• expired

Coles Family and Friends offer - $25 credit shop online at coles.com.au


Hi - I was forwarded this Friends and Family offer from a friend that works at coles, you can get a $25 credit with coles.com.au. Direct from the flyer it says:

3 steps to a $25 Credit

Spend $250 or more in one order with coles.com.au
Book for delivery Wed, Thurs, Fri or Sat (10 to 13 Dec 2008)
Email username and FF08 to [email protected]

Forward to family and friends so they can get a $25 credit!
One claim only per household. The $25 credit will be applied to your following order.
If left unused, your coles.com.au credit will expire one year from the date of issue.
Check your postcode at coles.com.au to see if we deliver in your area.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Great find! $250 in one order is a big ask though.

    • Not with the obscene prices Coles charge.

  • +2

    The problem with this is that when I go supermarket shopping I usually bulk up on specials and wait until another time for the things not on special. If I'm going to buy $250 of goods in one go on the days they specify I'll probably be spending $25 more than what I would be doing my shopping the usual way.

  • This is really not worth the trouble unless you need to feed a family of 6 or something.

  • spend $250 or more for $25 . no go

    • yeohkt: 5 votes/comments and all neg???

  • bit sharpe….X'mas period but only 10% saving….

  • +1

    Agree..$250 is a big shop..but still a good saving, if you do spend that much.

    I personally don't spend anywhere close to that and normally shop at woolies. But I'm voting "+" because most bargains are horses for courses…i.e this bargain would suit a particularly demography but not for others - Although it wouldn't help me, still think it's a good bargain/deal - especially over the xmas time. (i.e hams/drinks/dvds for stockfillers etc)

  • -1


  • my max spending was $100-110 so this offer is definitely not for me :)

  • %250 in one transaction is just impossible for a lot of people.

    • A $250 grocery bill is just about unavoidable for a lot of people also…

      [ :- { )

  • +1


    If you have young kids anyway - big boxes of nappies $30-$40 each - 4 boxes get used quickly

    Baby formula $20 a can - 3 or 4 cans no issue.

    Wipes etc - easy to spend $250 on bub alone let alone mum or dad….

    • +1

      So your saying, lets make some babies?. Get to work everyone, c'mon you got to take advantage of this offer.

      I suppose, if you combine your shopping with someone else you could split the savings. Also Xmas usuually means a one big shop if you have to put up a party for the rest of the fam

  • +2

    A useful offer for some… thanks for posting it. Clearly, not all offers will suit everyone, but this is handy for those who wish to purchase food and drink for entertaining - which is the intended marketing. Personally, I've used ColesOnline for a long time, but switched to Safeway Homeshop when Coles "upgraded" their website, making it downright awful to use. Safeway works in conjunction with GreenGrocer, and I'm enjoying better quality fresh produce.

  • -2

    No good.

  • +2

    I don't understand the negative comments myself? It's an offer that I won't use, but I am sure it's valuable to many about to do their Christmas shopping. It's a good offer, doesn't deserve negatives.

    • +1

      I think the votes are to show ppls opinions about the requirements of the offer. The deals on the Mwave 24hr sale could be good for some ppl as well but others are voting negatively - showing their opinion about the deal as a whole not just about the discount.

      You could also say the $500 requirement of DJ's and Myer to get $50 vouchers is a bit steep, some ppl will spend that much (TV, clothes, etc), some wont. I guess what I'm trying to say is the meaning of Xmas is for writers of South Park to have something to write about because they ran out of ideas a long, long time ago

  • +1

    +ve from me.
    Our weekly groceries bill is usually more like $300 for a family of three (+numerous pets).
    This would be typical for families that dine out or use take-away only rarely.
    We've only just tried Coles on-line since the free delivery offer last week.
    A $25 credit will come in very handy thanks very much RockDude, particularly in the lead-up to Christmas.

    [ :- { )

  • I never shop online at coles. Do you get the same specials on items as to normal in-store?

    • Simple answer (according to my wife) is no.
      Different prices & specials apparently.

  • -1

    Spend 250 to get 25 off! Its not a bargain! -ve

    • +1

      How can a 10% rebate on your grocery bill rate a -ve???
      OK, it may NOT suit you to get your groceries on-line, but how does that make it a bad deal!
      Do you always vote -ve for OzBargains that YOU would have no use for?
      If it DOES suit you to use Coles online, this would be a very welcome offer.

      Food for thought?

      Live Long and Prosper.
      [ :- { )

      • +1

        It seems to me most prices on Coles Online are at least 10% dearer than going to the store yourself. I some cases prices are 50% more than in store prices (ie a bottle of Jim Beam White Label in 1st Choice [Coles' version of Dan Murphy's] is $26 but in the Coles online store it's almost $40.

        • +1

          I'd not be surprised that the prices are "premium", as the on-line shopping would be pitched at a niche' market.
          For ourselves, my (non-driving) wife intends checking the on-line store to pick the eyes out of the specials and then deciding on whether an order is justified, on a week by week basis.
          As I think some-one stated very early in this thread, it's a matter of horses for courses.
          Bottom line,, if you're looking to use Coles for on-line shopping, a $25 credit definately rates as a bargain!

          • @TeaEarlGreyHot: OT: But where the edit comment button go? Don't tell me I have to start reading my comments for typos before I post them now :O

            • @[Deactivated]: be logged in, and right under your own comment it has "edit | reply"

              i'd be screwed if we had to proofread everything =P

  • you'd save more at aldi

  • +1

    Yes, Aldi are VERY cheap,, but again it's horses for courses… little choice, no service, fee for CC, pack your own groceries & supply your own bags, remember to have a $2 coin for a trolley…
    We sometimes shop at Aldi also even though it's not close by, to stock up on their specials.
    Our son even bought his bicycle their a few years back.
    I remember it well,, it was bucketing down rain and here's me beaking down the packaged bike in the car park, getting soaked, to fit it into our non 4WD / truck / people carrier, sedan. The things we do for the kids…

    [ :- { )

    • that last bit was so funny…it's always the case…the packages that you buy (i.e ikea etc) are always about 5cms to big for the car…add the rain and that's a classic!!!

  • It is -ve because how many times have you done shopping worth 250 buks in one hit? Think about it! Have a look at colesonline and you will realise why!

    • Q. "how many times have you done shopping worth 250 buks in one hit?"
      A. Weekly!

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