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[WA] $400 Electricity Credit for Every Household @ Western Australia Government


Mr McGowan described cost of living relief for WA families as the “centrepiece” of the Budget and that is headlined by a $400 electricity credit.

Source: as reported by PerthNow

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Western Australian Government
Western Australian Government

closed Comments

    • Here here, i will not take this money, send your bank details, I will send you $400 when I get the money.

  • In 50 days? Repost it when it is closer to date lmao

    • You can hit the bell for a reminder

  • +5

    Classic negging from scumdog scomos ghost accounts

    • -1

      Check out the labor fanboy over here

      • +6

        Someone's easy to trigger…

  • +8

    Don't forget to report the conservatives negging the deal for no other reason than politics for a "Invalid Negative Vote"

  • +1

    Hey, I certainly am not going to knock it back - but even me, a pretty staunch conservative - thinks there are much better ways to spend this money, and much more important things this government could be doing with it.

    • +2

      I hear you. However the majority are brainwashed by McGowan.

  • +1

    who doesn't love free money but this just makes inflation worse

  • +1

    some of those savings are from freezing public sector employee wage increases to $1000 per annum since 2017 while our cost of living / property jumps.. good work McClown.. keep granting yourself emergency powers due to our "health crisis due to COVID"… all praise our supreme leader

    • +1

      Vote him out!

  • I'm sure all the multi millionaires will appreciate this too ;)

  • +1

    WTF. Should we let their premier in charge of the country?

    • +3

      Just hand out money is the way to run a country?…

      This my friends, is how politics is so F'd… The whole game is basically just bribe enough dummy's to vote for you and your in.

      • +5

        Ye he's really starting his 2025 state re-election pitch early hey!

  • +3

    Best way to combat inflation…hand out money to everyone

    • +5

      we should give money to rich people only then aye?

      • +2

        Interestingly rich people will tend to save the money, so impact on inflation is minimal.
        Poor people tend to spend, so means tested cash handouts are great for stimulating the economy and have an inflationary risk.

        Note this isn't a statement of support for either action, just economic theory.

        • +2

          Except inflation in this case is from external pressure that neither the low or high income earners can impact in any meaningful way

    • +6

      Should tell Scomo about $250 or better still tell Centrelink stop handing out money to people.

      Gee some people are really swallowing bumblebees (I didn't say that, Marc did).

      • That's not my job

  • -1

    I have a investment unit, do i get the $400 on the IP as well?

    • +2

      Person with the Synergy account

    • It's just a credit off your synergy bill mate, so no.

  • -1

    WA .Is monopoly synergy slyly playing this like all the big boys do. Neighbours , in units here , also scratching heads . Phoned them other day re my high consumption bill . Have you got any new appliances ? I cannot register an online account with them due to having to physically TYPE in my Email and Password in open web page . Cannot paste in from pw manager - not secure and lotta people just use the 1 global password . Maybe bit paranoid but there's a lota cyber going on at present .

    • +5

      I’m still not actually sure what I read, but the issue with not being able to copy & paste is most likely PEBCAK as I have no issues using Synergy’s site with Bitwarden (and before that LastPass).

      • Initial registeration email and password entries will paste but then the confirmations , of both , require physically typing them in . Using kaspersky(shudder) total . Never encountered b4 on any sites. Maybe time for bitwarden anyway . Will pursue thanks .

    • +1

      Must be some good gear eh?

      • No gear unfortunately and been doing fair bit of al-Jazeera lately so yeah heavy Pro.

  • +1

    Wow $400 credit! That’s at least 1 years of electricity if used wisely.

    • the previous $600 credit lasted us half a year. our last 2 bills over the hottest summer ever totalled $500 (synergy estimated the first bill which seemed crazy cheap, then we got a slugging in the next)

      • Actually it seems Western Power estimated everyone bill for December 2021 to April 2022. I guess they didn't have enough Service Stream meter readers. Might be a new cost cutting method. Read meter twice a year.

        Clearly Melbourne Metro Meter Readers get paid more than Perth Metro Meter Readers for the same job. You don't see Tim Pallas complaining about that.

        • What has Western Power got to do with meter reading ?

          • @z28: Please read Synergy website and this will explain what Western Power has to with meter reading.

            Horizon is a little different.

          • @z28: Western Power does everything. Synergy is just a debt collector.

    • Not with over $1 per day in fixed costs. Basically just covers them for 1 year, and you still pay your consumption…

  • Good timing, I've almost used up the $600 from last time.

  • You make all the sacrifices with a smile on your face. Thank you for always being there for my family. We love and appreciate you so much. Thank you Supreme Leader!

  • How does one recieve this…? Will it be credited to the the household's electricity bill or?

  • +1

    thanks McGowan

  • +1

    With the electricity supplier in WA being state owned they have just ensured that no one will be defaulting on their energy bill in the next couple of months. So the government hands out money, that lower peoples cost of living and ends up back in a government run facility. Not a bad trick!

  • Rich state is obvious should be paying more GST share

    • +6

      Lol someone's mad. Cry more

    • +1

      WA actually receives a much lower amount back than it pays per $, than other states.

  • Printing money is the best policy

  • It is time to rebalance the State to State share of GST.

  • +1

    Our State Daddy WILL become our Country Daddy before his career is over. Mark my words and the Pun 😉

    • -2

      I want him OUT

      • +2

        Says the Melburnian who doesn't even live in Perth.

  • Love it, but this seems more like public service announcement than a deal.

  • Da comrade!

  • +4

    Too many haters in this comments.

  • Time to move to Wa and Move back interstate after 50 days

    • +1

      take some time and think it through ;)

  • +3

    This is a total Scam by Premier McGowan, The $400 won't offset the 7.5% increase to car registration, 2.5% to Water, Electricity and Gas and how will this contribute to the 7% inflation the state has?

    Synergy and Verve have combined and are now losing/bleeding money. The amount of defaults happening in the state is out of control. The $400 now will be shown to pay off some of those defaults and will be showing the health of Synergy as better than it actually is.

    If McGowan was true to his word in helping the average WA taxpayer, as Treasurer, he'd have not increased any rates.

    • -1

      Aren't rates Local government.

  • +2

    onya Mark 👍

  • -4

    Mark McClown

    • -1

      Sack him!

  • +1

    Take with one hand and give with the other

  • +1

    Exactly like paying your own bills but with extra steps

  • -3

    This deserves a Negative just for McClown himself

  • Damn Victoria puts this out: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/697758

    WA says,"Hold my beer!"

    Meanwhile in the rest of the country we're shivering and jealous. ;-)

  • -1

    How is this even a 'deal' that ends up on the front page?

    Its WA only, its automatic credit being applied, so no one is going to miss out…… No deal

  • -2

    why does WA get $400 and VIC only $250. Bloody Daniel Andrews :) !

  • +1

    The credit has been applied to both my Synergy accounts, sweet.

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