Whirlpool Forum Is Not What It Was

Every time I try whirlpool forum - the vicious crowd either abuse you outright and call you stupid or the over-eggoed moderator deletes you.
For me, it's a world of thousands of angry cranks and self-righteous boilers.

I even got a question deleted because I asked it for my disabled son… wow - it was about scraping metals. I said my disabled son would like to know… and within 1 minute they deleted it. Lovely people…

The time before that I asked about diesel fuel in alpine weather (I'm from Qld) and the sheer abuse was tremedous because "I" didn't know.

Anyone else experience this outright hate?

Thanks all.

Thanks to the nice people on here, but it seems some are challenged like WP

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        • +1

          Luckily Facebook seems mostly satisfied making ad money and not meddling in world affairs, mostly.


  • +1

    I think thats why most aussies frequent OCAU and not whingepool.

    • +4

      I find OCAU pretty dead and probably more of a boys club now than ever before.

      • +2

        OCAU is dead. only used for the market sections these days

    • +2

      There's about 12 of us left there and the average age is likely 50+.

    • +2

      I go to each one depending what information I'm after. Whirlpool specialises in Telco/broadband stuff, OCAU in computer hardware and here namely for the bargains. As always there's a few fringe areas for certain types of discussions but I dont pick sides, also try not act like a dick too often :) Cant say I've had too many issues with any of the forums over the years either.

      • OzBargain seems to still be in the perfect middle. in the Venn diagram of
        specialising in computers, telecommunications and consumerist bargains ?

  • +1

    Post the thread or where you posted these questions. The only way your post would get deleted with in 60 seconds is if their security protocols thought you where a ghost (a previously banned user.)

  • +5



    • +1

      Yeah make it here so we can tear you apart as well.

  • +8

    There is definitely over-moderation at WP.

    • +7

      and i bet its still the same over-moderating moderators from 10-15 years ago still over-moderating…..LOL!

      • +5

        it's odd really, because, the admin seems nice.. yet he has all these dotards modding.

        • +3

          Owner letting his little demons run around doing the dirtywork

    • +2

      Yeah I gave up on whirlpool because of its over-moderation.

      I enjoy ozbargain. I like the shit talking, brutality, super blunt honesty and freedom for all threads and topics to take their own direction whatever that may be.

      Most mods on whirlpool guide discussions with their moderation powers according to their personal views, if your views or opinions don't align you get silenced. The end result is the one big cicrle jerk it has turned into today.

  • +13

    Anyone else experience this outright hate?

    Whirlpool has never really changed?

    I made my first post there in 2008. It's always been an emotionally devoid source of info. You get in, get your info and then get out.

    It doesn't really have a community. You have a few forum members who have been there for years and while they have often have 'strong' views, they can't be outright trolls like on OzBargain or the Australian subreddits.

    • +4

      True! I log in every other year with a very specific tech issue, get my answer, log out for another year.
      It's been great

      • +3

        Based on the ops post history, they do the same thing on ozbargain…..

    • +1

      Dead on well put.

      I also feel third person pain of seeing regulars I've interacted with there for years, get permabanned

    • +1

      I made my first post there in 2008. It's always been an emotionally devoid source of info. You get in, get your info and then get out.

      That sounds great. Seriously, it sounds like a really good thing.

      I haven't used it much, but when I have, it's been purely as a decent quality repository for Oz-oriented tech questions.

      • +2

        yeah people complaining about a great source of info remind me of people complaining about getting treated badly on Elitist Jerks WOW forums back in the day.

  • +4

    over-eggoed moderator deletes you.

    What a yolk. Their brains must be scrambled.

    • thanks for getting the joke…

  • Probably just asked in the wrong subforum.

    • but the abuse in the right forum is herrendous.

