Convince Me NOT to Buy an iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max

I've seen a few videos and reviews and specsheets regarding what the iPhone 15 pro/pro Max can do as a video camera and, quite frankly, it's perhaps the only time in my life I've seen mobile phone footage and been convinced it looks close enough TV/cinema quality.

The reason for this post is that I'm looking for a decent camera to mess around with for the purpose of making short films or just general shooting of nature/holidays etc.

I've never owned an iPhone and don't want to switch from android to iPhone IF there's a decent enough 4k24fps video camera for around the same price or cheaper that delivers comparable or better image quality

Want a good film camera with comparable or greater quality, for the price of (or less than) a new iPhone.


  • +3

    “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

    Mark Twain

  • +1

    It's interesting how we've normalised paying 2000+ for a phone in this day and age. You will always pay a premium for the latest and greatest - and not even the greatest with all the issues with it so I'd go for a discounted 14 if ios is what you need

  • +1

    Absolutely don’t get one dude.

    Source: I’m a professional photographer and videographer. I was sick of lugging around my gear and was enticed by the ProRaw photos of the iPhone 12 Pro.

    The phone was great but the photos aren’t nearly professional quality. They simply aren’t comparable.

    Get an old rx100 for a few hundred bucks or a Sony a6300 and a few $80 dumb lenses and you’ll get infinitely better more characteristic photos

    • I also was enticed by an Iphone 9 but the photos also are not near professional quality.

  • No more mute switch!
    Back glass will break when you sit onto it.
    It will overheat so you need to tell your insurer and pay extra premium!

  • +1

    Ios is terrible compared to Android. I switched to iPhone 13 pro max a couple of years ago and have regretted it ever since. It's Infuriating. Can't wait to go back to Android.

    • +1

      I went from Samsung S6 to IP6 long time ago
      but the memory of vomiting stomach walls remains…

  • -1

    I belive it still uses 69hz, if display quality is your thing then other devices can do 120hz I think.

  • it's perhaps the only time in my life I've seen mobile phone footage and been convinced it looks close enough TV/cinema quality.

    Apple has an ability to make it look like their tech is truly groundbreaking, the reality is never this good.

    Also, even if this were true, does it matter for YOU? you're falling into the marketing trap they spend hundreds of millions of dollars to create. The feel that you need this phone.

  • android>

  • Don't buy one. There, you're convinced.

  • I own a phone that does the job I require it to. I know its a Samsung but im not sure off the top of my head what the actual model is.

    Peoples priorities vary so much.

    • The post is less about a phone and more about a camera

  • +2

    I recently dropped my 5yo OnePlus 5T phone and broke the screen.
    I thought it was time to upgrade considering it's age, but it's still a brilliant phone which does everything I ask of it, it was still working just horrible to look at and use. I don't need 5G, have enough storage/speed etc.

    Looking at similar replacements I was up for $800-$1000+++ for a new phone and I was annoyed at being sucked into the consumer abyss.

    So I searched on fleabay for a new screen and a new battery as the life was degrading. Screen cost me $72, battery $30.

    Hoping to get another 5 years out of it 🤟👍😊

    • How much was labour to fix it?

      • +1


        • Wow great price, address please?

  • -1

    Don't buy - it is an Apple product. Nuff said..

  • go buy it.. spend it all. why would I convince you not to buy one? That is your wife's job.

  • +2

    I'd rather buy a dedicated mirrorless-DSLR with an extra lens or 2, especially if your current phone does everything you need it to.

    • Thank you for that. This has quickly deteriorated into a loyalist battlefield where people have clearly skipped the part where I mentioned the want for a camera 🙄

  • You can't change the laws of physics.

    Phones have tiny lenses and sensors, when you see nice photos from phones you need to understand the software is hallucinated half the details into existence. It looks good 90% of the time.

    If you looked at the raw image that came from the sensor you'd be amazed at how it got to the final picture. Its a low lit, noisy, disorted mess.

    That said, you really cant beat a real camera with a full frame sensor. They are consistently good because they can physically capture light well and the lense is genuinely a high quality glass.

