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Free “We Love Our Medicare” Circle Sticker from Australian Unions


Australian Unions website are giving away free We Love Our Medicare stickers.

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Australian Unions Store

closed Comments

  • +7

    How about a sticker that says "I love my old Medicare number"?

  • -4

    Hmmm, very doubtful bargain, no utility provided

    • Actually you're right. But I guess it's just a free sticker. A crappy deal but technically still a deal.

  • +7

    Is this the Medicare scare again?
    The overpopulation is showing how Medicare is faltering.
    If you can wait to be treated, you’re healthy enough

    • overpopulation


      • +4

        Ugh. Please don't use that word, you're better than that.

    • -1

      I don't have to wait. I go to Bali and pay somebody to carry me and feed me because I'm classless human trash /s

      • So……… you are a Green party voter?

  • +6

    union members are sexy

    • union members are sexy

      Hairy Bear lover?

  • -1

    What's the point of making those stickers???

    • +12

      Gotta spend those members' money on something, I suppose. It can't all go towards electoral campaigns…

    • +2

      so the rent seeking government workers can feel better about themselves when they strike and blackmail the taxpayers.

      • +2

        rent seeking

        What does that actually mean?

        • +4

          Sounds like something landlords do….

        • +2


          Rent-seeking is the act of growing one’s existing wealth without creating new wealth.[1] Rent-seeking activities have negative effects on the rest of society. They result in reduced economic efficiency through misallocation of resources, reduced wealth creation, lost government revenue, heightened income inequality,[2] and potential national decline.

          • +5

            @Rod M: So the coalition party business model.

            • +1


              So the coalition party business model.

              Only if you didn't understand anything he just wrote…

    • triggering you

  • +1

    For reals a bargain?

  • I’m sorry what?

  • +2

    The unfortunate reality that is slowly dawning on governments is that the never-ending spendathon of the last 20 years must now come to a close. Liz Truss ran smack-bang into that reality last week when she unveiled a fantasy plan to cut tax and increase spending. Well that plan lasted all of 5 seconds until Gilts threw a hissy fit and forced the BoE to about-face and crank up the printer again, lol!

    Medicare, just like NHS, is a national treasure. In the sense that everybody and I mean everybody loves it. However, it costs an absolute bomb. As interest rates rise, there will be a choice to make - either Austerity or Weimar World 2.0. There's no other choice. MMT was a fantasy. And 2 decades of China exporting deflation to balance out Western governments deficit spending financed by Quantitative Easing is over now too.

    Faced with that ugly choice between Austerity and Weimar, I choose Austerity. Because last time Weimar created Hitler. And I don't want another Hitler. Inflation is bad. Very bad. Governments must cut spending. And raise taxes. But they can't raise taxes very much as if they raise taxes too much, people will just stop working. So government have to cut spending. A. Lot. Which means Medicare must be pruned back somewhat.


    • +3

      Well said.

      • -3

        The Left wants the whole thing to crash,

        Only when the economy is completely destroyed then they can claim "capitalism does not work" and may be able to get enough public backing to push through their spastic ideas,

        • +10

          Wait….what "left" has been running our economy into the ground for the last decade?

            • +1

              @Rod M: Got it.
              One of those 'the left' that's pretty much just everyone left of your views, rather than aligning with any socially accepted version of local political definitions

              You probably also think the liberal democratic party is left as well…they have liberal in their name, and democrat…..double whammy

            • +11

              @Rod M: Just wait till you hear what North Korea calls themselves

    • +2

      Can cut down military spending then

      • +2

        good idea,

        The west are heading directly into a series of major wars,

        When you are conscripted you can go fight with no proper weapons,

        • +3

          Good thing we are a continent island far away from "the west"

          • +1

            @DrScavenger: The west does not fight wars on its own soil.

            you are easily transported where needed:

            (Boer war, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan)

            • @Rod M: Europe is the west
              That was where a couple of those wars were mainly centred .
              Get your facts straight .

    • Faced with that ugly choice between Austerity and Weimar, I choose Austerity.

      Great way to pummel the poor, enrich the wealthy. Definitely makes for a healthy economy.

