Hi, a Musician from Melbourne Here

Just saying hi, no need to chat necessarily, but apparently I need at least 10 words for a post!


  • +6

    hi ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

    • Hiya, jv.

  • +8

    Anyway here’s wonderwall

    • +2

      What is it good for??

      • +2

        Absolutely nothing.

        • Wonderful. *raises eyes

    • At college there were grassy knolls around the dorms and this one guy would sit there with his acoustic guitar and there were always a gaggle of decent looking girls around him. He'd basically only play wonderwall too.

      • I've never ever played Wonderwall. Perhaps that's why I don't have a gaggle of girls around me….

  • What part of Melb

    • Inner north. And you, what part of Sydney?

      • +2

        what part of Sydney?

        Outer east

        • +9

          So Lord Howe Island?

      • +2

        Which street

        • Close. Lives in Watt street.

  • Hello…

    • Hiya!

  • -6

    What's the point of posting a message if the only thing you're going to say is that you're a 'musician'.? You know, there is no obligation for a new member to post an intro message, right?

    • +7

      You must be fun at parties!

  • +1

    Link to your Spotify / SoundCloud etc page?

    • +2

      www.AntoniG.com or linktr.ee/AntoniG
      Thanks for listening!

      • +5

        Well I haven't listened to it yet but thanks for the thanks.

        Is your brother Kenny?

        Edit: you have a new follower. I'll listen to your album next road trip. The samples I tried are quite unique. Plenty of emotion. Thought provoking.

        • Thank you, Muzeeb, I'm honoured. It's quite laid back, mostly. I'm working on a new album currently. :-)
          And… my brother Kenny??? Well, he could pass some of his money my way, I guess!!!

      • Listened to the preview piece on your page. Pretty nice. I got Banjo Kazooie vibes from it, you could write music for video games.
        (I mean this as a compliment)

        • +1

          Thanks for the compliment - I'm well aware that VG soundtracks are the new movie soundtracks, huge budgets on some of them. I'm now listening to Banjo Kazooie, and… really? You see a parallel there? Actually, I have written some music that's more like that for theatre shows, but I didn't think I went that way for my album/YT. LOL. :-)

          • +1

            @jgg: There was a kazoo-like sound a couple of times that made me think of it, not so much the rest.
            it's nice work, good luck.

            • @FezMonkey: Ah yes, I'm listening to a bit of that from the game now.

  • +1

    cool story bro
    im going to make a forum post about my job now

    • +1

      What is your new boss like? How much do you make an hour? Are the toilets clean at your workplace?

      • i am the boss
        i make as much as I can
        the toilets are dirty when I need to use them

        • +2

          You should talk to your boss about those dirty toilets.

        • i am the boss
          i make as much as I can
          the toilets are dirty when I need to use them


  • +1


  • +2

    Hi welcome, are you able to make another post tomorrow about what you had for breakfast? I'll be eagerly waiting.

    • Meh. It's an insurance question or advise sought on what car to buy (but really confirmation of decision made) for the next post.

  • +1

    a musician from Melbourne here

    Making a living out of it? or Need side gigs?

    • Probably on the dole.

      • +1

        That's a government arts grant, thank you very much.

    • I've managed to make a living from it for a long time now. No, I'm not famous, hahaha. Never been on the dole.

      • Hi mate. Your site mentions a COVID artists' grant. If you care to share I'd love to know what this actually was / meant to you. (Full support from me).

        • Hi Afoveht. The time was Apr 2020, a great pestilence swept across the land, indeed, the whole universe. Men and women were confined and silenced everywhere. Especially musicians. I already had my album more than half-finished, and was planning a release later that year.

          Melbourne City Council, to their great credit, were one of the first govt instrumentalities to offer grants to artists. I applied and got one. Not a huge amount of money, but it gave me the impetus (and the deadline) to complete the album, organize its release, create a website, and also to start my YouTube channel. I couldn't do gigs, so this is something I could do. I'm very grateful for the "push" that the grant gave me.

          This is the first and only "grant" that I've ever benefitted from.

          Now if I could only earn a bit of money from recordings of my own music, rather than doing gigs playing other people's music.

  • +1

    I'll have a flat white, extra shot.


    • But why, we're offering you unlimited Blend 43.

  • What instruments do you play?

    • Keyboards. Piano and synths. Hammond organ.

  • +1

    What are the most popular songs that you have been involved with (in any role)?
    How often do you compose new original songs?

    • +3
      • From time to time I've been a jingle writer, and a session musician for advertising music. Worked on literally hundreds of jingles, e.g. for almost all car companies, many car dealerships all around the country, many drinks, alcoholic or not, chemists, stationary stores, hardware stores, you name it. Things that people hear everyday and probably don't take much notice of, but people get paid to make all sorts of music. Nothing that's on air at the moment, as far as I know.

      • Some time ago I played keys, arranged, co-wrote and co-produced a top-ten single for the D-Generation, forerunners of Working Dog. Still a bit of fun.
        The version with better audio is here… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDs0D53N0IU
        And the full video version, with slightly weird audio, is here…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJYcx9-xdlE

      • As a freelance muso, I've backed a long list of legendary Ozrock artists, mainly ones that are now sometimes referred to as "heritage" acts. :-)

      • I compose new original music almost everyday.

      • +1

        I watched the D-Gen song, funny. The Wikipedia page says all keyboards, programming and arrangements by you. Impressive.
        Why do you use a stage name on your own website? Is this an AMA? I don't know what this is.

        • +1

          Thanks for pointing out the wikipedia page, I didn't realize that was up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_in_a_Row_(1989_song)

          I have another website for some of my other "classical" composition work, and arranging, etc. www.JohnArthurGrant.com

          I adopted my father's Polish name for my projects as a "neoclassical" piano-based performer, to differentiate the several directions that I might go in. I know it's unpronounceable (just say Antoni G !) but it's also European, and I regard this music as very European in nature.


      • +1

        Ouch. Showing my age. I remember that d gen song. Bloody cool.

      • Roland synths?

        • Korg, mainly, but lots of other things 'in the box' these days. You're a guitarist?

      • HOLY SH1T YOU WROTE FIVE IN A ROW????????????

        • Yes mate. The music component, co-written with Colin Setches. Plus arrangements, keyboard performance, and a little programming, all mine. All words by the D-Gen crew, of course.

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