  • +2

    Just get it from Apple, they have a 2 week no questions asked return policy (As long as you don't break it or dent it). Pack in 2 weeks worth of shots during that period and you'll quickly decide if you want to keep it or return it.

  • For the same price, you could buy 200 packets of eneloops.

  • +1

    Ignoring the camera need my worry would be how easily it breaks.

    This video of the reviewer breaking it with his bare hands just doing the bend test made it seem like pretty poor build quality (he even says past iphones do not break like this)

    Not being one sided, as some androids in the past have broken this way as well (which I'd avoid too) just as not all iphones have but the 15 seems iffy.

  • There have been "movies" that used iPhones, but these used anamorphic lenses added to the phones and heavy post processing.

    If you're serious about the filmin you'll need a video camera with interchangeable lenses for videos that require depth of field, focus pulling, low light capture and quality zoom.

    Lenses you'd need with a mirrorless camera I'd recommend a wide 18mm, portrait 50mm & 80mm and a zoom lens like a 28-200.

    If you plan on making money with the camera as a business or social media, of go with a Sony A7 model. They have full frame sensor and can be expensive up front and the lenses are more expensive.

    Or if this is just a hobby and no money to be made. You can have just as much fun with the same range of lenses but with an APS-C sensor like a Sony A6600 which is cheaper up front and lenses cost much less.

    All the best.

    • +1

      Thanks for this comment. I ended up going with the Lumix g9. It seems to do everything I want and isn't overly expensive. Not looking to make money or gain clout. It's more a hobby/curiousity/passion project style of thing for me at the moment. If I can make something fun or silly or expressive and learn a few things about cinematography along the way, I've succeeded

  • You don't really need it. You just want it. Save your cash.


    I liked this youtube skit - hope it can sway you not to buy it

  • Are you a tech illiterate? buy it
    Are tou a tech literate? buy android

    Apple: Has a camera and can apparently direct u to the nearest bridge to make a left
    Android: can be used as a portable charger, portable hdd, can install ur own apps not limited by the app store, can copy files from any pc or phone direct to it even bluetooth from apple to android works properly, can be used as a 2nd pc monitor, depending on model can control ur phone from a pc, most newer models wont over heat or shatter if u squeeze them

  • +1

    Just buy it.

  • 'TLDR; Want a good film camera with comparable or greater quality, for the price of (or less than) a new iPhone.'

    celluloid filum ? gee - I remember that - fun developing in school darkroom (stop fonding my … !!!) I grew up with a Nikon F 3-lens outfit, had a Leica M3, and used a twin-lens reflex to take my school's official class photos.

    if you mean a dedicated camera like a GoPro, I have no experience so cannot compare that, but I did get a SONY RX100 v.1 which was rated a top-quality camera -…

    and carefully set up like-for-like side-by-side shots of the same subject at the same time using the SONY and my iPhone 6s+ (2015 model), and then compared the finished pix on my larger screen laptop.

    Surprisingly my iPhone pix blew the SONY out of the water in EVERY category, including standard daylight, close-up, video, evening and night shots. The Only cases where the SONY was better were using the 4x optical zoom which the iPhone didn't have, and almost pitch black unlit internal bathroom at night, when the SONY would record a fuzzy (useless) image when the iPhone image was just black.

    As I have since seen milady's iPhone 11 blows my iPhone 6s+ out of the water for night shots colour and resolution, and the camera on the new iPhone 15 Pro Max I'm contemplating is purported to be a leap ahead of even the iPhone 14, I'm almost ready to order a new iPhone 15 Pro Max for my pleasure.

    But I'd be happy to hear of a deal where you get 4K video with good resolution (I think iPhones and especially Google phones do an amazing amount of computer image processing these days)

  • Whats that?

  • -1

    Why do you want 24fps? It's a US movie/Netflix standard (actually it's usually 23.976 or thereabouts) that allows streaming at lower bitrates but really is just a tiny bit crap. 30fps or 60 fps = more frames = less jerky = better = standard on most decent phones. A cheap Pixel 6 will give you higher 4K60fps video quality.

    But if your heart is set on lower quality, a quick search came up with the Filmic app for android, which will shoot at 24fps.

