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[NSW] Pace Farm Cage Eggs 12pk/500g $0.99 @ Costco Marsden Park (Membership Required)


Saw this as Costco Marsden Park, maybe available in other locations.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      Here's a question for chicken eaters

      Killing a animal that only knows isolation and bad conditions and gets culled.


      Culling an animal that thinks life is amazing then finally meets their demise.

      P.s I can see how eating organic eggs is probably better for the hens. But I think it shouldnt be organic vs caged egg battle. It should be more of a eating eggs vs not eating eggs at all.

  • +6

    Not everyone can afford the extra of paying for free range eggs.

      • +5

        Thays definitely not the same logic

        Saving money on cage eggs is the same as stealing eggs?

        This is getting funny now

        • Is the same thing. Caged eggs are unethical and stealing is unethical. Just because you can't afford ethical eggs doesn't mean ethics should go out the window. There is no human entitlement to having eggs.

          • @PainToad: Having access to affordable food (not free food) is a basic human right.

            Article 25.
            (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

            • @whooah1979:

              Having access to affordable food (not free food) is a basic human right.

              Access to affordable food doesn’t mean all food needs to affordable to everyone. There are many other options for food sources besides eggs.

              • @PainToad: This deal is priced at $1.98 per kg of food.

                The free range version is $3.98 per kg.

                That makes this deal an affordable source of food which in this case happens to be eggs.

                • @whooah1979: Again, there are others sources of food that are adorable that doesn’t involve the torture of animals.

                  • @PainToad: Ok.

                    People want to eat English breakfast. Please name one alternative to eggs with the same taste and texture. How about an egg and bacon McMuffin?

                    • @whooah1979:

                      People want to eat English breakfast.

                      You said having access to affordable food was a human right, no where did it say that food had to be an English breakfast. Your argument is falling apart.

                      • @PainToad: What?

                        It is unreasonable for Article 25 to list every meal known to us.

                        I used English breakfasts and McMuffins as examples where eggs are used.

                        This deal is now over. So I'm out but will be back for the next egg deal.

      • +5

        just stop.

      • Applying human construct on animal, not that it is a bad thing, although animal won't understand, but point is not everyone can do so.

    • +7

      We go through 3 to 4 boxes of eggs per week. That's a hell of a saving per week which pays for bread and milk.

    • +2

      You either shouldn't eat eggs at all then and I'm sure people can afford the extra 2 dollars to not support unnecessary suffering of animals.

      • This is a first world problem. We are extending human construct beyond what it should be. No a bad thing but just saying that not everyone has the luxury to do so.

  • +5

    I don't agree with those who still consider this a "bargain" whilst acknowledging how cruel keeping chickens in cages is.

    Would you hold the same opinion if this was a post about $0.99 t-shirts produced by children kept in cages?

    • +9

      Please provide a link to these cheap shirts you speak off… I need a few.

    • Your theory doesnt make sense
      No children producing t-shirt

      Also, killing the chicken is cruelty or not?
      Do you eat chicken?

    • This may sound harsh but let's look at it objectively. The animals that are in cages get absolutely nothing out of it. Child labour on the other hand provides them with income albeit very little.

      You have to ask yourself then, what's the alternative for them, where is the money coming from to support them in a developing country? There's a reason why you don't see child labour in wealthy countries. And that's not because they have higher morals.

      • You're completely missing my point.

        This has absolutely nothing to do with what anyone/anything "gets out of" being a party to such an arrangement, nor was it meant as a literal example.

        If humans could produce eggs there would be uproar if they were forced to be confined to cages for their entire lives.

        • +1

          A case of bad analogy then.

  • +6

    Don't want to knowingly buy products as a result of other creatures suffering. Caged eggs should have been banned already.

    • -2

      Think of all the people caged up in isolation now. We need to ban isolation too I guess.

  • +9

    People complain they have to stay in their nice home for a month or few but can still while still being able to leave to go to work and exercise
    Just imagine being stuck in a cage your whole life!

    • -1

      I shudder to imagine myself being killed for food too. So does that mean I should stop eating meat?

  • +5

    I love cage eggs, they taste better for some reason. I hope people who neg. this should look at themselves

    • +1

      I negged this post and your comment. Read my comment above and then let me know how I should 'look at myself'?

  • +4

    While there are legitimate discussions about the consumption of animal products, inhumane conditions like this are unnecessary, and give rise to diseases like the one we're currently dealing with.

    • +1

      Way to twist the narrative to your agenda mate.

      • -1

        Factory farming is equally responsible for disease as wild meat consumption.

  • +3

    coming in for the debate. Leaving for my lunch.

  • +9

    My frypan does not discriminate.

  • +2

    I love how you guys have somehow linked caged eggs and covid19 let me know if you want a reference to the WHO.

