Pizza Hut Being Relentless with Their Marketing Text Messages and Emails

Anyone else out there getting a bit irritated by the daily, and often multiple times per day, text messages and or emails being sent out by Pizza Hut to remind me about one of the deals they currently have on offer - which are just the standard deals by the way?

Yes, I click the unsubscribe link and things stop - but the next time I order from them the whole process resets!

While this is not the biggest problem I have to deal with in my life, it is starting to grate on me. Just wanted to see if I was being overly sensitive or if any others feel the same way.

P.s. I also appreciate they aren't the only ones, with notifications sent from other food vendors and food delivery services also coming pretty thick and fast.

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  • 12
    Yes, it bothers me
  • 10
    No, it doesn't bother me

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Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut


  • +4

    "it is starting to grate on me"
    They are treating you like a pizza base.

    It sounds very annoying, and I'm sure every time you order in the future you will weight up if it's worth the hassle…
    Worst of all is that they message at any time of the day, and when it doesn't come from an actual number you can't even block them…

    • +2

      I honestly didn't mean to make a pizza related pun. Nice spot. :P

      I mean it's not enough to turn me away as a customer, but I do find it annoying.

      • +4

        Just had to give us a pizza your mind?

        • +3

          Man, that's cheesy… ;)

  • +1

    JD Sports piss me off . No matter how many times I flag or block their crap the regenerated emails get through.

    • Set up a filter blocking their whole domain. It’ll work even if the sender email address changes

  • +2

    Same as Kogan. They are probably the inventor of automatically resubscribe spam whenever u make a purchase.

  • +1

    I get messages from Kogan, Culture Kings, JD, Pizza Hut, Hi Smile and loads of other companies. I just leave them unread. I use whatsapp and messenger for most of my communications so it doesnt bother me if my messages app is full of unread messages. If it really annoys you can try blocking them from ur messages app.

  • Checking my texts, I seem to average 1-2 texts per week from Pizza Hut. The last one I received was about the 100% cashback last week.

    Doesn't really bother me, it would if it was Domino's because they actually suck.

  • Happy Fri-yay from Domino's! Enjoy 3 Pizzas from $18 pick up or $26 delivered*. Order Now!

  • +1

    Annoys me so much I am less likely to use a business that uses harassment as a marketing strategy. I feel businesses that do this are abusing the trust of being given your private information. And if a business ever shares my details with a 'partner' I never use them again ( I was once getting insurance sales cold calls using my Priceline membership).

  • Everytime I try to unsubscribe it wouldn't even allow me! Website doesn't load. And yes their advertising e-mails are really annoying but I just delete them straight away.

    • Same with me… click on the link and it shows a dead page and then it links me to the support page which also doesn’t work

  • Kogan do this also, I ordered once from them, got bombed, unsub everything, still get the odd marketinf bs txt/email. rinse repeat.

  • did domino's shrink their pizza? it's like the XL is now the old L size. maybe i am hallucinating

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