wangbadan » user profile

Member Since 30/06/2015
Last Seen 11/06/2024
Location melbourne

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LOL im looking for big volume humidifier, any recommendation?
11/01/2024 - 01:43
then how they explain about all lens get removed after this promotion began? shame on it
25/08/2015 - 14:23
All lens was removed on 10:45AM 25.8.2015!! there is no any possibility all lens sold out in 30 mins on all ted store. they are OZ local…
25/08/2015 - 13:54
if the discount money paid by ebay, then I have to say "shame on ebay"!
25/08/2015 - 13:50
yep, they just did that at around 11AM 25.8.2015
25/08/2015 - 13:49
Ted’s Cameras just remove all the lens items and some popular cameras this morning , shame on it.
25/08/2015 - 13:47
wangbadan joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
30/06/2015 - 16:12