This was posted 10 years 7 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

49 FREE Online Courses from Open Universities Australia


Open2Study is offering the following 49 courses FREE. Content by some of Australia's most respected universities like RMIT, MacQuarie, Massey, Griffith, Swinburne, Curtin, etc. All commence February 17th and end March 18th.

Agriculture And The World We live In
Astronomy: Discovering The Universe
Basic Physics
Becoming A Confident Trainer
Becoming Human: Anthropology
Big Data for Better Performance
Chemistry – Building Blocks of the World
Chinese Language and Culture
Climate Change
Concepts in Game Development
Contemporary Issues in Ocean Governance
Diagnosing the Financial Health of a Business
Early Childhood Education
Education in a Changing World
Emergency Management
Entrepreneurship and Family Business
Financial Literacy
Financial Planning
Food, Nutrition & Your Health
Foundations of Psychology
Human Resources
Indigenous Studies: Australia and New Zealand
Innovation for Powerful Outcomes
Introduction to Business in Asia
Introduction to Enterprise Architecture
Introduction to Nursing in Healthcare
Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power
Management for a Competitive Edge
Marine and Antarctic Science
Microbiology and Forensic Science
Mining Engineering
Mobile Robotics
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Online Advertising
Principles of Project Management
Sports And Recreation Management
Strategic Management
Teaching Adult Learners
The Art Of Drawing And Painting
The Art Of Photography
The Human Body As A Machine
Understanding Human Diseases
Understanding The Origins Of Crime
User Experience For The Web
Water In A Thirsty World
World Music
Writing For The Web

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closed Comments

  • Not a deal.
    These courses have always been free, so this post should be in the forums.

    • +2

      These courses have always been free

      Proof/link please? There's only 10 that were offered free previously as per this post. The other 39 are all new and start in 2 days.

      There are stacks of posts for free courses that are not in forums, and I suggest this should remain a deal like the rest of them.

        • -4

          Here's your linky. Ok?

          "The courses at Open2Study are free – and we mean completely free! There are no fees or admin charges, no textbooks or materials to buy and absolutely no hidden costs.

          All of our courses are available to everyone – whether you're curious about online study, looking to boost your professional skills, returning to study or just want to learn something new for fun. We want you to be able to sample a high-quality education, free of charge."

          Just reported this "deal" to a mod.

        • +4

          Just reported this "deal" to a mod.

          Meroveus, 4 lifetime posts, and now FREEBIE police, has spoken!

        • -1

          Typical of you. The only way you know of to win an argument. lol

        • +4

          I've been doing this long enough to know what a deal is. Don't hold your breath, as the mods have set precedents with freebies in the past. Now, go get a little fresh air.

        • To be fair see the comment made by the REP on 15/05/2013

          Looks like extra courses were added throughout 2013, so many of these courses would be fairly recent and certainly not available when this was posted earlier last year

        • many of these courses would be fairly recent and certainly not available when this was posted earlier last year

          Thanks u1. As a power user, what's your take on what should/should not be a deal (& moved to forums)?

        • +3

          This was allowed as a deal last year when ~10 courses were available. Now there are ~40 new courses which have not been posted since. If the previous deal was allowed then this one should be too.

          It's the MODs call at the end of the day.

        • @tightarse

          OK, let's start by negging these:

          inappropriate use of neg - report instead :)


          If the previous deal was allowed then this one should be too.

          not necessarily - did anyone report that deal? i would have if i had seen it and there were no comments re it being a freebie as here

          It's the MODs call at the end of the day.



      • +1

        The courses at Open2Study are free – and we mean completely free! There are no fees or admin charges, no textbooks or materials to buy and absolutely no hidden costs.

        unless the same courses are not free elsewhere then this belongs in the forums :)

    • If they are always free why is there such a tight time frame?

      • courses always have a fixed duration :)

        Course starts on:17/02/2014
        Course ends on:18/03/2014

      • +1

        Tight, because you are only given 4 weeks of educational videos (and which you can usually watch them all in one day's sitting). Also, by having it in (often repeated) short blocks, as opposed to having a rolling enrolment process, it means that a particular group of people can go through it together which helps if there are forum questions to each other, questions to the lecturer etc. You then don't get lost in the sea of questions from the previous groups of students. It also, I would imagine, means that a lecturer is only on hand for questions at set times of the year, not a 365 day commitment.

  • +4

    Thanks for sharing, I didn't know about this. Can you enrol on as many as you want? What is the accrediation/certificate at the end?

      • Yeah thanks, I've kinda got an idea what it's about now! Do they enrole at different times during the year? I'd be tempted to do one, but wouldn't want to do 3 at once!

      • TA, do you (or anyone else for that matter) know if the relevant uni logo is on the certificate of achievement? I understand it will have Open University all over it, but wonder if there is a small RMIT/Swinburne Uni logo also. The website doesn't make this clear…

        • No idea, sorry rawm.

