xyzabc123 » posts

poll How Much Savings Do You Keep in Your ubank / BoQ / Similar Smaller Bank ?

How much savings are you comfortable leaving in your primary savings accounts ? Especially those banking with smaller banks like uBank / BoQ / etc ? I know there is deposit insurance upto 250K per …

Buying Dumb TV / Used Commercial Displays

Hey everyone. Looking for suggestions on getting a dumb TV (NO smart TV OS / features / apps / assistants) - but there doesn't seem to be any options available in Australia like in Canada / …

Sydney - Melbourne - Sydney Road Trip Next Week - Flood Issues ? Good / Bad Idea ?

I have an upcoming family event in Melbourne next week, and our original plan was to drive from Sydney. Having never driven Syd-Mel before, and with the rains / floods - Is driving still a good idea …