Any Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans on Sale?

I’m out of coffee beans and I can’t pay full price. My Oz bargain higher self will not let me.

Does anyone know of any coffee beans sales at the moment?
Maybe we should have a page allocated just for coffee bean sales.

I’ve got ALDI coffee beans sitting next to my coffee machine but they are not ideal.


  • +2

    Just wait for the weekly Airjo.. or message the rep and see if he can hook you up

  • +1

    Use the search and create an alert

  • drink tea

  • drink tea while you wait for a sale

  • Where you located? I have some amazing fresh coffee

    • Melbourne south east

      • not sure where in South East you are, but i've bought beans from
        They're in Mulgrave, near the freeway entrance on FTG Rd (next to the Subaru dealership)

        • Are they good? I usually get the coffee beans from the coffee club.

  • Which Aldi beans are you using? What don't you like about them?

    • +1

      The Aldi medium beans. They tasted ok for the first 2 days I opened the pack but lost their freshness very fast.

  • Hoping for the next Airjo deal today as I'm running low on beans.

    • Airjo doesn’t work well in my automatic coffee machine not sure why

  • I used to buy beans on here but found an awesome local roaster who sells 1kg bans for $37. Quality absolutely shits on Airjo, lime blue, all the usual mobs that sell on ozbargain. If you live in a metro area, recommend trying the local roasters.

    • I had no luck with local coffee roasters, they actually sold me old stale beans I believe.
      I tried Inglewood and another one down the road from me.
      Who is your local roaster if you don’t mind naming?

      Airjo was not so good in my coffee machine but I have ordered it a few times.
      Lime Blue was very good.

      • Sure, I get my coffee from Crema Coffee Garage, they're in Newcastle and are heaps good. Sign up as a member (free) and you get 10% off, works out at $37/kg for the Kingdom Road blend that I rate. Just checked their site, you can get it delivered for free if you buy $60+ :

        Hmm, my experience with Lime Blue was really poor, I actually threw out coffee for the first time in my life when I got my beans from them.

        Another coffee company called Manna beans used to list on OzBargain a bit, they were really good, but I started shopping around after they kept putting scripture bullshit in my coffee orders.

        • Please excuse the chime in, would have just send you a DM, but it looks like that option is disabled on your profile.

          Shucks Jakey, I wish you'd reached out to us prior to chucking out the coffee. Every coffee extracts differently depending on the type, structure and roast profile of the specific coffee. The difference between a delicious coffee and a not so crash hot one can be as small as a tweak of the grind setting. That said, I fully acknowledge that flavour preference is subjective and ever with ideal extraction, whichever coffee you got from us may not have ideally suited your personal preferences.

          A tad trickier to address the feedback now the coffee is gone, however if you have the time to send an email to [email protected] we'll do our best. Completely understand if you've found your new go to and don't want to address the experience, but we'd really love the opportunity to do so :)

          • +1

            @LimeBlueCoffee: Appreciate the care from you in reaching out, top customer service.

            I'm not really interested in rectifying the issue or anything like that, definitely going to just keep going to my new source which I like. If it helps in any way, the order that I had an unpleasant experience with is ORDER #4973


            • +1

              @JakeyJooJoo: @JakeyJooJoo happy to know we're in customer service good books!

              Really appreciate you taking the time to reply.

              Sure thing, glad I reached out all the same :)

  • +1

    LimeBlue is on sale at the moment

    I dont really understand how Airjo doesnt work in a machine; a bean is a bean. Obviously taste different etc but end of the day its a bean.

    Keep in mind that a discount on a small roaster price is still more expensive than some of the beans you can buy in a supermarket at full price and there are cheap beans other than Aldi around (Coles has a few). Whether or not the price differential is justified is up to you - most people will say it is, but if you just drink coffee for the caffeine hit, then cheap beans and slam down the coffee quickly and save your $1 per cup or whatever

    • Was about to come and say the same
      Just missed out on UCR deal (unlucky/poor planning) which I can vouch for are great beans. Haven’t tried LimeBlue

  • See if you can find a bag of Sensory Lab at Coles with a recent roast date. Then buy it with a flybuys deal and discounted gift card.

  • To the folks in the thread suggesting AirJo -
    I brought the Columbia beans on the last deal. I'm struggling to correct sourness.
    Weight, tamp pressure, and time are consistent. Moved levels of grind across a range of course to fine.The finest does improve things marginally, however it's choking the draw (pressure too high, dribbles).

    Any tips? Or is this a product of the beans and roast?
    Additional point, which might help diagnosis :D… no sourness when it's cold. Yeah. Weird. It mellows out. But I hate cold coffee :D

    Next attempt - gonna leave the beans for a couple of weeks. Perhaps they're too fresh?!

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