL (point of lay) hens and assuming they are backyard pure breeds, then realistically you can only fit one in.

    Source: I have 5 backyard chooks :)

    • -2

      I can't find it

      why not ?

      Dimensions 126x66x113cm

    • is it cruel to keep 1 chook? 2 chooks? in these
      do these need a cabin/bigger area?
      can i let the chooks roam out in yard for only 30 mins a day?
      are you meant to close the openings and leave just the vent open at night? during the day?
      if you dont know, just your opinions are fine. thanks

      • +1

        anything is better than eggs from cage chickens (from a chickens point of view…..one would think….)
        Mine have just been incarcerated in a 2x2 meter suitably designed outdoor area + Coop, they had free run of the garden before but started digging up everything. Probably let them out for a "run" twice a week now

  • +7

    Sorry, I'm a bit jetlagged and nothing is making sense. Let me start again.

    1) This coop doesn't come with a chicken run. That means you will need to either buy a seperate cage for the run OR have a decent size garden that's free from predators (believe it or not, foxes are VERY common in surburbs).

    2) The size of this coop is quite small. Most breeders agree that if you are to have backyard chickens that roam freely, then you should stick with pure breeds (Australorps, Light Sussex, Leghorn, Rhode Island Red etc) - try and stay away from commercial Isa Browns as they aren't great foregers and are breed for a short shelf life with a heavy 1-2 years of egg yield. However, aside from the leghorn, these pure breeds are generally on the large side and that means realistically you can only fit two inside the coop without stressing them. Chickens aren't neccessarily one big happy family and some are quite violent/pecky and a snug sleeping area could turn them against each other.

    If anyone here is geniunely interested then I suggest that you get your hubby to do some work instead of buying these cheap, tiny coops. Do some research and turn your old dog sheds or cubby houses into chicken coops. You'll find it's very satisfying, saves you alot of money and will probably turn out better than these commercial coops.

    • is it cruel to keep 1 chook? 2 chooks? in these
      do these need a cabin/bigger area?
      can i let the chooks roam out in yard for only 30 mins a day?
      are you meant to close the openings and leave just the vent open at night? during the day?
      if you dont know, just your opinions are fine. thanks

      i think my floating comment above was replying at your other comment.

      • +7

        1) It's not cruel to keep one chick, however keep in mind that they are very social animals that thrive in high numbers that are around the same age. I suggest having at least two though.
        2) I'm not sure what you mean by cabin/bigger area. This coop is just a 'house', and doesn't come with a chicken run (which is the cage, which allows chickens to roam). However, if you have a backyard that doesn't have too many predators (nighttime possums, foxes, aggressive/feral cats) then you should be fine, and just let them roam in the backyard. Just make sure you have strong fencing and you clip their wings (these guys can fly quite high). Since chooks have an annoying habit of finding the HIGHEST vantage point to sleep in, you might find that they might sleep on top of the chicken coop for the first few nights, so you might help them adjust to their new sleeping roosters perches.
        3) I let mine out all day, every day. They come out to play at 6am (when I wake up) and automatically return to their coop at around 5pm every night. All i need is to close the gate and lock it up. (never forget this!)
        4) The coop should have windows so you shouldn't have to worry about ventilation. Naturally, it should be open though.

        PS here's a picture of 3 of my girls roaming the backyard http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/2966…

        Chickens are a very fun pet for the backyard. If you have kids, they will love it! You no longer need to buy pesticides to control the slugs and you end up with free fertilizer.

        • +1

          Thanks for the reply. Together with yourother comment I think I have enough info, I think this might work for me

        • +5

          @ Grasstown. Chickens are nearly blind at night and will always huddle next to each other at night for warmth. They are light sleepers but rarely move at night unless there is a perceived threat.

          Another thing, you don't have to let them out in the yard every day. I let mine out because I reckon the eggs taste different between those that are in the coop all day and the ones that are out foraging all day long. Just as long as they have enough space to run around without bumping into each other and they'll be fine. Just make sure the chicks you're getting a similar age, and you do some background research on the breed that you want. Best start off with something doable such as a 18-22 week pullet (roughly a months before they lay), and start with an easy breed such as Australorps or (my fav) light sussex.

      • +3

        They aren't meant to live in this coop, it's for them to sleep in at night and a place for them to lay eggs. At night they will roost on a beam. They definitely need to roam free during the day. They would most probably die if they were locked up in this during hot days in summer.

        • +4

          This is enlightening. I always thought Chicken Run was merely a movie title.

