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[Google Play] Swype Android App Released 99c Sale


Swype was just released on google play (after 3 years in beta)
and to start things off they're having a sale on the app.
Swypes a Custom Keyboard for android with many nifty features.
This is the keyboard app that many others imitated.
Anyway the bargains time is unspecified but will go up in price soon.

Looks like they're having some issues with tablets at the moment but are working on an update for it.
Only been out for less than 6 hours and already has over 404 reviews 4.5 stars.

Edit* Oh and theres a Free trial version if you want to try it out too.

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closed Comments

      • +1

        Ok yea I see it..

        To be honest I don't know why everyone is raving on about this Swype keyboard. The response from this deal reminds me of the response to SwiftKey which initially even I was thinking "what's the big deal?". At the time I was using TouchPal and I was happy with it, albeit with a few little annoyances here and there.

        After using this Swype, I decided to go back to Touchpal v4.8.7 (not the latest one - download from website) to compare it and I think I still prefer TouchPal curve over this. Although I would say the old version is a little better than the newer version.

        The one thing that I find Swype is definitely better for is the integrated Chinese input and probably a better prediction engine for swiping.

        Btw about what I said in my previous comment above, TouchPal curve also automatically enters a space. I must've forgotten that it did that automatically.

        • I went along with the hype and bought the Swype app. The feedback I have are pretty much in line with yours.
          Actually what I found was that the Samsung stock keyboard swipe function is more accurate than Swype. I found that I made more errors when typing in Swype than the Samsung swipe function.
          That said, there are some pluses of Swype:
          the 'advanced functions', such as select all, punctuation, numpad, and language support

  • One thing I don't like about Swype is you have to switch to 123 to enter "?" Swiftkey 3 is more user friendly in this regards.

    • +2

      No you don't, just long-press "m" and you'll get "?". Long-press any key to get the "shifted" character. Have a read of the in-built help for hints and tips.

    • +3

      You can also swipe from the m key to the space bar and it does a ? for you, the same as swyping from the x key to the space bar will give you a !

      I'd like the ability to do a fullstop when on the number/special character ('+!= / 123' button) screen, for when I'm typing prices.

      • Isn't there a full stop just right of the space bar when in the 123 screen? What I find frustrating is I have to go to the second 123 screen just to get a *

        • +1

          I know! that and the percentage sign gets me every time…

  • Just bought it now (still .99 on their website), but I got charged $2.99? Did this happen to anyone else?

    Edit - Nevermind….it's now .99 cents…weird. I'm not sure how it went from $2.99 to .99 cents on my credit card.

    • +2

      If this was the first time you purchased something from the play store, then Google charges a $2 fee and then refunds it. Have something to do with fraud protection yada yada.

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