ilmg » user profile

Member Since 03/09/2013
Last Seen Hidden
Location Melbourne

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If you have an esim phone then the optus flex prepaid could be the way to go, then cancel it after verification with kayo. No idea how long…
10/04/2022 - 21:02
Ok, I think I'm around this now. 1. Request to remove the basic hospital cover from my policy & say that I'm happy to pay what has been…
02/04/2022 - 21:03
I wasn't going to cancel the policy, just change/remove the basic hospital cover from the policy, cancel was probably the wrong term to…
02/04/2022 - 13:31
If I'm reading this correct, if you selected just the basic extras cover without no hospital cover, than at day 54 you can upgrade to the…
01/04/2022 - 22:49
I won't be able to make it to Coles before the offer expires so that kind of rules that out & I don't want to get someone else to do it…
26/02/2022 - 22:07
Now thats what I call a detailed analysis, thank you so much for that information. I'll be purchasing the gift cards through the HCF Thank…
26/02/2022 - 19:56
Are gift cards considered eligible purchases under their altitude rewards program to be able to get the bonus 110,000 points. I'm looking…
26/02/2022 - 16:45
[@blitzzbargain](/comment/3076780/redir): No idea. Sorry bud.
26/09/2015 - 19:21
Or 10. Don't think the vouchers are account dependent. Sign up with multiple email addys and stack all the vouchers generated on the one…
26/09/2015 - 09:27
[@imcold](/comment/3076126/redir): Oh, you were trying to figure out how to try and stack on the android app. Probably can be done, but…
26/09/2015 - 09:20
Don't think there is any issues with stacking (except android) or spreading the vouchers across multiple devices. Just can't…
26/09/2015 - 08:53
Don't think you can stockpile vouchers as they have an expiry date. If you email the voucher to yourself, it states you have to redeem them…
26/09/2015 - 08:35
Thanks, Just one last question, do you support wordpress multisite and wildcard DNS?
04/09/2013 - 16:11
Is that for the lifetime of the contract? If so, let me know the details to sign-up for this. Also, a quick glance at your website i wasn't…
04/09/2013 - 15:31
Yep, +1 for the customer service provided on here, good effort by the rep. Even though i am on a similar deal with another hosting company…
04/09/2013 - 15:13
That might be why, didn't even bother to check the date of the offer.
03/09/2013 - 15:48
Yes, the servers are in Sydney. Support can be a little time consuming though, not close to the promised deadlines.
03/09/2013 - 15:44
Very limited, however if you're not paying anything for it still, always handy to have i guess.
03/09/2013 - 15:39
Edit: Main differences being 5GB instead of 1GB plus a limit of 15 for addon/parked domains compared to unlimited.
03/09/2013 - 15:31
Sounds like a pretty sweet deal. Currently paying $4 p/year with another hosting provider for similar offer though.
03/09/2013 - 15:12
ilmg joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
03/09/2013 - 15:03