        • Yeah thanks, I've stayed briefly with a couple of people's whose coups are much bigger and I was wondering if it was too small to lock in at night, but I guess they dont need to move at night. If I create a small run ( a few metres) against the fence, is 30 mins of open yard time a day enough? I'm thinking an enclosed run about the size of the runs on bonefidos site.

        • +5

          people's whose coups are much bigger

          Overthrew a whole government perhaps? :)

        • +3


    • +4

      WOW…that is some information on chickens…I only know two types…Portuguese grilled chicken and Charcoal chicken…

    • +2

      Thanks for taking the time to educate us all! Greatly appreciated :)

      • +1

        Thanks for taking the time to educate us

        UR slipping oztrez

        Shirley you meant eggucrate !



        • +2

          I'm trying to be quick because having trouble eggsplaining the amount of time I'm spending on here!

  • +1

    Fits 2-3 chickens..

    How many cats you reckon I could fit in there?

  • +1

    Would this be good for a rabbit?

    • +2

      No. Rabbits would have no use for the nesting box or the roosting branches. Most city councils also forbid keeping rabbits in unenclosed areas so you will need a hutch with a run (wires etc), given that they are technically a pest.

      • or the roosting branches


    • Do they lay eggs?

      • +11

        Yeah, rabbits lay eggs, but only at Easter!!!

  • So, how do chickens get pregnant?

    • +4

      ask your mum & dad…

      • +1

        Unfortunately, they aren't chicken breeders :(.

        • +2

          Actually, there are a lot of chicken breeders out there lol. Check various forums and that, most of them sell fertile eggs though.. which is a major pain if you have don't have an incubator. Some sell day old chicks (again, another pain because then you will need to buy heating lamps). But either way you have to travel to rural areas because of council regulations against keeping roosters in surburban neighbourhoods.

  • +3

    Thank god. I've been hanging out for a cheap chicken coop for ages.

    • +3

      When Harvey Norman BiG BUYS first launched, the most commonly asked question was "Where are the chicken coops?"

  • +3

    Kudos @ur2dads for the information on chickens.

    Random bargain leads to some pretty cool knowledge :)

  • +2

    As a chook owner I say - STAY AWAY FROM THIS RUBBISH!!!!!

    These prefab chook coops are cheap, nasty and toxic Chinese rubbish that won't last more than a year before they warp out of shape and rot away

    You can build your own for the same price using better wood from Bunnings

    • +1

      I disagree. Our toxic cheap rubbish coop is still going fine and shows no sign of wear. Maybe there's different quality coops.

      There is NO WAY you could make this yourself for the money.

  • Oh wow I always wanted a chicken coop! :D

  • +1

    This is an average deal on a basic model. Before you buy, I suggest peeps do a quick eBay search and you'll find lots more from reputable local sellers.

    For around the same money delivered you can get one with a wire enclosure as well.

    Not a bad deal if you only deal with Hardly Normals though.

    This is what we bought…


    • +1

      Can I jump in here and just mention that this coop is essentially the model up from ours. Both great products and if you need a wire enclosure and don't want to make one this is a great option!

  • +4

    Now all I need to do is find out the 11 secret herbs and spices from the Colonel and I'll have my own free-range KFC!

    • +1

      Infuse the 11 herbs and spices into the chickens from birth!

      • I think you're onto a winner there though I thought GM food was frowned upon. You'd have the awesome KF taste without the grease too.

  • I have been looking at getting a chicken coop for a couple of months now and a friend recommended this place:


    She bought the 'Cluck Med'. It is $160 in September which is apparently $100 off. If you have it delivered to a business address - delivery is free!

    We talked about whether it is better to have chickens not exposed to the ground (and rising damp) - but apparently the chickens sleep on the perch - so not such a big deal.

    The other thing she said was you only really need one nesting box for two chickens - they just take turns and don't really sit there all day.

  • +5

    This is the funniest post and replies I have read in Ozbargain in a long time. I was +1 nearly every comment. Who knew there was such interest in chicken farming amongst the OB community. I thought you were all tech geeks ;)

  • +4

    Thanks OzB for the most entertaining list of comments I've seen in a long time. This product was intended to be a nice, niche slow product for a day when we had a bunch of other things to work on and has ended up a little more popular. I'll go through and answer questions now if there are any with as many chicken and egg puns as I can come up with

    • .

      Edit: Damn, beaten to the punch!

      • +3

        I was going through doing a few but it felt a bit eggstravagant so I stopped.

    • +3


      Toooo many eggsruciating puns.



  • Hold on… AMD Laptop deal or a chicken coop? hmmm…difficult choice…

  • I tought to use it as a dog house :)

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