    PS Half the price of a new iPhone is for the marketing budget, and we've been told for years that iPhone shoots in movie quality, it's all you'll ever need. It's not true, it's media hype, usually paid.

    • This is a little bit of a silly take. 24fps is the standard for cinema since forever.

      That's like saying 2001: A Space Odyssey is "lower quality" than Gemini Man because Ang Lee shot the latter at a higher frame rate. As far as I'm aware, there are less than 10 'big name' releases that have swayed from the 24fps standard and people complain of their "soap opera effect"

    • Actually a very silly take. Why on earth would you think 24fps is a streaming gimmick? 🤦‍♂️

      25/50hz is the Australian/UK television standard due to older technologies interlacing signals and whatnot. 60hz is still classified as "experimental" and is only really a popular choice for video games or YouTube videos. Anything higher is generally used for slow motion footage or, again, gaming

      • Perhaps you need to do a little research on the topic. Just because 24 fps is the US movie "standard" doesn't mean that's the ideal frame rate. For example, fast sports action looks crap at anything less than 50 fps, and 25 fps is also slow. For movies you generally don't need higher frame rates, 24 fps is fine, but an iPhone or shooting at 24 fps is not going to match a cinema-quality camera and make your videos look like 2001: A Space Odyssey.

        You're better off buying a dedicated still/video camera and the higher the frame rate the better, though 60fps videos will take up more storage, of course.

        • I never suggested wanting to film sports. This has been about shooting short films. Your take on frame rates sounds like you think more = objectively better which is nonsense.

          I am also painfully aware a pocket-sized digital camera will not match the visual fidelity of 70mm film.

          For movies you generally don't need higher frame rates, 24 fps is fine

          Based on this, I'm guessing you don't really watch a lot of movies, huh? It is, and always has been, a choice and will remain a popular choice for the foreseeable future. Like, did you know they've made robots that can shoot basketballs far more accurately than elite players? It's like saying we don't need athletes because the robot is "objectively" better.

          Again, I have no idea why you think 60fps is what I supposedly want or need, but it will not serve my purposes.

        • Don't tell me I need to do research on the topic of frame rates. That is the most self-congratulating, myopic response lmao

        • 60fps videos will take up more storage, of course

          Lmao movie bit rates are measured per second - so a movie encoded at max 4K Blu-ray spec of 144mbit/s leaves 6mbit per frame at 24fps and 2.4mbit per frame at 60fps.

          In other words the 24fps version can have over twice the data per frame.

          The higher frame rate causes more compression artefacts, macro blocking etc…

          • @2025: Oh damn. Looks like you did a little research

            • @Ninternet: Sorry dude, didn't mean to upset you, I was just trying to help, believe it or not, trying to talk you out of buying an iPhone and paying too much for a standard that doesn't really mean much. 24 fps is fine, nothing wrong with it, it will do what you want.

          • -1

            @2025: Bitrate? I'm talking about "storage", i.e mb not mb/s. Get your camera and record at 4K30fps then 4K60fps and measure the size of the files. Or search Google for "video 60fps vs 30fps data storage". OK, I'll do it for you, first off the rank is:…

            "Since there are nearly twice the images to contain in a 60FPS video than in a 30FPS video of the same length, the file size of the 60-fps video is much larger than the 30-fps video."

            Nothing to do with blue-ray files, just the way cameras work.

            • @sepa: Why would I Google that, and why would I trust minitool with my next paid gig lols

              A higher frame rate isn’t always the holy saviour you claim it is.

              24p is not a Netflix standard aha. Netflix isn’t that old.

              Shooting at 60p halves the light hitting the sensor compared to 30p for instance. Temporal resolution doesn’t always = better, otherwise you’d see more Hollywood productions like the Hobbit at +48fps

              At the end of the day it is what your audience receives that counts. And nothing really gives a damn about how much storage they have. It’s about the bandwidth.

              I was trying to point out that saying 24p is garbage to someone that has said they’re into filmmaking is a bit like telling a painter that pigments and dyes are rubbish, CG is where it’s at. There are clearly understood benefits to both.

              • -2

                @2025: Cheers Ninternet/2024. I see you have done your research - into side alleys on fps moving making. I thought everyone excepted the science but it's a internet rabbit hole of movie-making theory, The Peter Jackson conspiracy theory and failure of 48fps is particularly enlightening. Americans obviously see it as an affront to their standards.

