Convince Me NOT to Buy an iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max

I've seen a few videos and reviews and specsheets regarding what the iPhone 15 pro/pro Max can do as a video camera and, quite frankly, it's perhaps the only time in my life I've seen mobile phone footage and been convinced it looks close enough TV/cinema quality.

The reason for this post is that I'm looking for a decent camera to mess around with for the purpose of making short films or just general shooting of nature/holidays etc.

I've never owned an iPhone and don't want to switch from android to iPhone IF there's a decent enough 4k24fps video camera for around the same price or cheaper that delivers comparable or better image quality

Want a good film camera with comparable or greater quality, for the price of (or less than) a new iPhone.


                  • @SpainKing: IKR I hate that they took the feature of reading floppy disks away from PCs, and manual choke control from my car. That isn’t innovation. That’s theft! /s

                  • -1


                    To repeat, the SIM card reader has been removed in the new iPhone model for most countries

                    The USA is "most countries"?

                    • @spaceflight: Nope, the article I read must've just been outdated or fearmongering

        • Maybe you are not brainwashed, but you do see a lot of ridiculous comments from iphone users who seem to think all android phones are the same or that they haven't changed since the early days of android. Ridiculous when android phones go from sub 100 bucks to expensive flagships, not to mention all the different manufacturers of android phones. I put this down to a lot of people never having owned anything other than an iphone and therefore having an inflated perceived idea of its superiority. These days there's little difference in the actual day to day use of the operating systems.

          I've owned both and am currently the only one in my family not using iphone. Currently using pixel 7 pro and would take that over any of the iphones my family have, all of which are fine but to me not as good and they also cost significantly more than my phone did.

          Its a fact that pixels and the high level Samsung's are always reviewed strongly for their cameras, therefore absolutely should be in the conversation for anyone wanting a good phone camera. Also the 7 pro has been available for around $800 (I paid $869) which is a lot cheaper than even the standard iphones, before you even think about the more expensive ones that have better cameras.

    • iPhone users always ask me to take pictures when there's zoom involved. S23 Ultra user here

      • -1

        Oh yeah I'm a 23 Ultra user as well. Literally got the phone before Europe this year and was travelling with peeps with Iphones (they got me to take 99% of the shots with my phone)

        • On holidays right now in NZ, and all the iPhone users are asking me to take shots and send it to them. The 10x optical zoom is really nice. The cameras are so much better then my old phone, the iPhone 11.

        • Maybe just bad friends making you do all the work while they soak it in

  • Convince Me NOT to Buy an iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max

  • +1

    Go for it bro, think of the ePeen status !

    • +1

      I don't know what that means

      • It means you will have Apple social status and all the chicks will swoon over your purchase ;)

        As for actual quality, I have a 14 Pro and Pixel 7 Pro, the video out of the Pixel 7 Pro kills the 14 Pro (the 14 Pro is heavily over processed from colours to sharpening - whereas all of that is controllable with the Pixel) :/

        BTW, I use 4k@60p for all video captured (not sure on the other modes re: quality)

        My experience is similar to here:

        And the obligatory reddit thread:…

        It's anybody's guess if the 15 is just as bad :/

        • -2

          Apple log / prores? If its overprocessed that's on post not the gear.

          It's anybody's guess if the 15 is just as bad :/

          Actually no. Apple have introduced AppleLog and the ability to capture ProRes in the 15 Pro. Which means there is virtually no processing at all.

          • @2025: Which iPhone does those codecs for 1 hour straight?!? ROFL

            Sure, I might get 3 mins of unprocessed video, maybe 6 mins on a 1TB model, but what do I do for the other 57 mins :P

            • @7ekn00: iPhone has way more inbuilt storage than RED, Arri, Canon, Sony, Blackmagic, Nikon… (not that PQ compares) - having said that, luckily it allows you to record to external storage aha

              OP is asking about using it as a video camera. I'd argue that a codec that is near lossless and log are pretty important when looking at buying a device for this sole purpose.

              Do you know any other phones that would let OP grade the footage as well as the 15P in post?

              • @2025: OP wasn't asking about f**king around with color gradings for hours in post nor needing extra external storage to lug around (defeats the purpose of using a phone in the first place) … for all we know, OP doesn't even have a PC to read nor process that codec or external drive …

                • +1

                  @7ekn00: Here is what op was asking about:

                  Want a good film camera with comparable or greater quality, for the price of (or less than) a new iPhone.

                  I’m not sure why you’re stuck on a phone?

      • +9

        I'm a teacher and literally you see my students ranting and raving about how you're not cool if you don't have an Iphone.