  • +12

    got perma banned from hurlpool at least a decade ago now.

    heavy handed moderators who pretty much shutdown any discussion or opposing views. pretty much view anything which isn't the flavor of the forum as "trolling"

    non-stop threads on computer builds by people who go to pccg and just "add to cart" all the most expensive parts in each category………"rate my 6k gaming build" - ye rightio chief

    • +4

      yep, its ridiculous. You get labelled as a troll for simply having an opinion that isnt shared with the majority or even with just some of the louder voices

      • +1

        All staff are in on it

        Same could be said about OZB or any other forum covering their arses in TWAM, but still miles better

        • +3

          All staff are in on it

          Some of the more aggressive posters all seem to have very positive aura's too which is so weird. Its all a bit of a circle jerk.

    • This post reminded me of computer swap meets - remember those? The stench…

  • +3

    What's scraping metals?

  • +6

    I assume almost all the moderators on whirlpool are similar to this guy:


    Don’t take it personally OP, some people are just salty ass keyboard warriors who get off with what little power they have.

    Have you heard of Reddit… it gets much worst out there!

    • -2

      thanks I hardly use wp, it was just stuff I could find the details for… there are a few of the salty souls on here as well - my purpose was to know if the abusive nature of WP was common or I missed something. cheers.

    • +1

      Even worse about Reddit are the automated bot rules/bans

  • +5

    A Bunch of know it alls , havnt been back for 10 years…

  • Are your Tesla, BMW and AMG insured?

    Comprehensive or third party?

    Do you have a gift card horror story to share?

    WebCrawler, Lycos or Google?

    Is your wife's name Pam?

  • +11

    I won't be too harsh, but…

    OK, first of all, you have to understand WHY Whirlpool was created in the first place. The reason it was made was to whinge, complain and carry on about the ISP, Telstra.
    From then, it attracted like-minded whinging individuals that bonded due to their love of hating on pretty much EVERYTHING.
    Basically, it's a complaints board for tired, sad and angry people run by gatekeepers who are nothing but mere soul-less shells of their former selves.

    After careful study I have come to a conclusion about what may have caused this Whirlpool community to start as a negative community from day one… I think that the early Whirlpool enthusiasts had parents that didn't know enough about the dangers of the internet, and so let their teens roam free on the wild west internet of the late 90's. These users became addicted to the unfettered porn they sought day & night before developing serotonin-syndrome from this over-consumption, becoming permanently devoid of any life-force. All they have left is the ability to spread negativity.

    Hence, the community there are founded and continued by a bunch of hating whingers.

    • +8

      Now, do OzB forums

      • +5

        There's a definite undercurrent of sadness on here, too, shared by a large percentage of users… I might write something about it in the future as it might help people…

        • +3

          ozbargain is a bit more like reddit.. they enjoy the cyclejerk.

        • +5

          Most people come here to save money and end up spending money on stuff which they could've done without if they just stayed away from this website in the first place.

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: Tbh, there is a significant demographic here who just are here to get a good bargain on something they were going to buy anyway. Its the thrill of deal-chasing we're after rather than actually saving money (which in current times is always appreciated though)

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: This is the way

            Ozbargain has saved me so much money I didn't need to spend.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            end up spending money on stuff which they could've done without if

            That depends on self-discipline.

            My friends used to say that to me all the time,
            but I guess it said more about them, ha.

            If a person already had the self-control ,
            a website won't push them over,
            to buying something they won't really want.

            Due to OzB, I discovered new hobbies and learnt about completely new things,
            that I am proud of knowing now, only because my curiousity around a product / deal,
            got me discussing and then friendly users sending PMs to me, to guide me in that 'quest'.

    • +2

      you sound like everything you just wrote lol

      • +2

        Oh, you are a member, now I see…

        I'm not on WP though, it's just a place to visit once in as while, sort of like disaster tourism.

        I am a pretty positive person, trying to bring joy, happiness, sexiness & good times to all.

    • +1

      Wow didn't know the background story, interesting,

    • +1

      Truth. When Telstra shut down the bigpond user forums, they created Whirlpool. And the bigpond forums were unbelievably toxic, people were stalking each other irl when they got flamewars (I still miss those forums though, v entertaining). The WP behaviour isn't anything new.

  • Join the communists
    and feel right at home here…..