    • -3

      the cages is where the coronavirus come from, and it went from the small cages to the bigger cages and to the world.

  • +6

    Cage eggs? Could be free and I still wouldn't get it nor support it.

    • +3

      Nice story. You should write a book. Be an interesting read.

  • +8

    If only people give the same care to humans as they are to cage animals!

    • +2

      well said.

  • +2

    Caged eggs. Yuk!

  • +2


  • +4

    how do you propose feeding 7 billion people, dear entitled first world citizens?. It is easy to be super nice when you live in massive continent with unlimited resources only with 20 million other people.

    • So are u saying we should be cruel cos we can? Or cos others do?

      • +6

        no, he's saying that the cruelty is necessary to feed the billions. If you farm all chickens free range, there'd not be enough space for the 24 billion chickens needed.

        Some people can afford free range. It's good that they do. But i do not mark anyone down for their desire to be as efficient with their money as possible.

        • +1

          I am sure planet earth is big enough to accommodate 24 billion chickens but still it wouldn't be so cost-effective and practical.

  • +7

    Boycott cage eggs.

    • +2

      By boycotting cage eggs you're raising prices of eggs and reducing amount of quality unprocessed nutritious food and main source of protein available for children in poor and low income families. So basically you're choosing chicken welfare over children's health. Still think you're a better person by doing it?

      • +2

        Not to be rude, but from that statement, economics isn’t something you’ve learned much about. Boycotting something does not equate to prices rising. If anything, in the long term, prices will stay the same due to lower production, to meet but not exceed demand. Or, it will reduce prices due to a demand decrease but no equivalent production decrease.

        Highly bioavailable proteins don’t just come in the source of tortured chicken eggs - which in addition, many studies have shown have less nutritional value. That’s not ‘quality’ nutrition. If you’re relying on eggs as a staple and they’re expensive, find other protein sources, not at the expense of ethics. That’s a reflection on you as a person.

        There is a myriad of whole protein sources to choose from, so much so, that I don’t really feel this point even needs to be expanded upon.

        Justifying cruelty and these conditions is not good for the animals, not good for the environment and good for disease transmission.

        • +3

          Except that it does equate to prices rising. If you remove caged eggs from market by boycotting them so called free-range eggs would not become cheaper because they're presumably more expensive to produce.

          And no, there's is no "myriad of whole protein sources to choose from" at all.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: they are talking about using other proteins, like lentils or soy proteins. I don't think they are as nutritionally good as chicken (and their eggs).

            It's good for someone to buy free range/cruelty-free food, but the majority of people cannot afford that. I would not look down on anyone who chooses to use the lowest cost, most effective source of food they can buy.

      • Yes. Other cruel free sources of cheap nutrition.

        • +1

          Like.. vegans?

          • @[Deactivated]: As long as they are free range

            • +1

              @jaypeee: and grass fed. Which they presumably are.

  • +16

    ozbargain not ozethics

    • +3

      Ethics is fine, the neg votes are invalid based on the official guidelines.

      No explanation of the vote:
      “Not a bargain”
      “I don't like this deal”
      “I don't think it's a good deal”
      “No deal/Not a deal”
      “No Thanks”
      “Not much of a bargain, a mere promotion”
      “This is marketing” or “Marketing”
      “Weird looking website” (Nothing to do with the deal)
      “What's good about this”
      “This is an awful deal”

      Not liking caged eggs is literally not liking the deal as the deal is for caged eggs.

      Using ethics to justify the negs has nothing to do with the deal.

      • "Not liking caged eggs is literally not liking the deal as the deal is for caged eggs."

        That's a non sequitur and a very flawed logic. Think about vegans negging all deals about goods with animal proteins in them.

        • Well, in the scenario above, it is not. This is a deal for caged eggs. To go into a deal for caged eggs and saying its not a deal because it is caged eggs…

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: You don't seem to understand what "deal" is. I can recommend you a good reading - https://www.amazon.com.au/Trump-Art-Deal-Donald-J-ebook/dp/B…

            • +3

              @[Deactivated]: The context of deal in this scenario is the lowest price for an item. Unless you can find an equivalent or better product for the same or lower price, this is a "deal".

              • +1

                @[Deactivated]: Never mind, I misread you statement. I actually agree with you.

  • +6

    So many invalid neg votes.

    I personally do not buy caged nor "free range" above 2,000 hens per hectare but that doesn't make a good deal any less of a deal.

    I hope mods clean up the invalid negs.

    • Agreed.

      I won't buy caged eggs for ethical reasons, and I'm happy to discuss the ethics, but this is a valid bargain by OzBargain rules, so I won't neg it even though I don't like it.

