• expired

[WA] $400 Electricity Credit for Every Household @ Western Australia Government


Mr McGowan described cost of living relief for WA families as the “centrepiece” of the Budget and that is headlined by a $400 electricity credit.

Source: as reported by PerthNow

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Western Australian Government

closed Comments

              • @1st-Amendment:

                "the least tax in contrast to their income"
                "find questionable ways to dodge paying majority of it"

                Might do you better working on your comprehension skills rather than wasting time being this salty arguing over a minor inflation relief handout.

                • -3


                  arguing over a minor inflation relief handout.

                  That's not the argument.

                  "the least tax in contrast to their income"

                  But they actually pay the highest percentages of tax. That is the argument.
                  The poorest 40% contribute about 7% whereas the top 10% contribute about 45%. How is 45% less than 7%?

                  • @1st-Amendment: The top 10% do NOT pay 45% of their income.
                    Likewise the bottom 40% don't pay 7% of their income.
                    The fact there is such a disparity displays the massive wealth gap that exists.

                    Personally I accept paying up to 45c / dollar tax, if it means that at least some of it goes to improving education, hospitals and roads.

                    • -2


                      The top 10% do NOT pay 45% of their income.

                      Didn't say they did. The top 10% pay about 45% of all income tax revenue. This means 10% of the population are contributing nearly half to society, while nearly half are contributing almost nothing.

                      The fact there is such a disparity displays the massive wealth gap that exists.

                      You forgot to mention why this is problem. Wealth gaps are a positive sign of a large and free economy. All the poorest and most oppressed nations have the smallest wealth gaps. ie they are all equally poor. Is this what you are trying to sell us?

                      Personally I accept paying up to 45c / dollar tax, if it means that at least some of it goes to improving education, hospitals and roads.

                      And you are welcome to do that, the ATO will gladly accept your donation. Feel free to post a screen shot of your donation so we know you aren't just all talk. But what you are really saying is that YOU want to decide how much tax I pay right? How very socialist of you…always wanting to fix the world by spending other people's money.

                      • @1st-Amendment: Your statement was in regard to "the least tax in contrast to their income" was "But they actually pay the highest percentages of tax. That is the argument. The poorest 40% contribute about 7% whereas the top 10% contribute about 45%. How is 45% less than 7%?"
                        Hence for your response to make any sense, you are responding in relation to the statement about tax in contrast to income. If not, then your argument makes no sense.

                        "But what you are really saying is that YOU want to decide how much tax I pay right?"

                        No. What I am saying is exactly what I said. I personally pay tax because it (theoretically) goes to help those with less than me.
                        I volunteer on the weekend to help out those less fortunate than myself. That's what "I" am passionate about.

                        As for you. What you do is your own business. I personally have nothing but indifference towards your choices.
                        But points to you for your indignation. Again, I really don't care about you or your self righteousness.
                        I am sorry that you are in a situation where you feel that the only person you want to help out is yourself. But again, that's your choice.

                        As for being all talk. Again, I don't care what you think or believe. And I have no intention of divulging my financials to you. Besides, your comments indicate you are self entitled. Hence I have no interest in pandering to you or your needs.

                        • @Tiggrrrrr:

                          If not, then your argument makes no sense.

                          Do you understand how income tax brackets work? The more you earn, the more tax you pay IN_CONTRAST_TO_YOUR_INCOME.
                          So you pay both more in contrast to your income AND you contribute more to society overall. I assumed the first point was a given yet here you are.

                          To demonstrate, a person in the top 10% earns at least $250k/year and would pay at least 35% of their income to the government. The person at the bottom 40% marker earns about $45k and pays 11%. 35% is higher than 11% yeah?

                          Let me know which part of that doesn't make sense to you. I'll volunteer my time to help you with the math…

                          I personally pay tax because it (theoretically) goes to help those with less than me.

                          Do you think the government is better and more efficient at spending your money that you are?
                          Again with an example, the $250k income earner pays nearly $90k in tax. For most small business that is an extra salary, possibly two.
                          Jeff Bezos employs 1 million people. Who do you think has done a better job at helping those 1 million people, him or the government?