  • +2

    Thanks to the nice people on here, but it seems some are challenged like WP

    youre welcome….and yes that is correct

  • +4

    It's always been like that. I got put on a permanent low aura back in around 2008 for being the manager of another forum that they were pissed with for showing a screenshot of their then secret "Pool Room" LOL.

    • +1

      Nooooo… not me aura !

      • It made me laugh, I was around 48 at the time and couldn't help but think, I have a bunch of kids here who are chucking a temper tantrum, LOL.

  • +2

    years ago I posted asking for recommendation of good burn in software to test a new pc I just built for my parents, so I wouldn't have to travel to their town again to fix it if it failed.
    It's always been this way

  • +1

    Left Whirlpool many years ago for the similar reasons.

  • +2

    It went downhill ever since @jv was banned. I miss his banter about Collingwood.

    Btw this is jv

  • +2

    Also been a member for 20 odd years, I think major turning point was the news section banning political subjects in late 00s. I saw 100s of accounts banned over next 12 months

    Ironically a few months ago I saw a internode pony on someone's car dashboard. Internode would give them to whirlpool users.

  • +1

    *For me, it's a world of thousands of angry cranks and self-righteous boilers. *

    • …a question deleted because I asked it for my disabled son… within 1 minute they deleted it. Lovely people… *

    • … the sheer abuse was tremendous because "I" didn't know. *

    • … Thanks to the nice people on here, but it seems some are challenged like WP *

    Mmmmm … my ChatGPT displays BAD: Bad Attitude Detected

  • +5

    Sounds a bit like here really.

  • +1

    Lmao, OP doesn't post for 3 years but jumps back on after a WP rant. Normally it's vice versa.

  • +11

    I've always found it helpful, I ask a question and quickly receive a good answer, just coming up to 20 years membership. When searching through past threads for answers the content is on topic so I don't waste a bunch of time reading off topic comments which don't help. Perhaps you need to work on how to phrase your questions? Going by your responses here you seem set on trying to rub people the wrong way.

  • Ahh i remember the PC section on Whirlpool years ago. Questions would get answered in a helpful manner and I would also enjoy responding/helping people out.

    Now it's a battle of egos!

  • +4

    Can confirm - Thor (the moderator) is a rage mongering passive aggressive wanna be that never actually was.

    They are all so power hungry only two people can actually update the news page so it goes weeks, sometimes greater than month prior to an update as they just spend all their time flapping their gums on the forum and not any actual broadband news.

    You call them out for their antics and you either get moderated or deleted. Deffo not what it was when it first opened itgs pages to the world wide web !

    • +3

      The senior moderators determine the tone of forums. Thor has destroyed Whirlpool.

      You have to ask why someone would take on the task of an unpaid senior moderator on a forum. It can only be that they get their kicks from having the power to push people around.

      • +1

        Thor is the worst. He has destroyed WP with his over zealous modding. Loser.

    • Stormcat was my nemeses… guys a tosser.

      Probably just a really fat dude with a bad porn addiction.

      • Pretty sure that stormcat is not a dude.

        • Then she’s a cow ?

  • +2

    …. the vicious crowd either abuse you outright and call you stupid or the over-eggoed moderator deletes you.

    since December 1998

  • +1

    My advise advice is to forget Whirlpool, just ask @ChatGPT :-)

  • +1

    To be fair the there are some decent long term discussions I follow and usually get a laugh or good info from:

    1. Kfc thread (of course I also check here for deals too but gotta cover every base on this.)
    2. NRL season thread
    3. Cricket tours/comps and baggygreen discussion
    4. whisky threads

    I follow the Trump and Ukraine thread but am usually looking for News on Trumps cases or War movements/attacks. I skip over most of the over repeated whining on Trump or Putin (not that I disagree … its just repeated too often) or technical discussion on why Ukraine should be given this weapon etc.

  • Maybe OP should google before posting to a forum. In many cases it's easier and less abuse prone.