                All I'll say is this is a side issue when it comes to cameras. Ultimately cameras are about the glass. It's the lenses that really make a good camera, and while phone cameras excel at point-and-shoot in a pocket, they are not cinema-quality cameras.

                Really, though, I just wanted to have the last word, though I'm sure I won't.

    • Why do you want 24fps? It's a US movie/Netflix standard

      It has nothing to do with Netflix

      that allows streaming at lower bitrates but really is just a tiny bit crap. 30fps or 60 fps = more frames = less jerky = better = standard

      That's not really how it works, and because we are talking about cinematic recording lower FPS is better.

      Here's a lazy copy and paste. In high FPS movies…

      Movement that’s intended to look “smother” tends to just look hurried while attempts to make images seem “more realistic” just enhance the artificiality of what’s on-screen. Worst of all, it becomes difficult to emotionally invest in what’s happening on-screen when everything looks so removed from any form of reality. The technology keeps reminding viewers it exists rather than serving the narrative at hand.

      • The argument that 24 fps looks more real and "cinematic" is akin to saying music sounds more real and "musical" on vinyl than CD, or photographs shot with film are more real than digital images. It's an argument based on nostalgia not reality.

        Lower frame rates are not "better" or "more realistic", but 24 fps is the standard for movies, documentaries, etc since the 1920s when film cameras shot at 24fps. US streamers like Netflix continue to use that standard. There is no discernible difference between 24, 25 or even 30fps, but fast action does trail at lower frame rates and looks discernibly unreal, which is why sports broadcasters and some action movie directors opt for higher frame rates like 48 or 60 fps.

        Movie websites written by amateurs have their place but reread that quote and ask yourself is this fact informed by science or opinion based on "emotional investment".

  • Reasons NOT to buy iPhone 15:
    1. Overheating issues
    2. Easy to bend

    • I'm currently holding my thought to purchase until Nov.

  • +1

    Any videos/photos made by Apples team aren't representative of what you'll end up making with just pointing and shooting. They will have studio lights and professionals behind the camera controlling everything to get the absolute best quality shots.

    Just wait 6-12 months. When Apple releases a new phone they are always ahead of the pack for a little while, but in a year everyone has caught up on whatever cool feature they released, or people realize its not as amazing as everyone thought. The amount of Apple fan boys gushing last year when apple brought out the island was ridiculous.

    End of the day, You're not gonna look back in a couple years at video footage and think 'damn, wish it was ~10% better quality and I bought that iphone', you're just gonna remember the memory.

    • I haven't looked at marketing material. I was talking only in reference to freelance videographers who were praising the use of Log footage for HDR compatibility and comparing its footage to high-end mirrorless cameras.

      Regardless, I've already ordered a Panasonic g9

  • the 13 are available at Officeworks for around 30% or $500 less.

    • This has been resolved. Didn't want a phone. Wanted a camera.

  • -1

    Check out the low light lens flare/splotlight issue, prevalent on all iPhones pretty much. MKHD did a video on it highlighting this exact issue. Its superb video for all conditions except where there a strong direct light source.

  • -2

    Men buy android phones.

    • +2

      Men also buy iPhones. Women buy android phones. Women also buy iPhones

      Time to break free of your outdated, over-simplified gender paradigm regarding consumer choices and products! 🤗

  • 16 will be better

    • Same with 17 ;)

      • +1

        Haha number humour ;)

  • -1

    its almost the same as the previous model? just with a higher price?

    • -1

      This comment really feels like you didn't read the original posts or the previously made comments stating this has been resolved.

      Here is your acknowledgment reply, though.

      I see you. You are seen. You exist.

      • -1

        you asked for opinions, you got it, it seems your asking for reasons why you should actually buy, ill give you one, its because you lack intelligence

        • -1

          I lack intelligence?

          You didn't read the post, did you?

