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Free “We Love Our Medicare” Circle Sticker from Australian Unions


Australian Unions website are giving away free We Love Our Medicare stickers.

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Australian Unions Store
Australian Unions Store

closed Comments

  • +5

    Yeah, this is just OzAdvertising again

    • This free calendar https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/728438 is also OzAdvertising. Please down vote as well to show you're not a hypocrite.

      • +1

        What brand is being advertised on the calendar? The images looked fairly clean
        Also a calendar is useful for purposes other than promoting a company.

  • +4

    Have we already forgotten about mediscare?

  • +6

    Free stickers are not a bargain. This post seems to be aimed at triggering antagonism.

    • Seems to be working well too…

  • +5

    Junk for landfill albeit free is not a deal…

    • Too late it's already been mass produced. Better for the stickers to be used by people instead of a whole box going into landfill.

      • +1

        I get where you're coming from in that it is better not to waste them given they are already produced but that's only useful in the short term.

        If we encourage nonsense like this then it will only make it seem popular or effective and lead to repeated attempts at making stuff that is destined for landfill and doesn't even really serve a useful purpose.

        Fwiw I'm not bashing medicare just the unnecessary landfill waste from this "deal"

        • +1

          Oh yeah you're right about that. Just look at how much waste is produced come election time from unions.

  • +3

    Not a bargain, you can get free stickers from loads of places

  • +2

    It sucks now that I have to pay $30 every time I need to see a doctor, while Aust government keeps sending tax payers money to Ukraine. I failed to see how Ukraine is more important than Australians health.

    • +1

      You are talking too much sense there mate.. you gotta take it down a notch for the rest of us.

  • +4

    Ah, more union propaganda.

  • +3

    Isn't this a bit like posting free how to vote cards?

  • +4

    I'd like to see Medicare better funded and the NDIS wound back. The latter is where the true rorts are.

    • +1

      One person I know of earns more than a specialist doctor by "helping to get people onto NDIS"…

      • If they're dodgy, report them.

    • +3

      I would argue that the NDIS is very important for those who need it. I absolutely agree that it should not have been outsourced to private companies though

  • +5

    Do they have one that also says "fix medicare, f**k off private health insurance" ?

  • +4

    Haha. I remember unions. Weren't they something from the 1980s?

  • +4

    What on earth is this tripe?

  • +5

    “Free” union propaganda is not a bargain. Especially when you have to provide them your personal information.

    And I’m a union member.

  • +5

    Political advertising is a deal?

  • not as good as a free jesus calendar

    • Jesus would also love Medicare. Parliament now is a bit too much like the temple that Jesus had a tantrum in.

  • +5

    Lol no

  • +11

    Union propaganda is not a bargain.

    • +3

      Agreed. Crap like this should not be posted as a "deal" in any way shape or form

  • It looks like I got the last one, it's 'sold out' now haha! I'm putting it where it belongs, on my rubbish bin (scummy neighbours stole the last one and nicked the hinge pin out of the new one).

  • +1

    Not a bargain. political

  • +1

    Wow …. now political advertising by the left is classed as a bargain on OB … WT?

    I guess the election is in Nov and deranged dictator Dan (hence the Union sticker post on OB) is trying to get re-elected after 2 years of the worlds longest lock down Prison and destroying many life's in Victoria in the process

    After making Victoria the state with the most DEBT in Australia, he wants to spend $150 Billion for a train to go from Doncaster to Chadstone. This guy is just nuts and we will all be paying higher taxes 'post' the election, just wait and see.

    Vote anyone but Labour and the Watermelons at this VIC Election its time for a change !!

    • +1

      You should work for Guy, the way his campaign is going the Libs will be in the political wilderness for the next decade.

      • +7

        I don't care if you vote for Liberals, DLP, OneNation or any other party, just not for Dumb Ass Dan or the Watermelons (whose preferences all go to DA Dan)

        Dan has already privatised the Land Titles Office and VicRoads to pay for his Debt Spend

        This means if you were worried about Optus not protecting your data, think about how now private companies control that Land Titles Registry as well as the VicRoads License Registry.

        Now that these are privatised, soon your Annual Car Registrations will go up. Bet DA Dan will be your best friend then.

