New to Australia - how is New Years in Sydney? Planning to go there


I am in Perth, but i have heard that the new year fireworks is really awesome in sydney.. i havent booked the tickets yet. but seen someone on gumtree selling tickets from perth to sydney during christmas time ( as not many ppl fly on christmas day)

I just want some opinions.. its like i really want to go and over look fireworks near the harbour bridge..havent been to sydney for new years..

Factors which are making me not to go :

  1. Cost- tickets are expensive but am getting a deal- $850 for return for 2 ppl from perth to sydney ( do u think its a good deal) dec 25 to jan 4th
  2. My work - if i stay and work in perth on christmas day and new years- will get better pay
  3. Anyways have to pay the house rent - if i m not here
  4. Partner has work and need to persuade my partner to join me

Factors which are making me want to go ;

  1. Time wont come again- 2014 wont come again
  2. I wont be 28 again
  3. I have couple of friends there - can stay with them - transport also is not a problem as they have a car
  4. Need to get out of a routine life
  5. Need to do something different

I havent been adventurous kind of person - but i want to be- i want to change - and i think there wont be a better time than new years..

I dont know - i am stuck.. i havent spoken to my employer about my plan but i think he will understand..

Pls let me know what u think? Also i m doubtful about the gumtree person about buying tickets- but need to take a risk - will meet him and book for sure.

thanks guys.


  • +2

    be careful with buying tickets from gumtree. maybe you could look up jetstar, tiger or virgin for tickets?

    mind you watching fireworks in Sydney will require an effort, for example if you want to watch from mrs macquarie chair (one of the best spot to watch fireworks in my opinion) then you have to come before 5 PM, look for spot, mind it until the fireworks end (12 PM).

  • +1

    I did it in NYC a few years back for (obviously considerably more expensive) but your pro's are exactly the same as mine were and I had the time of my life. Just do it (Brought to you by Nike and random guy on the internet).

    Oh, and take stun gun to meet guy with airline tickets.

  • +4

    Personally, I would save the money, work and earn more in Perth and then use the money to take an extravagant weeks holiday in Bali at a 5* resort with buffet breakfast, daily massages etc. That will be cheaper than going to Sydney for a few days, way nicer (IMO) and will get you "out of the routine".

    Then, plan to spend NYE in Sydney next year and plan ahead - book flights early in the year when there is a sale covering that period, prebook accomodation etc and it will still cost you way less than what you're looking to pay for this year.

    Be careful re buying off gumtree - some ticket types do not allow name changes!

  • yeah this guy on gumtree is a dealer so will look @ the itenary before hand confirm wit the airline and then pay him as a precaution- thanks

  • @lisss - we are planning to start a family next year— so next new years - dont know abbut the sydney plan —but what u said makes sense.. its very practical— but i jus want to let it go..

  • +1

    @anawth - thanks for sharing ur experience

  • +3

    Sweaty. Definitely not worth the flight over. Keep the money and give yourself a holiday early next year. The NYE fireworks get worse every year. You need to stake out your territory during daylight or you'll get a ratty viewing spot. Lot of families and drunks but never each porta-loos. If you're watching it in North Sydney, thinking you're ahead of the curve, prepare to get back at the wee hours of morning because everyone else is thinking the same thing.

  • thanks strand0410 :)

  • +2

    I stay in Sydney and have never been to the fireworks.. always enjoyed it from the comfort of my couch. You have to be there as early as 8-9am to even get spots in some areas and squat there the whole day. Not what I would call fun. There are certain areas that aren't as crowded, but not in any of the touristy places and you'd need a local guide with a car to get to.

    Paying $850… is just crazy mate.

  • I have tickets to the Cahill Expressway viewing platform for the midnight fireworks if anyone interested.

    It's one of the best elevated viewing platforms in Sydney. Above Circular Quay station with excellent views of the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House.

    It's very well security controlled. Limited tickets. Easy access from 10.30pm. So you can enjoy a relaxing dinner and wander down to enjoy the world's best fireworks from a safe, prime position at your leisure.

    Makes New Years Eve in Sydney a pleasure rather than a long, drawn out, hot day.

    PM me for more details.

  • +1

    You want to be adventurous why are you thinking of going to Sydney? BORING!

    Given the amount of time you have I would fly into Cambodia and do the Angkor Wat thing and after fly into Bangkok and hang out there a while and head on home after. Chop and change as necessary though - maybe mix in Hong Kong!

    Shouldn't be expensive either as everything is cheap over there.

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