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[NSW] Pace Farm Cage Eggs 12pk/500g $0.99 @ Costco Marsden Park (Membership Required)


Saw this as Costco Marsden Park, maybe available in other locations.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I wish I could down vote this as they are caged eggs.

  • +2

    Someone should post a gun deal next to add more fuel to this fire.

  • +2

    Covid 19 should have given all of us feeling of caged living. No one should ever be caged. Its completely inhumane.

    • +1

      Ok.. so does that mean it's inhumane to jail people then?

    • +1


  • +2

    In line with all the negs here, I can’t get behind caged eggs in 2020. Let’s try and do better. We’ve got 3 chooks in our pen at home and they’ve all got their own personalities which is quite funny. Would hate to think about putting them in a tight cage to churn out eggs.

  • +2

    Nice price. So many people here with first world problems…

    So many problems in the world right now, caged chickens should be the least of your worries.

    • +3

      Copout nonsense, just because you don't give a shit doesn't mean something doesn't matter

      • Everything matters, it's a question of how much it matters.

        There are so many other bigger problems out there, giving a shit about how a chicken lives its life should be near the bottom of your list.

  • +5

    I’m surprised caged eggs are still legal. I wouldn’t care if they were free, I would still pay to eat free range.

    • +2

      Nice posturing. Wonder would you maintain it if you only could afford caged eggs. Of course you will answer yes. And of course you know that it is not true.

      • I love this thread and I tend to agree with you

        Some people have morals of convenience, put them in a difficult situation and see if they stick to them

  • +2

    Sad that caged eggs are still a thing.

  • +5

    Just for curiosity, which is more cruel?

    Giving a chicken no hope for the whole life.
    Giving a chicken a bit of freedom and steal it in the end.

  • +3

    If you think farming chicken eggs using intensive methods is unethical just wait until you work out what's happening to dairy cows.

  • +1

    Caged or not, it is incredibly cruel.

  • mirror mirror on the wall..

    caged eggs..
    uncaged eggs..

    caged humans in covid19..
    uncaged humans before covid19..

    cooked live animals..
    cooked dead animals..
    eat animals..


    no economy..
    green planet..
    vote greens.. :)

    many bigger than eggs caged or uncaged,
    but 99 cents sold, is better than waste food for families..

    how many eggs to get a costco membership and drive down..
    TLDR, next..

  • +1

    I used to be a free range human

  • Did anyone notice the print on top of the eggs is the same for any kind of eggs? So how to be sure free range is really what it promises?

  • +2

    What kind of trashy low lives buy cage eggs still in this day and age. If this is you, you should be ashamed of yourself.

    • +3

      Whats is wrong with cage eggs?
      Your comment is more trashy than cage eggs

    • +1

      Many Australians cannot afford to buy free range eggs. Calling them trashy says more about the person that is doing the name-calling then them.

  • +6

    I love how some ppl get so upset over caged chickens but happily support every deal contributing to our manufacturing moving over to 3rd world sweatshops. Many of us here can't afford the latest iPhone produced by some 8yo on slave wages, nor can we afford to be picky about how we source our eggs. I tip my hat to those who purchase more ethically produced eggs as you're doing the world a service, just don't look down on those of us who simply can't afford that luxury, it's hurtful pointing out this type of class gap.

  • +2

    Lol. Why tf you guys care on what we buy? We love caged eggs. Its cheap. Why we’re here at Ozb. O wait, are you the same **** I saw at westfield sydney?


  • +7

    For those that are deadly serious about avoiding cage eggs at all costs here's a little list of foods that use cage eggs for you to also boycott. Courtesy of an egg allergy sufferer in the family:
    Crumbed/battered products (check label)
    Patties, burgers, sausages (check label)
    Meatloaf, meatballs
    Processed/sandwich meat (check label)
    ‘Aussie’ pizza, pizza/burgers ‘with the lot’
    Salad with egg/some dressings (check label)
    Bakery items, some bread, rolls, buns, pretzels
    Fresh pasta and some noodles (check label)
    Fried rice and noodles
    Some custard (check label)
    Pudding, mousse, ice cream, soft serve, gelato, sorbet
    Lemon butter
    Meringues, pavlova, soufflés, flans and tarts
    Cakes, cake mixes, muffins, slices (check label)
    Buns, doughnuts, pastries, biscuits (check label)
    Cream puffs, chocolate éclairs
    Waffles, pancakes, pikelets, French toast
    Chicken and sweet corn soup
    Soup with added pasta or noodles containing egg
    Creamy dressing e.g. coleslaw, Caesar
    Mayonnaise, hollandaise, béarnaise, tartare, other sauces
    Marzipan, some lollies (check label)
    Marshmallow, nougat
    Some dips (check label)
    Health food/fruit bars (check label)
    Lemon butter

    Enjoy the new diet!

    • +1

      So basically the only thing that they can eat that animal cruel free is steamed rice.

    • +2

      Exactly, self righteousness at it's highest in this thread. They just choose the cage-egg debate to make themselves feel good.

      • +1

        Virtue masturbation?

  • +2

    Anyway, deals over. All those that negged and did nothing else, enjoy eating fish from trawlers that kill the seabeds, beef that contribute to global warming, participating in Melbourne Cup etc.

  • Caged eggs are like prostitution. If government still allow it, it will exist no matter what we say.

  • I'd rather go hungry than eat caged chicken eggs.

    • +1

      Mate, have you ever been fungry?

      If I miss lunch, I could eat a pangolin…

      (Too soon?)

    • +3

      I really really want you to be hungry and starved for weeks with only cage egg to survive with

  • +4

    Morals aside, a deal is a deal. Simple fact. Negging based on self beliefs and personal views is not how ozbargain works and those who have negged are just triggered by the content of the deal.

    It's like those posts of religion based deals such as that bookstore that always pops up. Atheists and agnostics don't go in and neg those deals. They may comment, but they don't neg.

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