        When I then ask them why it's cool or what's so good about it, they just stare back with a blank look on their face and can't tell you why.

        The same way that they'll say "SONY BEATS MICROSOFT" etc etc etc.

        The one thing I'll give Apple, they're great at marketing their shit to make people think they want it.

        • I’ve never seen this although I live in Queensland so things might be different here. Surprisingly, I’ve only seen students making fun of iPhone users previously which was a bit unexpected but it has completely died down over the last few years.

  • +1

    i'd definitely wait the for apple 16 pro. it will have all the same features as apple 15 pro but with a bigger number and bigger price tag …

    • That wasn't really the crux of the post. I'm not an iPhone guy, nor am I likely to continually upgrade on an annual basis

    • +1

      Maybe they'll even give it a headphone jack, it'll be so new and innovative.

    • Nah Apple iPhone 20 Pro Max

  • +1

    Do familarise yourself with the additional hardware/time to edit/export 4K vs FHD. The former ain't going to do nothing for your skills, you want as much exposure to storytelling and colour correction and editing skills as possible, resolution is the least important of them all.

    • Yeah good luck running encoding and video production software on a 1k laptop.

  • -1

    If you want it you should buy it. Why deny yourself the pleasure of (arguably) the world's best phone. So reasons not to buy it, if your'e a masochist and want to deny yourself the thing you want then don't buy it and live a life of regret..

    • This comment suggests you didn't read the post properly

      • -1

        I did. He could buy a standalone camera, but is he going to have it in his pocket 24/7? May as well get the cool phone with the camera that will do what he wants. Apple was taken to court years ago over their claim that their Pro camera was "studio" quality, and Apple won, they proved their cameras were studio quality. And they have gotten better and better since then, camera is always the biggest selling point in keynotes.

        • I tried finding that court case 'cos it sounded interesting but not much was coming up, can you help me find something that talks about it like a news article or the transcript?

          • +1

            @SpainKing: Well looking closer, it didn't proceed to court because the claim was rejected…
            So they found that Apple's claim that the iPhone can take "studio quality portraits" was not misleading. And that the example photos Apple showed could and were actually taken on an iPhone,.

            • @AustriaBargain: Thank you, appreciate it. Bit unfortunate that "studio quality" was found to just be a marketing term and not mean anything. Part of me wishes that using superlatives like "World's Best Burgers", "Great Source of Protein!" and other associated puffery (like "studio quality") still had to meet a minimum standard

  • -1

    Why NOT to buy for video? Simple, read this -…
    iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max can record 4K at 60 fps when connected to a compatible external storage device.

    • +1

      But the headline you conveniently left out:
      Record ProRes videos with your iPhone camera

      • Read again before writing:

        ProRes is available for recording up to 4K at 30 fps. iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max can record 4K at 60 fps when connected to a compatible external storage device.

        • Exactly. The fact that it can do prores at all is a selling point? Whats your point?

          • @2025: My point is that camera 1/3 of the price like Pixel7a -
            can do 30fps and 60fps 4k video.

            For $2k iPhone - you should buy an external storage /facepalm

            • @localhost: It can do it 4K/60 - just not in prores?!
              Double facepalm.
              Do you even know what prores is? Hint. Its a codec. duh
              Much higher bitrate than normal.

              • @2025: Then enjoy it, while is still cold and usable :)

                • @localhost: iPhones have been able to record hours of 4K60 in HDR (effectively 4K120 due to shooting two frames for each HDR frame) without overheating, for years. Android hardware is just catching up with that recently.

                  Overheating was caused by some apps. Not just the phone doing nothing.

                  For reference:

                  • normal 4K60 uses 440MB/minute
                  • ProRes 4K30 uses 6GB/minute

                  It's okay to admit to making an honest mistake, btw.

                  • @ozbargainsam: He wanted:
                    Want a good film camera with comparable or greater quality hence I am proposing Prores video with s-log.

                    For photos of family videos iPhone is more than better, but perhaps it's better to check Sony A7C (something cheaper) for better quality videos/photos.

                    Main drawback - camera can't fit in the pocket.

        • Ninternet wants cinematic recording - which will mean 24fps. Anything higher will be wasted.

  • Trouble is you can’t really upgrade the iPhone’s lenses or sensor down the track.

    If you start with a mirrorless and kit lens, you can probably achieve a lot of what the iPhone can do out of the box.

    You can start with something capable, and start saving for some heavy, expensive glass. Once you do that, the differences are night and day.