  • +2

    Caged eggs are no deal at any price

    • +8

      If free ranged were cheaper, people would buy them. They are not , hence this is a deal.

      Not everyone has cash to splash on "ethical" products.

  • +8

    Eggs are eggs. We just bought 3 packs.

    (profanity) the haters. Caged eggs are cheap, thats what we buy!

  • I'm a chicken

  • +2

    This is ozbargain. Make them the same price and I'll buy free range. Until then, I'll buy whatever cheapest

  • -1

    Imagine posting a bargain just to be controversial.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxvQPzrg2Wg&t=30s
    Sorry but its not that i want trying to force my belief to someone else, but i do believe as a human we have some sort responsibility to this planet.
    If we want to consume something, please do responsible consume.

  • -1

    Before you buy, read this:

    "Customers of Costcos spend their lives in artificially lit surroundings designed to maximise buying activity. Each customer has anywhere between 3 and 20 co-shoppers sharing an aisle. Depending on their body size, the number of customers per aisle, or in which jurisdiction they reside, each customer can be allocated space less than that of an A4 sized piece of paper. This is insufficient room to act on natural instincts and behaviours like wing flapping, grooming, preening, stretching, foraging and dust bathing."

  • +9

    How does it matter if it is caged or not? Eating chicken is also a Cruelty then… Good deal OP.. !!!

  • +2

    I used to work in the poultry industry and all these free range lovers dont know is chickens have herd mentality. If the weather is cold and wet during winter, all of them just stay coop up in their cages because of the weather. Same if its too hot and sunny. So the "free range" definition is the amount of available outside space that they theoretically are able to venture but most of the times they just bunch together in their shelter because of outdoor conditions.

    • +1

      This is total bs and sad justification for cruelty to animals.

      • +1

        You are in denial. Every time I have visited a broiler “free range” farm, the chickens were always packed together in the coop because they were more comfortable in there.

  • +12

    It's cute people think they're above others simply because they buy "free range" or "organic free range" eggs when, even in farms that produce those eggs, baby male chicks are ground up alive anyway because they are of no use.

    You absolutely cannot act like you're better than others if you buy eggs in the bloody first place because you're still supporting the industry — which is cruel no matter the type of farm. If you want to do something, eat or buy less eggs. Like one carton a month. Go egg free if you are so noble.

    Disclaimer: I buy so-called "free range" eggs but I don't act as if I'm above others because I pick up one carton instead of another. I know that buy buying eggs I contribute to a cruel industry — but at least I have the balls to recognise it.

  • +3

    what a morality show here

  • +3

    Even on a bargain site, cage eggs should be a no-go.

  • Is that milk behind the eggs just sitting there at room temperature?

    • +1

      I think both eggs and milk are kept in the refrigeration room.

  • +3

    I am against caged eggs and would never eat our buy them, but when did posting deals OzBargain become political. Isn't that what the forums are for?

  • +5

    So many people suddenly jump on their moral high horses because they don't support cruelty.

    If that is the case ban all iPhones deals because they are made in China with forced/child labour which also constitutes cruelty.

    If you want to be ethic warriors then be consistent across everything you use in life, don't just selectively target certain products. Bunch of hypocrites.

  • If you're dyslexic Pace Farm reads as "Face Palm." That is all.

  • +5

    Guys as interesting as this debate is, let’s remind ourselves of the voting guidelines.

    These are the 3 reasons for an appropriate use of negative vote.

    *Cheaper price elsewhere
    *Issue with product (It does not work the way it should / It has been recalled)
    *Issue with retailer

    • +2

      Exactly. These negs are invalid. 99c for a carton of eggs is a good deal.

      People negging are bringing the whole ethics debate into it.

  • +4

    'they must grow up in better conditions so we can eat tastier animal food'

    they say this and they are the ones who are ethical. lol. beyond ridiculous.

  • +1

    cruelty is never a bargain

  • After reading the comments I decided to switch to free range only.

  • +3

    Hey, guys criticising all of us that buy cage eggs?

    See that phone your using to post, or that computer your using to access ozbargain.com.au, all the parts were madw by 6 year old kids in some chinese factory.

    See those plants you're eating? They had feelings, and you just went and killed them…

    Animal rights activists are the most hypocrotical SOBs

  • +2

    The conditions chickens are kept as caged layers are atrocious. If you willingly know the conditions they are housed for their entire laying life and still choose those eggs I worry about your morals and affinity for life.

  • +1

    well this escalated quickly

  • +3

    I'm surprised all of you are negging this post, when this deal that isn't environmentally friendly at all, got zero negs.

    • Maybe its because the environment has no feelings.

    • +2

      Cognitive dissonance is strong.

  • +2

    If only they put pictures of the chickens on those farms at the top of cartons for people to make an informed choice

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