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AirAsia Kuala Lumpur to Gold Coast $98 AUD Incl Taxes (60% off) ONE WAY + More


Found this amazing price when I was planning my own trip to Bali.

Flight out: Gold Coast - Kuala Lumpur = $199 AUD
Flight back: Kuala Lumpur - Gold Coast = $98 AUD

Note: Flights from Melbourne, Perth and Darwin didn't seem to be on this sale. Also be aware that there is also a credit card fee and conversion fee usually from the banks which from memory is a couple percent of the total price.

So essentially you can get a nice cheap trip to Kuala Lumpur for $297 AUD Return. I am not sure how long it is valid for but I usually find they last for a couple days. There are already a bunch of cheap flights to Europe and other parts of Asia from Kuala Lumpur. So check it out and hope someone else snaps an OzBargain.

Dates: 7 Feb - 22 May (As far as I looked)
Excludes: Checked luggage, food and premiums.

MOD: Prices in title and description include tax and converted to AUD. It was also mentioned the idea of a 28 degrees card to get around the credit card fee, but I'm not clear on how this works if someone wants to explain. Thanks for the feedback.

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closed Comments

  • Great deal, but can't find any return flights for $58 :(

    Maybe they're all sold out already?

    • I was on the other day and saw some for that in early April. The trick is to search ONE WAY not return and you get cheaper fares. Also http://www.airasiaplus.com is a great site. Searches 15 day lots.

  • Return flight is 299 MYR including tax & surcharges.

    • Deceptive to list price without taxes in Australia! Best to change title! (reported)
      au$55 (176MYR) is for single KL-GC flight PLUS TAXES!
      Airport Tax 53MYR
      Fuel Levy 70MYR
      My search showed single flight was au$93 (299 MYR)!
      Still a great deal.

      • Since there is no deal at the price in title, prices without taxes are not allowed to be promoted in Australia, and return flight was being listed at single flight cost above, thought it was best to clear that up as quckly as possible. But some people would neg anything! LOL

        • +1

          Well I appreciate that people aren't too quick to neg, encourage people to share more OzBargains. The missing taxes have now been added, I didn't realize they were still leaving the tax out from the initial quote.

        • Thanks. Its great to share. Taxes are included when you get a quote FROM Australia (by law I think), but not into Australia. Tax included prices are shown on next window on AirAsia. In future I will check prices back to Oz rather than just selecting a return fare, thanks to your post. Have a great trip!

  • I just checked and KL to Perth from 17 March is only 140 MYR which is about $45

    Edit: left out taxes and charges . ++ without baggage and seating works out at 278 MYR or around A$86 still cheap!

    • +1

      Is that you Ivan Milat? :P

      • -5

        "Monique and Callie Strydom, while vacationing in Malaysia, are kidnapped by a Muslim militant group and held hostage for four months in the Philippines." How come you never see this in the brochures?

        • +2

          This is not anywhere near KL, not worth a mention. Yes I have seen the Banged Up Abroad episode. Yes I have actually stayed at the SAME resort. Yes it is amongst the best diving in the world. Yes the Military do have an increased presence in the area. Could happen anywhere!

        • -5

          Even so, I don't trust the Malaysian army/police to protect me, no thanks. I'll stick to first world countries.

        • +3

          Im not sure whos more thankful: another racist isnt coming or that your thankful that you're not going.

          You obviously didnt understand my first jab - even in australia tourists get murdered, better move to antarctica then. No murders/crimes ever reported, YET.

        • +5

          Mr Z you sir, are an idiot.

        • -5

          I got your comment voter1, as if one lone crazy guy, in one isolated incident, can be compared to a terrorist group with military grade weapons. As if a remote NT highway can be compared to a tourist resort with people around…

        • +1

          Malaysia has a safety rating of "Exercise Caution"

          Almost all other first world country has the same rating, e.g USA, Canada, Denmark, France, Singapore, etc.

          Ah, wait a minute, maybe you're referring to Muslim countries?

          Well Brunei has a higher score on safety than most of the non-muslim countries.

          Hey, looks like other first world countries have worse safety ratings after all, e.g. israel, turkey and Qatar.

          Keep rocking on your paranoia.