    Comparing my 15PM to the Canon mirrorless and L glass last night in my loungeroom, the phone is garbage, especially when looking at detail in things like eye lashes or feathers, etc.

    If you take an interest in this, there is an upgrade path in dedicated camera gear, which just doesn’t exist on the phone.

  • Buy a gimbal phone holder for your work iphone and use it to shoot videos. Save $$$

  • +1

    Can't convince a person who does not give what they use a mobile phone for.

  • -5

    Don't buy it if you don't like owning The Best Phone Out Right Now!
    here is every reason to buy it over the s23 ultra for my butt hurt Samsung fanboys

    • +3

      Using "butthurt" and "fanbois" makes me instinctively disregard your take

      • -2

        its not my take, its a YouTube reviewer with over a million subscribers

        • Did the youtuber use the terms "butthurt" and "fanboys"?

  • -2

    S23 Ultra.

    • Its camera doesn't cut it.

      This isn't about which phone is best.

      • -1

        go buy a nokia clearly you dont want the iphone or samsung, your just bored at home looking for someone to talk about dream phones coz u get off on it

        • -1

          No idea where this is coming from, my dude. Might be more helpful to talk to a therapist about it than strangers on the internet.

          If you re-read the original post it is pretty clear what I was after. I wanted a camera. iPhone had a good camera. Camera was cheaper. I bought a camera. End of

          • @Ninternet: yeh maybe take your own advice and go ask a therapist should you get a phone or a toaster

            • -1

              @Roe Jogan: You really don't seem to operate on a comprehensible level of logic.

              You're the one who seems somehow personally offended I didn't buy the same phone as you

              • @Ninternet: why are you being an ass im trying to help, here i found this for you:

                • -1

                  @Roe Jogan: Much like how you misinterpreted the purpose of my original post, you've now introduced this rather bizarre strawman of a toaster into an online discussions about cameras.

                  I wish you the best in your recovery.

                    • -1

                      @Roe Jogan: Get help bro

                      • @Ninternet: im confused your the one asking for help and i sent you my recommendation, if you dont like it no need to be an ass

                        • -1

                          @Roe Jogan: I didn't ask for your opinion on the following:
                          - Samsung phones
                          - iPhone quality beyond the paradigm of cost Vs quality in the camera department
                          - toasters.

                          • @Ninternet: jokes aside the breville is actually a good unit so that will be my final recommendation, hope you make the right decision

                            • -1

                              @Roe Jogan: Glad you got that out of your system.

                            • @Roe Jogan: lol i have the same dramas with OP, asks for opinions but doesnt want any. what world does he live in? this guy belongs in whirlpool

                              • -1

                                @johnfuller: he is a part time discord server moderator, he asks for toaster advice i give him a good model he crys and moans that it doesn't have Bluetooth.

                                • -1

                                  @Roe Jogan: 😂😂😂

                                  • @johnfuller: Wow, John. You went to seek other emotionally underdeveloped people to corroborate your insecurities. You really have to learn to let go. The both of you.

  • reports of overheating
    battery swelling
    rapid battery drain

    Having said that if you can afford then why not.

  • +1

    The funny thing is Android and Iphone are so close now it's literally just fanboiz against fanboiz.

    Apple used to have a lead in software with hardware lagging, now both are on par with each other.

    Depends if you like control/multiple customisation options or prefer to leave the choices up to the Apple Engineers.

    I find almost all my engineering friends have an Android.
    Everyone else seems to have an Apple

    Last Iphone i had was the 6 and it was a terrific phone as nothing Android could touch it. Now it's a pretty level playing field and my S22+ is going strong.

  • +1

    Mmmm I'm an iPhone user, and I mean the camera's great and all. But from your replies, it sounds like you're expecting magic to happen with what it's outputting. All the ads, short videos filmed with out would have likely been heavily edited, and also all the things that was being shot with, like on a stabliser, an expensive ass gimbal, good lighting etc.

    I use to think like you as well, but honestly the camera can only do so much for you, it's all up to how well a shot's composed to how it's edited and stitched together, then all the other bells and whistles.

    • I totally understand all of that. In saying that I've seen some great editing applied to, for example, a short film shot on a Pixel 7 Pro and it still looks like shit.

      I'm not expecting miracles. I just want something good enough to spark some motivation so I can have fun filming stuff

      • Mind sharing a link to this Pixel 7 Pro video? Thinking of getting one and keen to see what it can do.


          Obviously "shit" is an exaggeration, but the fact it needs a third party app to shoot at 24fps and still looks like it was very much shot on a phone didn't impress me as much as iPhone shorts

          In saying that, pixel 8 is meant to be an improvement?