      • +1

        | Faced with that ugly choice between going cold turkey and a heroin overdose, I choose cold turkey.
        Great way to experience nausea, anxiety, insomnia, flushes, sweating, muscle cramps, diarrhoea. Definitely makes for a healthy body.

        • +1

          Or we could, you know, cut down on some entitled people's heroin supply that also strips the majority of wealth? Instead of stripping the majority of their fundamental human needs they otherwise would forgo?

    • +4

      Raise company taxes

    • We don't need austerity. We just need to make the rich people pay more. We need to increase taxes on the rich, not lower them like the decerebrate Tories have done.

      • +3

        We just need to make the rich people pay more.

        Well, arguably we should also get the various levels of government to stop selling off everything that makes a profit, particularly when it's a natural monopoly. Look how much money Telstra and the Commonwealth Bank make - every bit of that could have been government income, along with hundreds of other more essential things they've sold off, like toll roads, electricity generation, electricity distribution, ports, airports, the list goes on and on and on…

    • +2

      Sorry, I appear to have logged into Facebook by mistake

      iM jUsT pUtTinG iT ouT thErE

    • -1

      everybody and I mean everybody loves it

      I'm part of the set of 'everybody' and I don't love it.

      Faced with that ugly choice between Austerity and Weimar, I choose Austerity. Because last time Weimar created Hitler.

      This is the dumbest comment I've read all day…So much ignorance in so few words…

  • Thanks

  • +3

    something free from a union, wtf

    • Nothing is free.
      Paid for by union members.
      Was a member once, and all their wokery made me leave. Couldn't stand the fact that my money was going to so many causes that i didn't support.

  • +5

    I'll be sticking this to the most hated persons car at work.

  • +1

    Unlimited buffet of Sudafed

  • -1

    Would love it more if the government actually paid health providers what it costs to operate so there was no gap. You know, like how it was meant to be in the first place.

  • -1

    Not from our tax money right?

    • +8

      Why would it be from your tax?

      It's a union, not government.

      Seriously, people not knowing the difference between State and Federal governmenta, and not knowing the difference between a union, Labor party and the government.

      Pretty sad indictment of our current political climate.

      • +1

        Probably not as black and white these days. Probably funded in part by super funds ie members money.

        • +2

          What are you on about? Show me a superfund that invest in unions. Besides, even if there was a fund that has union investments or associated with unions, they are still NOT THE GOVERNMENT.

          • +2

            @dyziplen: According to Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) data, $12.9 million has been paid from super funds to unions in the 2020-21 financial year. Up from $11 million in the previous year.

            • -3

              @MorriJ: Wouldn't that just be superfunds, especially industry super, using unions to advertise their funds? Besides, 12.9 million over 46 unions and 15 industry supers is pretty much nothing.

              Also, unions are still not the government and not funded by taxpayers. And you are free to change funds if you don't like how they operate.

              • +1

                @dyziplen: The Labour Party is funded by unions, supports the unions, turns a blind eye to all union shenanigans. Structured superannuation to be controlled by unions and now expects Super to do the unions bidding contrary to members interests.

              • +2


                using unions to advertise their funds

                Superfunds fund the actual union advertising during the election blitzes. They pay for the actual union adverts; not even the associated superfund adverts - the actual union adverts. Not saying there is anything wrong with it, just pointing it out.

                CBUS raising $63m because the trustee CFMEU refused to pay their fines is a bit of coin. $10m would be a lot of save Labor stickers at the end of the day - hopefully enough to cover the ~1348 ozbargain ones at least.

                Knowing where your money is going is always important, you asked to be shown where a superfund that invests in unions like it's an unheard of event but it's a thing at the end of the day.

      • My apology. In my home country, union is just another arm of gov, and party = government :)

  • -1

    We do? What's Medicare?

  • +4

    After the most recent rail debacle I'm sort of turned off anything union related.

    • +6

      This x 100.

    • It takes two to tango.

    • +5

      time to send your kids back to the coal mine then

    • -3

      Quick question, why isn't the NSW Government putting their train fix in writing, or just getting on with the job of fixing their defective purchase regardless of an agreement to ready them for service?