        • +2

          I did some courses late last year and assuming nothing has changed since then, there is a big Open2Study logo at the top, your name, the course you did and then the logo of the institution which presented the course at the bottom.

        • Awesome, thanks! Decision made.

        • +2

          I found a couple certificates on Google. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

  • +1

    Would these be useful on a CV? Not as the only "qualification" of course but in addition to whatever qualifications you may hold.

    • Depends on the reader of your CV and how much they know "While this certificate isn't a formal qualification from your educator, you can use it to demonstrate your interest in and passion for a certain course…"

  • +1

    Thanks much TA, heaps on that site than I could ever keep up with, lol.

  • +1

    I usually enrol in several but never do the assessments. Quite often they'll stay active in my account to watch later even after the set study period time.

    So many uni's need to take note of the really good production values used here rather than the half-baked way some of them treat online or distance ed courses. If you can't wait until the 17th, they have some of their videos on their YouTube channel (most of them are hidden ones though so it's still worth going through the enrolment procedure) -

  • +2

    University of New England also do some free courses, which give you the option of paying to actually do the assessments if you feel like it -

  • +1

    damn so many I'm interested in and not enough time :(
    thanks for the post though!

  • +1

    Does anyone know if they mail the Certificate to us free as well? Any hidden tricks that anyone noticed?

    • +2

      Certificates are emailed

      • +1

        I hate that. I'd be willing to pay ~$15-$25 for a nice embossed certificate.

  • Yeah

  • +1

    Does anyone else find the way this site allows people to delete your posts for no reason at all slightly creepy?
    What is the rationale for this unique policy?

  • +3

    Really interested in trying a course (or four) out. Thanks TA.

    oh and dw about the haters :) Without you posting this, I would never have known these things existed! Can't put a price on learning and education. Literally in this case! :P

  • +1

    More free online courses from universities in US, UK, AU and other countries.

  • -8

    Love to do the climate change course… right after I complete the ones on maintaining the habitat of fairies at the bottom of your garden, and how to build a business selling loch-ness monster steaks.

    • +5

      Tony, I thought you'd be far too busy treating the Indonesian government like dirt and feeding your room full of speech writing chimpanzees to comment on OzBargain. Pardon the pun, but Welcome aboard!

      • -1

        And I thought I was the only that sees a chimp when I see those ears!

  • +10

    Here is my list of other free online sites, its quite an old list, some of these may have changed.

    Is there any interest in a wiki for online courses, as this Open Universities has been posted in the past and there seems to be a lot of interest.
    Cisco (IEOC Forums and Cisco Learning Network)…

  • +1

    Thanks for sharing.
    Enrolled financial planning.

  • +2

    Thanks alot - enrolled in two courses.
    What a great post and thread of other sites to explore.

  • Thank You

  • Thanks for posting this :)

  • i found this to be an interesting post. Thank you.

  • -1

    Thanks for the post. I wouldn't mind studying some of these for my own entertainment.

  • -8

    The title" The Human Body As A Machine" worries me. These scientist regard humans as just robots. That's why psychiatry is so evil: it assumes the human mind is only an organic machine and tries to solve everything with purely mechanical means, first psychosurgery (prefrontal lobotomies mainly), then 100 Volts of electricity across the temples, and now pschoactive drugs that make people lethargic, impotent, nauseous, diabetic, obese, compliant and will-less. Sugar pills are just as effective as SSRIs for the treatment of depression. It is human faith, belief and effort that heals the psyche, not increasing the concentration of seratonin in the synaptic cleft.

    • -1

      I think this needs to stay inside your soul… Or with a psychologist.

    • -1

      Dude. lol

      As someone who is medicated for a serious mental health disorder and is ALIVE to this day because of that medication (along with regular psychologist sessions), let me tell you that you're well off your rocker if you believe that all drugs are evil. I question the realm of Psychiatry all the time and see many many flaws in diagnosis and treatment methods, but damn, to cast a blanket statement like you've just done is absurd.

      Praying to Jesus ain't gonna fix us crazies.

    • I agree with some of your statement many treatments in the past and present are akin to barbaric torture which is actually acknowledged professionally. Psychiatry is a field full of psychopaths.

      Faith alone might work for people, each to their own. I don't believe this but I haven't experienced it so its not for me to judge. Exercise is known to help though.

      Faith and spirituality has been stated to have many benefits from people who practice it. I don't practice it so I have no knowledge to refute that.

  • I participated some of their classes. Cant complain about the lecture quality. Thank you for sharing anyway!

  • +6

    Ive added a wiki and cleaned up the list a little, added a few others listed in this thread.

    Wiki link:

    Thanks to blerk, romaau and grababargain for your additional links

  • Thank you for this post.

  • -2

    Does anyone know if you get a certificate after completing these courses?

    Please PM me if you know the answer!

  • Answer is in the beginning of discussion thread ;) In two words - yes, Example

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