          • @Ninternet: For me, the reason that looks like it is shot on a phone is the slight wide angle on the lens and the fact that it hasn't smoothed out all of the person's movements. As mentioned elsewhere, a gimbal would go a long way towards making this look more like it was shot with a proper camera.

            I have no skin in the game either way, but I think half of what makes something look professionally short is the sorts of things we expect. We don't expect footstep shakes in a professional video so that immediately tells you it's shot with a phone.

            That said, if you really want to get into filmmaking and there is any chance you will want to film in low light (like the video you linked) you should get a proper camera. As the video points out at the end, the small sensors on current phones are just never going to perform the same as a full frame sensor in low light.

            • @EBC: Yeah I agree and understand what you're saying. Ended up going with the Panasonic Lumix g9.

            • @EBC: a bad worker blames his tools …

              as a photographer for maybe 60 years, I see almost every day photos that are wrong in so many ways - classic I get being report of a building problem - close-up of a hole in a flat surface, with no information about context, location, size, etc.

              standard Hollywood movie - Starts with a location shot, to set the context, before zooming in - and holds steady at the start for 3 seconds to allow the eye and brain to work out what the hell you're looking at. A video I saw this morning panned away from the start, leaving me - wait - what ? where ? what am I supposed to be looking at … ?

  • Life is made of memories and experiences
    Thats a lot of hookers and cocaine…

    • That's not much cocaine at all in this economy. Hopefully the cartels can lower their profit margins a bit with their recent increased supply to help us with the cost of living crisis

  • +2

    iPhone 16 is coming soon.

    • +2

      iPhone 17 soon after that

  • +1

    Because it's an iPhone

  • +1

    This overheating issue, is it on all the iPhone models? I am looking at the iPhone 15+

  • iOS 17 is buggy. Random glitches on home screen that lead to non responsive screen. This happened on a iPhone 13 and if the software is anything like this on the 15 pro/pro max then that's a super bad experience

  • +1

    Just returned one as i was thinking the same and bought it on 1st day. However, it's quality is nowhere near my old Nokia N73. Very disappointed. Cinematic camera is due to filters of apps. PS: I just made this up, hope it helps.

  • +1

    I have both a iPhone 15 Pro and a Pro Max (for my wife).
    So far the biggest problem for me is charging.

    With a standard magsafe friendly phone case, I have to find a very specific point to get phone charged with a vertical stand. Otherwise it just dosen't charge.
    The same stand works perfectly with iPhone 13 Pro and 14.
    I am not talking about a 3rd party charger, it's just a stand that fits a Apple magsafe charging pad.

    As for video quality.
    If you have final cut pro or you have software that is HDR friendly, you can easily make up the quality with editing.
    I recently also purchased a insta360 X3 (the software works with my Mac).
    if you talking about making a video and get wowed by how easy it is to edit and the final result, I think have a X3 is probably way better option.

    I don't like gopro personally, I always think "this generation is going to be way better", and I ended up have multiple older gopros from different years.
    They all have different issues

  • I was in a similar situation to you thinking of switching to the iPhone 15 pro (coming from an s10) now that it had usb c.

    However after one of Samsung's recent trade in deals, I just went with the vanilla s23 256gb for around $600. The equivalent 256gb variant is over 2k after apples recent price rises due to the poor aud. That's a 1.5k difference which other than the ios UI, doesn't get you much else - terrible value.

    I was hoping for better battery life from the 3nm processor but that doesn't even seem to be there with the buggy heating issues.

    That said, I don't place as much value on video quality. But the 15 series seem mediocre in terms of camera/video over the 14. Maybe the iPhone 16 will be more convincing?

  • +1

    Bought one very year since the 3G but not this year, not this year apple. Need to make some stand against greed and delusion management. Sorry not $3k for rubbish. They have tarnished their reputation

    • What have they done to turn you off the brand?

      • +1

        Titanium big deal. USB means new cables. Pass.
        Quality issues with Indian manufacturing. Pass.
        They’re trying to maximise margined and phones just. ESP the back being so so fickle.
        More importantly what have they done to keep me ?

        • +1

          Is the Pro and Pro Max actually made in India? I thought it was just the Standard iPhone 15 range.

        • Surely your other device cables are USB-C lol? Not saying you should get it, terrible value to upgrade your phone every year.

          • @Castcore: Not really. I have a thunderbolt cable from apple that cost me $249 that’s 3m but that’s about it for usbc I do a lot of wireless charging but sometimes u need that quick charge with a cable

  • -1

    Why would you buy the iPhone 15 after hearing about all the issues?


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