Posting a DVD as Larger Letter with Australia Post???

Can one DVD ( regular size case) be mailed and classified as a Large letter not a parcel? i did look at the austpost site. but cant seem to find if i can or cannot mail a DVD.


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Australia Post
Australia Post


  • The relevant Auspost page says that letters must contain flexible items to not interfere with sorting machines, but in practice I have mailed CDs and DVDs in envelopes, and they survived. Ditch the box though, just put them in a cardboard sleeve.

  • Yes. That's how DVDs from Australian ebay sellers get delivered with $2 of postage.

    • +1

      And arrive busted/not working.

  • +1

    I send PS3 games in A4 Envelope with 2 stamps, Never had an issue, case n all…

  • +1

    Yes, you can post DVD's as large letter. Once you add any bubble wrap it won't go through the slot that determines maximum thickness of a large letter, so just pop it in a thick tough bag style envelope. Generally, it will cost $1.20 for a one disc DVD or $1.80 for a two disc DVD. I've received DVD's in normal prepaid envelopes before too. Riskier for damage though.

  • I seriously wonder what happens to bulky letters that have insufficient stamps on them, and there's no RTS address on the back? What does Auspost do with them? I mean if you dropped it into a red post box. What happens next to your underpaid package?

    • Dead letter office.

    • And Kiss them goodbye!!!

      • And what if… you deliberately put insufficient stamps, but put an RTS address at the back?
        Will they RTS it?
        I.e. could you put your friends address at the front, put a 60c at the front as well, then the place of delivery - you put as the RTS address on the back? :D

        • +1

          They send an invoice to the rts address,for the funds required,

          I got one said they
          POsted in good faifh of error and to pay the outstanding amount… the letter went in the bin and never heard back since, I dont know if theres a limit per address or not tho…. I was pissed cuz I asked at the ppostoffice how much and put thestamps on it….

        • Auspost is not a charity

    • +1

      The recipient pays for the underpaid package. I purchased some ink cartridges on eBay that were posted as a large letter with no RTS address. I received a card telling me to go pick it up at the post office and displaying a message that I had to pay a fee, which was $6. Turns out a stamp fell off. But the seller reimbursed me with that so it was all good.

      • So it's like.. 1800reverse(postage)?
        Maybe we should do that to businesses who don't have Postage-is-free-if-posted-in-Aus :D

  • Can i just wrap the case with paper and seal it instead of putting it in an envelope?

  • +1

    I sent a USB stick wrapped in paper in a letter. I padded it up on the sides to protect it. It was completely destroyed.

  • A large letter is under 2cm thickness last I checked, if you keep it under 2cm when the employee sticks it through the cardboard guide you pay the large letter rate, max 36*26cm <125gm $1.20 <250gm $1.80 <500gm $3.00

  • Been selling off most of my small DVD collection over the past few months and am yet to have a problem using $1.40 prepaid C4 envelopes. Big difference between that and the $7ish for parcel post.

    Initially, I made thin protective sleeves for them out of cereal box cardboard, but probably wasn't worth the time and now just use a few layers of cling wrap. It's good enough for JB Online - the single DVDs I've bought from them have all come in a plain envelope with no extra protection.

  • If I have something I need to post and its very close to the 2 cm thickness then I will sometimes use a plastic document wallet to protect it (very thin)

    Something like…

    You can just tape it on the open sides, and though it would not protect against a full impact, it does help scuffing and punch resistance.

  • I post DVD's on a regular basis in a padded envelope, it's a perfect, snug fit. I apply two stamps and I've never had an issue. The post office has a thing with slots in it that the staff can pass letters through to check the thickness and give an accurate cost. I asked for one and it sits on my desk, so I can check and apply the correct amount of stamps. 😊

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