        • -4

          Sorry I was thinking of the NT murderer.

        • So which country in the world is free of crime?

        • You're talking about an incident that happened more than 11 years ago?

          But I don't know why you never see this in brochures. Hmm…by your logic, brochures promoting tourism in the US should have pictures of the world trade centre burning, right?

          Also, by your logic, people should avoid going to Japan or Germany, coz, you know, some people died there some time ago.

        • "Malaysia has a safety rating of "Exercise Caution" - yeah right, they only say that because they don't want to upset the Malaysian government by deterring Australian tourists from travelling there. It would be better to go by an independent rating which is not affiliated with the Australian government. Oh, and the fact that you even had to check the travel advice website for Malaysia means you weren't even sure of it's safety yourself.

    • Just checked the website and unfortunately this option is only available if you upgrade to Premium seats!

    • Lets for a moment disregard that this is a one off event. Do you realise that Kuala Lumpur is almost two hours by air from said island of kidnappers (off the coast of Kota Kinabalu, which is on the North portion of the Borneo island)?

      Oh, and everything you hear and watch on TV is the absolute representation of normal life. I'm going to hazard a guess that TT/ACA is probably your most watched shows as well.

  • I'm curious how much this ends up being after all the conversion fees, reasonable baggage and food. Anyone have an estimate?

    • Gold Coast to KL = $200 ticket + $70-100 tax + $20-50 food and fee.
      KL to Gold Coast = $60 ticket + $40-70 tax + $10-30 food and fee.

      So look like you gonna cost $400-500 for return trip. Not too bad for the price since it still less than standard price. Wonder when they will have another, "you pay ticket and we'll pay tax" promotion again.


      • au$199 GC-KL includes taxes
        KL-GC is plus taxes making it au$93
        food is very cheap if booked ahead ($3.50 last year)
        plus Baggage fees (pretty cheap) & cheap transfers to KL by bus
        So about $350 return from Gold Coast.

        You can stay cheap in a basic bungalo by the beach cheap, but booze is expensive
        (and as Muzzamo helpfully suggests - a 28Degress credit card takes care of extra costs like conversion & overseas transaction fees, and useful if you load your own money to use in ATMs there for free! see under Forums)

  • +1

    Damn, I just booked last week for 199 + 169 or so. Oh well! :(

    • I would not have thought of checking price from Malaysia.
      Thanks op! It is good to learn from others.
      Strange it is much cheaper to book 2 single tickets than a return. It would cost $76 less.
      I would have done the same as you. Just enjoy it!

  • +1

    most ozbargainers would be avoiding the credit card conversion fee using a 28 degrees mastercard or similar.

  • How the hell does one get USD$58 from KL to GC?? I've tried many searches and no such result shows.

    And how is USD$199 from GC to KL possible? I can only find AUD$199

    • +1

      simple - op made a mistake by forgetting to include taxes in KL-GC flight!
      And quoted in usd! We all make mistakes.
      But still 1/2 price on way back. But was so much cheaper last year.

  • If Air Asia ever start flying out of Sydney the other airlines may as well pack up and go home :)

    • I really hope Air Asia will fly from Syd or Jetstar fly Syd-KL it again.

  • Has anyone else had problems trying to pay in the malaysianian site? I've tried to pay twice now and each time I get an error message at the end :(

    • Yes I tried several times last night - the bank direct debit only offered a Paypal option and that didn't work anyway (error messages)- when I tried to pay by credit card (+3%)using Firefox and the SMS security number I got a security risk certificate error - I telephoned them and waited > 20 mins and when the operator answered I was disconnected after about 15 seconds - so I never completed paying - maybe an omen?

  • I got caught out before when I booked my ticket to Paris next march I didn't take into account the European legs would be extax, I still got a great deal but not the $900 return I was hoping for.

    • what did it end up costing you?

    • I managed $824 return for Melb to Paris in March. Total baggage and meals including each of the legs added on another $135. But yes, it does look fantastic when your booking the KUL-ORY leg, then the taxes come up.

  • found $191 fares for melb to kl all taxes.. baggage not included

    299 ringet kl to melb inc taxes june 2012

    So roughly $350aud return with baggage… or go emirates again for 700-800 aud return.

    • was that only for june 2012?

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