cakesy » user profile

Status In Penalty Box.
Member Since 21/09/2009
Last Seen 08/10/2017
Badges 1 4
Location Sydney

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[@scud70](/comment/5034984/redir): Or 3c buttons.
03/09/2017 - 11:47
Who cares if it gives me 3% interest? They can call it My Little Pony account for all I care.
12/08/2017 - 08:30
Don't know, how do you price items that do not exist? In one way it is free, in the other way it is priceless.
02/08/2017 - 09:34
Not until next year.
28/07/2017 - 09:30
Do they not have the 16gb option? That seems crazy.
28/07/2017 - 09:30
How are these better than the regular $2 muesli bar sales Coles/Woolies have almost every week? Except it costs more.
27/07/2017 - 15:42
Companies get bought, change focus, go out of business.
24/07/2017 - 20:14
Mine doesn't. I get 3 shirts from the deal, go all the way through, to the point of entering my CC, and it still says total $89.97.
24/07/2017 - 11:25
How do you get the free case of wine? Do you have to add it to your cart?
20/07/2017 - 20:27
This is a crazy deal. Don't eat this, it will give you salmonella.
14/07/2017 - 18:35
Make sure to hold it upside down. Even in Australia.
05/07/2017 - 18:08
> I literally jumped on it So you broke it? Nice one.
02/07/2017 - 10:34
25/06/2017 - 14:20
Not that bad, they refund you the full amount. Who cares about that?
24/06/2017 - 12:09
Don't agree, was having no problem with running a lot of stuff on 4gb on my air. The fast SSD makes up for it.
21/06/2017 - 20:36
I have one of these, they are not particularly accurate. Shift your weight, and it can vary by a few kgs.
11/06/2017 - 11:39
Just get some eggs from the supermarket and fertilize them yourself.
14/05/2017 - 16:52
It is so much better, but you will not get a bucket for $10.
14/05/2017 - 16:51
Some stuff is, some stuff is even more expensive, especially when you look at specials.
13/04/2017 - 08:57
Starting at $70.
12/04/2017 - 17:20
Sure, but still plenty of use for the next few years.
12/04/2017 - 10:48
[@Meconium](/comment/4598444/redir): Those are dirtier, they keep dirt + bacteria under the connection between the metal prongs and theā€¦
12/04/2017 - 10:46
Sure, but those donuts are rubbish. You are better off just pouring sugar on a slice of bread.
01/03/2017 - 14:03
Who cares how much it cost them, what matters is what you pay.
16/02/2017 - 18:58
Sure, but never got them to work.
16/02/2017 - 18:57