          • -1

            @Ninternet: yes, it says you cant take photos for shit so you need a expensive phone with auto enhancing features oh yeah it also features a bolt title "Convince Me NOT to Buy an iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max"

            • @johnfuller: It never said anything about photos. I never said anything about "auto enhancement" this reads like a bitter old man who can't keep up with incremental change, so relies on blanket opinions from a decade ago to hide fear of inadequacy.

              Oh, and also like you didn't read the post and decided to do so retroactively as to not seem as foolish as you are

              • -1

                @Ninternet: again "Convince Me NOT to Buy an iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max" but dont convince me 😂😂😂 muppets everywhere

  • An iPhone is not going to magically turn you into a filmmaker.

    Having said that, if you can afford it, wow much cinema!

  • Pixel 8

  • +1

    Worth noting that Apple has been somewhat deceptive of their use of "grade 5 titanium". You are only getting a 1mm thick band of titanium around the outer edges of the phone while the rest of the internal frame is aluminum.

    The other issue is that titanium is a relatively poor conductor of heat compared to aluminum and steel which may account for the overheating issues people are complaining about.

    Interesting tear down video here:

  • Isn’t this odd. So the more reasons anyone comes up with, you’ll have a counterpoint on why that’s not valid thereby making it even more convincing to buy the phone. :)

    Or else you’ve made up your mind but not sure if you can convince someone else… missus may be?

    Else why would you ask randoms (ok friends :) ) about why you should not spend money.. typically it’d be other way round - do I need to upgrade not I’m upgrading stop me.

    • +1

      Did you not read the question?

      OP is saying because of the video quality and features, they’re tempted to buy iPhone.

      OP wants to know of any cameras that will compete for less money. Hint - iPhone 15 pro shoots log and ProRes… The easy way out to get the features OP wants is an iPhone, but a good camera will out class it, and OP knew this.

      A lot of the comments are about missing headphone jacks, or android, or titanium?!? How does this help OP find a camera that is comparable????

      There were some comments from people that have suitable reading comprehension skills, and OP actually went and got a camera that was recommended.

      • Again, thank you for being one of the few people who understood the purpose of this post (despite my intentionally baiting title)

  • +1

    Apple invented usb C and the custom button.

    For those 2 reasons you should buy it

  • -1

    They're made by apple.

  • -2

    Are you stupid?

  • -2

    Buy it, in fact you should buy more than 1, should be 1 each for every family member. Buy Macbook Pro 16 inch, Apple AirPods Pro 2, and Apple Watch Series 9 as well.

    Me and other Apple shareholders (Tim Apple, Warren Buffet) need you to buy more Apple products.

    • Thanks for reiterating the very funny popular opinion that people who are interested in apple products buy every apple product! I don't relate to this situation and have never owned an iPhone before, but the gist of your intention was heard loud and clear!

      Your comment is duly noted and I'm sure everyone finds you very funny and relatable.

      You've added nothing of value to the now-resolved post (which I'm sure you didn't read anyway), but please give yourself a pat on the back from me!

      • -2

        This whole asking people to convince you not to buy an iPhone feels like a big joke. It was clear you pretty much made up of your mind and had too much time to spend to reply to other people's comments.

        The reality is that an iPhone is no big deal because 10 years ago, at the place I worked, I saw the cleaners in my office having better iPhones than me. It's just another smartphone. Either you keep an iPhone for longer or sell every year and get a new one.

        don't want to switch from android to iPhone IF there's a decent enough 4k24fps video camera for around the same price or cheaper that delivers comparable or better image quality

        I am going to be blunt. You should have asked a friend who knows you. If you are after 4K24fps, let's face it, you are not serious about video and that's why you were asking people to talk you out of getting an iPhone. Deep down, you know your reason to get an iPhone is not strong enough.

        Also, wouldn't surprise me that you currently don't have any home loan to pay.

        • Not serious about video because I want to shoot at cinema frame rates?

          And what do you mean "deep down"?
          I straight up said I'd prefer not to, but didn't know where to start otherwise.

          Without this post I wouldn't have been directed towards the Panasonic G9 which will be perfect for my needs.

          The title was both accurate and attention grabbing. Due to the amount of responses it garnered, it did its job ✌️

          None of my friends are photographers or videographers, so why would I ask them lol

          • -1

            @Ninternet: Panasonic G9… LOL… okay, good luck. I own one and I don't think it suits you.