        Labour is a complete sleaze bucket for privatising these organisations. Where were the Unions then? Didn't here a peep from them in the media.

        As the mountain of Debt piles up, can't wait to see what else Dumb Ass Dan privatises in Victoria …

        • +1

          I don't know if this will get through to people here. Many seem like 🐑🐑🐑

          I love the $924 fine proposal for walking off a footpath/trail. It boggles me the stupidity he comes up with. Clearly all the power from the past few years have rotted he's brain.

          I have a feeling he'll win this year again. My neighbors don't stop talking about how good he is 🤦

  • +2

    Is there a 3 - 6 week wait for these, like there is to see a GP?

  • +1

    Lol everyone’s commenting like I have some sort of ulterior political motive posting this, I just saw an ad for it and thought “ooh free”

    • Hahaha, dw no one’s saying anything against you… it’s all about the establishment and how some people agree/disagree with how things are being run.

    • What did you learn from doing this?

      • -2

        33 Ozbargain users hate unions. 200+ are in for free stickers.

        • +1

          Every now and again you see an ozbargain post with a crapload of likes and negs. It's rare. Typically means it's something political.

          • @Lets Make Sandwiches: idk. i somehow dislike that union is equated with political. i'm from a place where unions are just in name and mouthpieces of big businesses or governments. when i moved here, i was blown away by all these "rights" that people take granted for…

            if you are a worker, you generally should support unions. it's not a political thing imo because your working rights shouldn't be diminished by the incumbent government of any flavour.

            just my 2 cents. as someone who can't join an union even if i wanted to, and see my peers and juniors bargaining power getting eroded everyday, and everyone avoiding talking about it as it's "politics", it's disheartening. that's exactly what anti-unions do.

            • +2

              @slowmo: Unfortunately slowmo, unions here in Australia are just branches of political parties that pretend to exist to support workers rights, but are effectively just money laundering fronts to run political advertising campaigns and participate in political lobbying.

              They don't represent the best interest of the workers who are members of their unions for the most part and are often exposed for agreeing to levels of pay and workplace rights far lower than would have reasonably been expected, while also harassing, bullying and forcing vulnerable workers into agreeing to join them.

              • @infinite: this is indeed an unfortunate state of affairs… is that across the board for all unions? maybe it's something i've yet to find out.

  • +1

    These comments…

  • +2

    Union advertising is not a deal.

  • +2

    Where's the "I love bad barber cuts" sticker inspired by Sally McManus?

  • +2

    My negative vote was revoked for some reason but there appears to be sufficient now from other people

  • +3

    A free sticker is not a deal. Lots of free stickers available that aren't supporting an agenda.

  • -1

    Looks likes there's stock again.

    • +2

      Thank heavens. I was starting to fear I’d have to pay for pointless stickers preaching lies about Medicare being an invention of the unions…

      • Dumb Ass Dan has been either Health Minister or Premier for 12 YEARS in Victoria and the Health system in Victoria has absolutely gone to shit compared to 20 years ago under DA Dan

        It can take Years on a wait list for an operation, hospital care for seniors or the aged is non-existent and now GP's want to start all charging and NOT accept Bulk Billed (Medicare)

        Now how is that a success story of Medicare (or shit Unions) where you pay thousands of dollars in Medicare fees from your taxes and then pay again just to see a GP.

        If Labour just passes protective Labour laws for workers when they are in Government then you would have no need for Unions. But this never happens otherwise they would lose their funding base.

        Unions ask for 1% of your annual pay and then 'guarantee' a 3% pay increase every 3 years. Do the Maths and you are paying for your own increase out of your own wage.

        I have seen first hand when staff have an issues, the Unions never let you speak to their Legal team, you always have to speak to a half wit 'representative' that knows nothing about Employment Law and always gives the wrong advise.

        Every non-government industry where there has been Unions, the industry has closed down and left Australia (except Construction atm). i.e. Car Manufacturing (Ford, GM, Toyota), Clothing Manufacturing, Food Manufacturing, etc

  • the page redirected me to a free bumper sticker listing, so it's kinda in and kinda not in stock right now xd

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