Buying re-usable facemask?

I have the single use one from amazon:…

However, would be good to know from where people buying their reusable ones and what to look out for in terms of specs. Some say anti-pollution.


  • As this is Ozbargain, you could consider making face masks from bras.…

  • What purpose will it be used for?

  • Look on Youtube. There should be videos on how to make your own masks. Two or 3 lays of 100% cotton cheap from Lincraft / Spotlight plus some elastic would work. Way cheaper than disposables or purchased reuseables.


    According to LaBrot, a surgical mask (that’s not an N95) only filters out about 60 to 65 percent of particles, which is normal for this type of mask. He explains that by using doubled up 600-thread count pillowcases or flannel pajamas, you could make a mask that provides up to 60 percent filtration.

  • +1

    I’ve also seen people recommend using a piece of paper towel in between two fabric layers, as an extra filter. After use throw the paper towel away and wash the mask.

  • +2

    Some swimwear stores now sell face mask e.g. K Lee Designs ( Fabric face mask is better as you won't compete with medical staff for surgical mask and you can also re-use the fabric ones. Some fabric mask comes with filter and some don't. Also Sea Jewels swimwear (

  • are they really effective ? couldn't find any standard they comply to in your link.

    • Depends what OP is using them for

    • i just meant things like N95 requirements. Its not clear whether it is a must have as you see conflicting recommendations.

  • +2

    I've been using home-made reusable masks since beginning of March. In my opinion they last only 10 weeks, before theyve really had enough.
    Do pick up the skill in making your own. Go to Uni-qlo, buy a 'cooltech' undershirt in the largest size you can find, and use it (or similar fabric) to make your own reusable masks. Thick, hot fabric is not recommended. they got hot and irritating quickly and easily.

    • +1

      Yeah and if you wear glasses, the steam up is very irritating as well

  • Just about any sort of mask is effective at reducing the transmission of covid-19 from you to other people by eliminating any droplet transmission. So everyone wearing masks is great. Not so great if people keep touching the inside of their mask and then touching other objects.

    If you want to reduce picking up the virus then either:

    1. Practice social distancing and social isolation along with frequent hand washing and never touch your face.

    2. Wear full ppe and be trained in how to use it.

    … #2 is impractical outside a work situation as you won't have a ppe station and will cross contaminate. Ie. Every time you interact with another person or a shop and then interact with personal items (eg. Car/phone/home/food) you have to put on and then take off fresh ppe.

    Source: I'm a hospital doctor trained in ppe.

  • Thanks a lot. Above are great ideas and i didn't realise there were so many alternatives. Does anyone have recommendation of buying as well. This i need to buy online for my parents.

  • Merged from Reusable Face Masks - What Kind/Cost?

    With Melbourne going badly in covid numbers, the advice seems to be shifting that we should wear masks. I've been holding off until now as all comments were that supply was needed for healthcare workers etc.

    See e.g.…

    Can anyone recommend a particular mask/stockist/cost? I was initially looking for disposable surgical masks, but the article suggests that reusable masks might be a better option.

    • +1

      Nothing stopping you making your own, if you want to follow the lead of overseas countries / people.

    • -4

      Just be aware that all the advice is the reusable style masks offer little to no protection as they lack required filters etc

      • +2

        Any bit of fabric that blocks saliva particles from exiting your mouth offers protection. They just vary in effectiveness.

      • Heard expert say that homeland ones are up to 70% effective…. and of course no more Ned Kelly beards ;)

      • If you fine a pattern that allows you to put in paper towel as an added filter, then they’re much more effective.

    • An extract from the current Victoria briefing (where masks are now requested to be worn):
      "Premier Andrews said home-made masks and scarves would be acceptable. People over 18 are being asked to wear them in public if they cannot adhere to social distancing rules."

      • +2

        I am not saying do not wear them
        i am saying do not expect them to work in the way a surgical or filtered mask would

        • But Mr Andrews said it would be ok?

          • @Lichen6420: It would be OK. The goal is risk reduction for others and yourself, not complete risk elimination (which is not possible anyway).

      • +1

        recommendation not a requirement

        the gloves is what really grinds my gears.

    • -1

      Contact a person with a 3dprinter

      • …person with a 3dprinter

        An I the only one that read .. person with a sphincter?

        • Yes.

          • @Daabido: well…what can i say? lockdown 2.0 must be getting to my head! =/

    • +1

      If you are most concerned about effectiveness - cycling antipollution masks are generally fabric with replaceable filters
      e.g. (you can get these cheaper if you buy from overseas - timing would be the issue)

      If your key priority is low price, and in stock, Cotton on sell masks now


      Haven’t ordered from them before.
      These masks have in built filter.

    • Wonder how many 'different' people will take this as a chance to twist it and start wearing gimp masks LMAO
      but officer- its reusable…

    • +2

      The easiest no sew diy face mask I found is

      Quick Cut T-shirt Face Covering (no sew method)…

      see also…

    • Did you miss the forum post from 9 days ago?

      Edit: you can take a look at some underwear stores, like these:
      Obviously Apparel ($15)
      Dugg ($10)

    • +2

      Go to Spotlight / Lindcraft. Buy $2/m cotton material + elastic. Thread and needles. Make your own, it is a lock down you got plenty of time.


    • is this a good brand ? anyone?

  • +1

    There is also FloatPac who sell cotton masks (pleated and fitted) and even silk masks for when you want to impress. Made in Australia.

    • +1

      Don't buy from these guys! They do not respond to any emails after requesting for a refund. they sent 3 masks from 4 we ordered. See all the google reviews on numerous disappointed customers.

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