            Anyway, will probably be a fun toy. Do wait a bit because price of G9 certainly will drop. Right now, the price of G9 is a joke. Honestly, I don't recommend buying G9 unless you managed to get one at super bargain price. If you don't know why, then whoever gave you the advice to get it is not up to date with cameras. Did they tell you to get the kit with a kit lens or they also recommended a lens?

            So, the advice is to take the mirrorless micro 4/3rd drug. That's "interesting".

            As for why ask your friends is because they know whether you really need a video camera and they might know someone who really knows video cameras to help you. My opinion is biased and I am an OZBer, you really think majority of OZBers are unbiased?

            • @netsurfer: You're coming across as a massive dick. You also don't know me.

              Have fun arguing with the void ✌️

              • @Ninternet: I don't know how much you paid for your G9, I hope it was less than $900 for the body alone (I paid less than $900 nearly 2 years ago, brand new). Lenses is another issue. G9 wasn't my first Panasonic so I had lenses already. The cheapest lens I bought now costs 3X more. To me, that doesn't make sense.

                G9, even if you do 4K/30fps, you are limited to 30 minutes cap (and there is no hack around it). It's fine to want to go for more serious video work, but you need to realise that requires more work and more effort. G9's contrast detect auto focus isn't ideal.

                • @netsurfer: Cool, mate.

                  It's already all been discussed in earlier comments.

                  • @Ninternet: G9 II announced and you decided to buy G9?

                    • @netsurfer: Imagine dedicated any amount of time to trying to devalue someone's purchase decision just because they called out your shitty joke on an online bargain forum.

                      Go play with your cameras and do something creative with your time, you sad boi

  • The iPhone 15 is the best phone ever!
    You should get it!

  • I'd just wait till some more full reviews come out for the phone to see if there any major issues. If there aren't any, just pull the trigger and form your own opinion on these phones. You can listen to the advice of 100s of strangers on the internet but nothing beats just experiencing it for yourself.

  • Just did what OP is proposing. I’ve gone back and forth between Android and iPhone one time in the past, but the 15 pro max is the first step back into the ecosystem in 5 years.

    The switch over is easy, and I’ve been loving the features and just how far IOS has come. Again excluding the iPhone 7 I used, in my 15 or so years being on Android the camera absolutely runs laps around anything I’ve ever used before except the HTC M7 or whatever it’s called.

  • I'd wait for some hands-on video quality comparison YouTube review with the Pixel 8 Pro before making a decision. It might save you from switching to iOs and also save you a few bucks

  • +1

    Lenses. That's the only big reason to go camera over iPhone. Any $1000 will be similar to your iPhone. Except you can change lenses. So if you want to go long term photographer or videographer you can start that investment. But if you're just doing it for fun there's not much point.
    You also look more professional.

    • In truth, I do it full time and the 3 lenses the iPhone offers are the perfect coverage. I think the 3x of the 15 Pro is a better/more versatile focal length that the 5x on the Pro Max too.

      • What do you do for a living? No one will be happy with a wedding photographer that rocks up with an iPhone. And a wedding photographer with much more expensive lenses wouldn't want to shoot with an iPhone. A journalist or comms person might use a phone though for ease and instant access.
        Anyways that's just my point. iPhone cameras are incredible.

        • Largely property content, events and promotional/social media work. I use ultra wide lenses a lot (where smaller sensors also don't matter as much), 24mm is a really usable and popular focal length along with ~70-80mm. I did the first 2 years of my business with just a 50mm 1.8 & I've sold plenty of content I shot on my S22 Ultra.

          No, it's not a great tool if you are professionally shooting weddings but that is where the limitations of it come in. I'm not selling all my gear to rush out and swap it for iPhones but I know very well it can supplement my existing kit very well for a number of uses, just like my S22U has for the last year. The crunchy oversharpened smartphone look rules it out of a lot of circumstances though, and that's the big deal about the iPhone 15 if you follow the right workflow for it

          And after lugging my big bag of gear + gimbal around for a few years, I can also think of a lot of times when the phone in my pocket and maybe a very small light smartphone gimbal could replace most of that

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