Going to Toodyay- WA tomorrow

Hello people, happy chinese year to ppl who celebrate. Jus wanted suggestion as what to do in toodyay..
i am jus leaving tomo and need to know about things to do there. did a google search and found that most of the fun part is on a weekend.. Any tips/ideas/suggestions from ppl who live there or have been there recently would be appreciated.



  • +1

    There's whitewater rafting I believe (never been there, but spoken to someone who lives there)

    • +1

      There's no whitewater in the Avon River at this time of year, unless a milk tanker goes off a bridge.

      Here's some local attractions: http://www.toodyaycaravanparks.com.au/toodyay-hp/attractions…

      • See also http://www.toodyay.com/ which lists attractions, and http://www.toodyay.com/search_all.asp?code=543&codedesc=Arou… for stuff in the Avon area.

        It's a typical country town - there are some wineries, pretty old buildings, tearooms etc. There's also a minature railway. Maybe go for a bush walk?

        • thnx lisss :) we didnt go for a bush walk as it was very very hot and we could smell burning from some where .. and visitor centre advised not to go on foot as this is the time the snakes are out.. she told tat she has seen snakes on the roads ..

      • thanks :)

    • yeah the rivers were all dry :) i was looking to do hot air balooning but it seems its only in winter..thanks :)

  • Watch out for Moondyne Joe, his ghost haunts the avon valley/toodyay area.
    He was the first bushranger in W.A.

    Not a nice bloke.

    Years ago there was an old jail in toodyay that was open to visitors, maybe check that out.

    • yeah the old jail is closed to visitors now. but there is this museum with cells and there was this video/audio thing in a dark room, it was scary.. but it was nice..there were many hornet and they told to be to careful about snakes as its summer :) but thanks

      ghost of moondyne joe? thank god i missed reading this comment before i left to toodyay, the wifi signal and mobile signal was very bad..we stayed in a retreat house, it was awesome

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