      It's not like they always stuff transport up or anything.

  • +3

    Negging on behalf of those that understand economics.

    • +2

      and history

    • +7

      Someone's (not mine) union membership money at work…

      • +2

        Sure, but isn't this the whole point of unions? Representing the workers and spending to spread their message?

        • +3

          100 years ago sure,

          now they are just corrupt thugs,

          • +4

            @Rod M: Unions are thugs. Ok.

            Liberals are just as left as labour as their name implies?

            Holy hell. How nutty are you exactly? You must have fallen off the right edge and then some.

            • +1

              @dyziplen: and you actually believe unions are "Representing the workers"

              you have been eating the nuts from vegan nut meat sausage and believe it is real meat?

              • @Rod M: I like my porterhouse nice and bloody than you very much.

          • +3

            @Rod M: "100 years ago when they got me all the benefits I enjoy. Now they just say things that trigger me and expose my fragility"

  • +6

    no "we love optus" stickers :(

    • +3

      Optus lost customer's addresses, so they don't know where to send them…

      • +3

        Optus didn't lose anything, they just made sure anyone on the dark net got a back up of all their customers details.

  • +1

    As much as Dan their mate and his ghost wards he's never funded.

    • Where are those 4000 extra ICU beds that were promised during covid? Need a bigger staircase next time

      • Where's the hospital beds that the smokers tax was supposed to bring in?? Lack of nursing staff, hospitals are seriously doing it tough! Charging $60-90 a pack, $100+ for rollies….. i'd like to know where this money is going to, not in words but actually see

  • +9

    This is not a bargain, not everything free is a bargain.
    As much as I believe Union is important, but let's not get political in a bargain website.

    • +4

      Anything free could be a bargain - it's in the eyes of the community.
      The community currently disagrees with you on this deal (92 +ive to 10 -ive) - thankfully we are all able to express our sentiments here without getting shot.

  • Genuinely curious because I have clearly missed a recent event. What has triggered this all of a sudden?

    • +5

      Don't try and apply logic to it.

      Mediscare campaigns have been a feature of the last three federal elections, despite never featuring in either party's election commitments, tabled legislation or even vague party room conversations.

      "Lisa, I wanna buy your rock…"


      • Why can't many GPs bulk bill anymore?

  • +1

    Do uber drivers in QLD qualify?
    They are probably treated the worst, subjected to illegal drip charges and abused as sham contractors!
    Where are the unions??

  • +2

    Funnily I don't see mention of the unions as founders of Medicare. It appears to have been founded by an act of parliament and last I checked the unions weren't in parliament.


    • +2

      Just because they didn't create it, they can't love it and want to keep it?

      • +2

        The sticker literally says the unions created medicare on the outside writing so it's a false statement.

    • +1

      Nice, now link to the Wikipedia article showing how I didn't invent democracy but I'm a huge fan

      That'll show me

  • We need to encourage health. Through benefits for increasing actual health, and minimising health risks through lifestyle and dietary choices. Why should medicare have to pay for people's bad choices again and again?

    • +3

      Yes everyone is born and lives to old age healthy.

      … insanity

    • +3

      Agreed. 67% of Australian adults are overweight or obese, and this (statistically) comes with many health complications which have to be footed by Medicare.

      • +1

        But when you try to apply the same logic to smokers, out they come in the droves to have whinge.

        • The tax smokers pay on cigarettes gives them the right to whinge! The cigarettes alone are still only $5-10 a pack… the rest is tax! $60-100 a pack, even more for rollies.

          • @teddiebear:

            The tax smokers pay on cigarettes gives them the right to whinge! The cigarettes alone are still only $5-10 a pack… the rest is tax! $60-100 a pack, even more for rollies.

            you think the tax rate is what? 90%?

        • +1

          I agree smokers are fully in the same basket. The tax they pay on cigarettes only slightly compensates. People forget that illness isn't only a cost on the healthcare system, but is also a loss of productivity due to additional leave etc from work which has a flow on effect to the greater economy. Careless life choices are extremely costly for the economy.

  • Golly gee wiz. FREE propaganda!

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