                          you feel that the only person you want to help out is yourself

                          Lol, so rather than ask for my opinion to invented one in your head and went with that? Good one…

                          • @1st-Amendment: Where exactly have I refuted your statement about the higher income earners paying more tax? If you can read. Your figures were 45% , now 35% . So I rest my case. Your initial statement was inaccurate or irrelevant to the point.
                            Do you need me to explain the difference between 45% and 35%? Or can you do that yourself Mr. Math?

                            "so rather than ask for my opinion to invented one in your head and went with that? Good one…"
                            Oh you mean exactly what you did? (i.e.: "But what you are really saying is that YOU want to decide how much tax I pay right?")

                            • @Tiggrrrrr:

                              Your figures were 45% , now 35% . So I rest my case.

                              Uh, they are two different figures for two different things. Maybe try reading what is written before typing…
                              One figure (35%) is the percentage of you total income you pay as an individual, the other (45%) is the total contribution as percentage of total tax revenue. Two figures for two different things. This is high school level stuff yet here you are…

                              Oh you mean exactly what you did?

                              Again no. But then reading clearly isn't your thing so not much point wasting any more time on this. Good luck, you're going to need it!

                              • @1st-Amendment: Maybe you need to read.

                                That's not the argument.
                                "the least tax in contrast to their income"
                                But they actually pay the highest percentages of tax. That is the argument.
                                The poorest 40% contribute about 7% whereas the top 10% contribute about 45%. How is 45% less than 7%?

                                Key words "in contrast to their income" and "45%"

                                Hence my point that your rebuttal made no sense.
                                Good luck with your own life mate. You can't even form a consistent argument.
                                Mine has remained the same.
                                i.e. You need to read and understand your own use of language before you respond off the cuff.

      • +3

        Income tax and GST are both payable to the Commonwealth - not the State.

        • True, but gst gets redistributed to the states.

      • -1

        most of the GST comes from WA mining anyway so giving the west aussies a 400 dollar credit on their winter power bill seems fair. We got 600 on our power bills at the start of the pandemic.

        • most of the GST comes from WA

          Here's figures for GST contribution by state from 2018:

          NSW $13.8B
          Victoria $10.6B
          Queensland $5.3B
          Western Australia $2.4B
          South Australia $1.8B
          Tasmania $0.47B
          ACT $0.32B
          NT $0.2B

    • +4

      budget surplus

    • +11

      ""Where's the cash coming from?"" 5.7 billion surplus announced today

      Mark McGowan suspects Eastern States treasurers will be ‘green with envy’ and ‘look like they swallowed a bumblebee’ in response to WA’s near-record $5.7 billion surplus.

      • +9

        Car registration is up 3.8 per cent, drivers licence fees up 6.4 per cent and the Emergency Services Levy up 5 per cent.
        thank you high surplus for extra $400 in electricity account

        • +3

          Yes. Sack the government!

        • +4

          When the $400 electricity bill credit is included, the Budget papers say a typical household basket of public sector goods and services would decrease $243 (3.8 per cent) next financial year.

          So a typical household gets $400 free electricity and saves $243 over the next year

      • Sickens me. Just finished one project on a mi Ne site that is leased to the Chinese. Now lithium mine leased internationally. Even the refinery is leased.

        Title should be. WA sells soul for 5.7 billion.

        • +1

          Hope you feel better soon friend. Maybe a nice credit on your next power bill will cheer you up.

          • +4

            @No: So blind everyone is…

            • +4

              @dickiee: Let's all hate on @dickiee for caring more about the long term prosperity and security of our country than a few crumbs thrown our way.

              It's going to be great when we are just another impoverished pacific island

              • +1

                @[Deactivated]: He didn't care enough to stop working on the project?

                • @Spendmore: @Spendmore:* I did care enough that the Australian owned business I work for and the employees that work there would be affected.

                  The government are the only ones who can make a difference. Clive Palmer party all about Australia first. Yet has a airfield that can land 747s on a Chinese joint venture mine. My dad was on that site for 8 years and some of the stories I heard…

        • -1

          The best thing to do if you feel seek is take small sips of water or herbal tea

    • +3

      Clive Palmer /s.

    • +1

      The printer, dummy

    • +6

      WA has only one company that supply electric, Synergy which charge us around 30c per unit. You could say $400 is a lot but not so much to me if you know how much we pay usually. I guess Synergy alone can pay that alone, just curious, is Synergy 100% own by WA government?

