skjaus2015 » posts

Looking to Bid on a House but House Has Big Tree about 5ft from The Nearest Wall Next to It. What's Your Advice ?

I am looking to bid on a house which has a big mature Maple tree about 5ft from the nearest wall. Had a look under the house. House is on cemented stump. The tree has overhanging branches over the …

Where Is The Best Place/ Website/forum to Learn Groovy on Grails, Angular JS?

I have only Database knowledge and my workplace now requires knowledge of Groovy on Grails, Angular JS. Wondering if computer nerds here can let me know some good website to learn the new skills? I …

eBay Australia

eBay Sale. Damaged in Transit. Buyer Requests Refund. Please Advise

Hi Friends. I sold an item on ebay and sent the item via Sendle. The item was a small retro TV and the item top and base was completely damaged by the courier, though the item was properly packed …

Samsung Fridge Less than 5 Years Having Issues. Samsung Not Helping. Contact ACCC or Get Fixed First. Please Advice

Friends, I bought a Samsung Fridge from Costco for $1300 and its going to around 5 years in January next year. For the last 6 months, water gets frozen at the bottom of the fridger.( The frozen …

Income Tax Return Not Filed for Last 4 Years. What are the Implications?

Hello Friends, I have not filed my IT return for the last 4 years. Planning to do it now. Was wondering if anybody has done the same ( filing tax return for 3 year or above) ? What implications are …

Tree Removed at the back of a house in my neighbourhood. Had Heritage overlay. Whom to complain?

Just found that a house on my neighborhood had a 80yr old Oak tree chopped off. It had a heritage overlay. I know this because I intended to buy that property and asked the council about it and they …

eBay Australia

[Resolved] Sold an Item Listed as Defective on eBay. Buyer Buys and Leaves Negative Feedback

I listed an item (Electrical item) on eBbay as 'Not working / for spares'. I had clearly mentioned in the item description that I have not tested the item and do not know if it is working …

Made Redundant - Not allowed to access my stuff on the laptop

Hi Friends, Today I was made redundant while I was on leave. I work ( worked ) for an Software consultancy company. They say they have locked my account and I can't access my laptop even …