  • +2

    Agree. Whirlpool has become crap. There was once a thread in the news section about attack on Rushdie. When I commented that the attacker is motivated by the ideology as per the religion, my posts were deleted and I was banned from the news section. Haven't tried logging in to Whirlpool since…

  • +7

    Most discussion sites eventually become trash and turn into breeding grounds for the worst parts of society as they get more popular. Whirlpool has strict mods. Ozbargain is filled with crotchety skynews bingeing boomers, landlords and mods that don't follow their own rules. Reddit is filled with basement dwelling shutin weebs and equally degenerate mods. 4chan is filled with borderline nazis. Twitter is filled with politics obsessed, virtue signalling witch hunt mobs…. the list goes on and on.

    Ai is slowly making these places redundant in terms of searching for general advice. People have already started using discussion platforms like stack overflow and reddit less since chatgpt became somewhat competent. Better bargain bots will come about and ozbargain will no longer be a thing in the future either. You are already seeing this take effect with actually good deals selling out seconds after being posted here, making this site effectively redundant as a bargain website.

    • +1

      Most discussion sites eventually become trash and turn into breeding grounds for the worst parts of society as they get more popular…………


    • +2

      places redundant in terms of searching for general advice.

      Google has existed for a very long time and is very capable of answering simple questions, yet you still have people asking questions like if Store X is open on Y day on ozbargain.

      Deals/bargains wouldn't be 100% of why people come and remain active users here (imo). There are other bargain sites where deals are posted, but they're dead. Theres no engagement, no arguments, nothing to laugh at or with. You can't have discussions with an empty room, nor with Ai.

      What I think would be interesting is to see the engagement level of deals vs forum.

    • +2

      Thank you for having a go at the libs and conservatives equally. A refreshing read

  • Diesel fuel in alpine weather - why not just use google ?

    • TIL there's something called Alpine Diesel.

      (Took about 15 seconds in Google)

  • +2

    I once just vented about my job applications not getting a response, looking for some kind words and encouragement (and begged them not to write negative comments because I wasn't in a good position mentally). They abused the shit out of me. I've never hated an online community so much. Long live OZB.

    • +2

      User name checks out! :)

    • -1

      Whirlpool is a forum not a chatroom. You really should leave that kind of emotional stuff to people that are close to you.

      • +1

        Nope, that's exactly what a forum is used for: To talk about issues and look for suggestions to fix them.

        • +1

          You have better luck with that in Facebook groups than anonymised forums

        • You have to understand that Whirlpool is a forum created around the topic of information technology and that doesn't gel well with emotional interpersonal stuff. If you made a post seeking attention over mental health stuff on the jobs forums instead of the lifestyle forum then that's just bad netiquette. If that's what you did then they were right to correct you for being inconsiderate of what you're posting and where.

          You should always lurk around first to get a feel for the vibe of the place before you join a forum so you can fit in. Never just join and start expecting everyone already there to change for your every whim.

          If you do that then next time you join a forum I bet you won't get abused. I've been on whirlpool for 22 years now and have never been abused or banned or even warned. I've been on other forums for longer with the same result. Trust me when I say my advice works. Give it a try!

      • Disagree - Reddit is largely really lovely to people who need some validation or connection. Whirlpool is populated by people who are paralysed by the concept of emotion. Except anger. Because anger is manly and thus not an emotion.

        • Exactly. Reddit is full of nice people.

  • +4

    Whirlpool mods are some of the biggest (profanity) (profanity) I've ever come across. Some of the members there rate a close second.

  • I'm here to see how many other O-Cow users are around.

  • +2

    IMO Whirlpool is fine as long as you don’t wade into the news section or any of the political threads. Those are the only forum sections which can get a bit nasty.

    I’ve been posting there for about 20 years and only really discuss things in the PC, Linux, Apple and Gaming forums as well as Lifestyle occasionally.

    • +1

      yeah. why would you even open a political or news thread on a tech forum?

      • Cause it's not a tech forum anymore. It literally has different topics.

  • +2

    Estimated that 3% of the Internet are psychopaths, so you will run into trolls on any platform.
    As for Whirlpool, honestly forgot it existed, but suspect it's over represented by knowledgeable and passionate people, not renowned for people skills.
    Just don't take it personally.

  • +3

    I left that hole over 10 years ago .. so did most people.

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