      • +2

        Its like 4 months of electricity for me, probably even more. I say thank you

        • +4

          I appreciate that too, just that eastern states pay less electric bills all the time.

        • +1

          That will probably pay for the oven usage to heat up my chicken tendies.

          • +1

            @Tiggrrrrr: Yeah in this household you're looking at ~4 to 5 weeks of coverage and then it's all gone. I appreciate the assistance with the recent struggles, but long term there's no winning when you factor the increases in for the future.

      • -1

        is Synergy 100% own by WA government?

        Of course not, we can't trust the government to run services and use the proceeds fund other programs. It's much better to privatise them so a corporation can cut services, cut wages and working conditions, and send the profits to their shareholders.

        • +5

          Synergy is 100% government owned btw

          • @Drakesy: I stand corrected!

        • +1

          cut services, cut wages and working conditions, and send the profits to their shareholders.

          I'm pretty sure you're being sarcastic, but you didn't use the /s tag.

          If you were being sarcastic, I agree. For anyone who tells me privatisation is a good idea, I ask them the name just three examples where the outcome was better for the general public. So far, I haven't been told even one example, but it's possible there are some.

    • mining royalties

  • hahahahah!! DAMN IT I GOT IT

  • +1

    Is this per day? I use quite a bit…

  • +10

    Not from WA, but still really like this.

  • -4

    That's a really dumb policy by McGowan. Does nothing to address the issue, just a one time one off payment, that isn't even means tested. So yeah, giving millionaires and mining yuppies $400 really makes a lot of sense, that really going to help lower income and marginalised people deal with the inevitable power price increases over the next 10 years

    • +5

      Bro, stop crying.
      WA is one of the most privileged places i the world, be happy when they give you free money.
      It will always be more expensive after ten years, other countries literally only get higher bills and nothing else

      • +9

        I prefer actual economic policy and planning, not giving money and pretending its some sort of real policy. This isn't the GFC, the state is doing very well atmo. The $500 million should be pumped into solar subsidies, battery projects and other power infrastructure to actually deal with the issue going forward.

        If you want to help people struggling, help them. Don't just throw money at the wall.

        This is the same sort of badly thought out policy the Barnet government used to love, and look where those incompetent idiots got us

        • +3

          Blah blah blah, just enjoy the free money.
          There's still plenty left for dealing with all the issues

        • +3

          Literally everything you've listed they're already doing. This is an "and" situation, not an "or".

        • +4

          They need more than $$$$ to fix the electricity infrastructure.

          Issue is the system can't cope with the copious amounts of energy feeding in and we can't store it yet because batteries are $$$$.

          If battery tech became cheaper and easier to install and maintain, I can envisage local community battery storage units that everyone chips in via their output and then come night time they draw on that power at little cost to them (cost to maintain etc).

          Yes those dollars would be great to go towards that, but when you have people living on basically nothing $400 is a great help right now to help them. It isn't a cash given its paid onto electricity accounts which will help make sure the funds are spent there.

        • +2

          We already have pretty much the highest solar subsidies in Australia you do realise?

          • @Drakesy: The Feed in Tariff (2.75c off-peak) is lower in WA than any other state, though it does vary by provider in some states.

        • +1

          I agree Mate, having a bunch more community batteries can make more of a difference than a one off payment. we need to distribute the load amongst thousands of community battery storage banks, so all that daytime peak generated can be stored somewhere for nighttime/peak use. many better things to spend the money on.

      • +2

        you free money

        I don't think it's free when cost of living on utilities goes up more than $400 a year and your wages doesn't even match inflation.

        • -2

          Lol there’s a war going on that literally has affected the whole world

          • @nikoris: It doesn't matter if it's war, pandemic or anything else that disrupts economy. Excuses for the top 0.01%

            • -1

              @dickiee: You sound like the guy that would complain no matter what

          • +1

            @nikoris: Explain how companies are still making "record" profit if their bottom lines are really effects by this war and the rich getting richer..

            It's funny you are buying into their excuses to rip consumers off.

            • @PuppieWayne: You need to start thinking bro, what ‘companies are making record profit’? Supermarkets? Pharmaceuticals? Who else? How about restaurants and all the small businesses?

              • @nikoris: Yes, you need to start thinking.
                The cost of living we more interested in are the essentials.. such as councils fees, electricity, food etc that you can't avoid pay.
                It's never been about luxuries stuff like handbags or restaurants or that your weed is costing more now, bro.

            • @PuppieWayne: When everyone bets on the favourite horse to win. The odds for it to lose increase. Some pick a horse that might beat the odds.

              Only a few know how to bet on the race to be cancelled.

    • I think he is right about someone swallowing bumblebee.

    • +2

      You do realise it's just a little bit of your money back, right?

      • -1

        What do you mean ‘your money back’? I just came out of a Thai prison, do all countries do that and every year?

    • Deja vu, historic $600 one-off WA Household Electricity Credit on electricity bills to be received from November 1, 2020, helping families ahead of Christmas.


    • Ye let's put $400 in everyone's personal accounts so they can spend it on durrys and bush chooks instead of keeping the lights on hey?

    • +4


      Plenty went to health.

      This will help others pay their bills. If you are on the bones of your arse… $400 is alot.

      • +2

        I know someone who is happy they can put off their power bill so they can buy food and things for their family… To think people are shitting on McGowan for $400 Credit… don't realise how much that is for some families.

    • They are basically trying to fight fire with fire. Free money and stimulus is to blame for inflation in the first place. These free giveaways create more household disposable income in similar sense to a wage rise. Now we go round & round in circles in feeding more & more inflation.

      "The wage-price spiral is an economic term that describes the phenomenon of price increases as a result of higher wages. When workers receive a wage hike, they demand more goods and services and this, in turn, causes prices to rise. The wage increase effectively increases general business expenses that are passed on to the consumer as higher prices. It is essentially a perpetual loop or cycle of consistent price increases. The wage-price spiral reflects the causes and consequences of inflation, and it is, therefore, characteristic of Keynesian economic theory. "

      • +3

        Except the surplus is money the state already had because they balanced their books? Inflation was a result of frydenburg printing billions of dollars

        2 very different things

        • Giving away free money has consequences doesn't matter whether it comes from surplus or by printing more money. Surplus would be better off used on healthcare, education or infrastructure projects, creating jobs and increasing productivity.

          • +1

            @dealhunter52: Complain about the tax cuts that the companies got.

            • @jlogic: I agree with that too…companies that claimed billions in jobkeeper funds while making record profits should be forced to payback with interest.

  • I pay electricity through strata, wondering if they will pass down the credit

    • +3

      They did it last time. It wont be automatic you will have to fill up a form and claim it.

  • +12

    Certainly better than SCUM-O'S $250 for Australia's most financially vulnerable.

    • -2

      He will be next prime minister of Australia.

      • +1

        You forgot the /s

    • +3


    • +1

      The child does not like its bedtime.

      • +1

        I think this is the point.
        Random doesn't want to be treated like a child - like most Western Australians, even the children.

        • +6

          There are basically no restrictions right now. That's why our cases are at a massive peak. What complaint do you or they have, specifically?

          • @DonWilson: Mate, some of us can't work because of his mandates.

            • +5

              @randomvis: What mandates?

              • @Drakesy: You know, the one where you can't work in certain industries if you haven't been vaccinated. Or if you test positive for Covid. Or if you haven't had a flu shot. Or if you wear a tin foil hat. ;)

    • +1


  • +10

    Second time he’s lined our accounts for electricity bills. Having moved here from Melbourne there’s no complaints from me 🤙

    • +4

      Don't tell everyone

    • +7

      User name does NOT check out…

    • +2

      110% agree. He needs to be sacked. I would actually go as far as saying imprisonment

    • +7

      He's spent $3.2 billion on health, they're not missing out.

    • +2

      Say this about McGowan, then what do you have to say about Barnett?

    • Health doesn't need more money
      They need an audit to get them to spend it more efficiently

      Dept of Health is shocking at cash and project management.

    • +2

      How can anyone refute this deal?

      • -4

        He breaches our rights then tries think he can offer cash so we don’t send out lawyers after him in the not to distant future?

        Yeah right. The lawyers will be coming very soon!

        • Again: how can I deny this $400 credit?

        • +1

          Lol. Sure mate.

        • +1

          Lol says the guy from Melbourne

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