Advertising flyers on cars

this stuff really gets to me.

not only do I have to find a place to throw the advertising (because i'm a responsible tree hugger)

but I see so many on the ground near my car that I pick them up and dispose of them also.

don't understand why business still do this I think the authorities should make an example of a few business and parade them over the media so no-one else does it.

same goes with a lot of other laws and regulations that most people just forget or don't know exist..

like keeping left on a freeway
throwing rubbish out of a car
discarding cigarette butts
spitting gum on the footpath

would you guys send the business owners a nasty email and call the cops for something so small or am I just petty


  • -1

    Complain to EPA?

    I've dobbed a few people in chucking cigarettes/rubbish out of their car before.

    • Do they need proof of the person you witnessed doing those things? I always want to dob in drivers who have thrown butts out their window (sometimes rubbish too). Do we need to take photos of their licence plate as proof or anything?

  • +1

    Not to mention everytime I see one of those I get a rude shock and automatically think I got a parking ticket…

  • +1

    In Victoria (not sure other states), under the 'Litter Act' it's illegal to put any advertising flyers on cars. But don't know how this law is enforced.$FILE/87-54a011.pdf

  • OP… learn to roll with some things.
    A lot of junk mail advertising is just annoying to most people, you are not alone.
    These people should not be touching your car either… but they do.
    Add to your list the pests that come knocking at your door … grrr…
    Such is life…

  • +2

    parade them over the media so no-one else does it.

    Maybe you should start a website posting photos of those flyers stuck on the car and write some snarky comments about them.

  • +1

    I often wish our country was more like Singapore on these matters:

    "To maintain the clean and green city, there are strict laws against littering of any kind. First-time offenders face a fine of up to S$1,000. For repeat offenders—it's a fine of up to S$2,000 and a Corrective Work Order (CWO). The CWO requires litterbugs to spend a few hours cleaning a public place, for example, picking up litter in a park. The litterbugs are made to wear bright jackets, and sometimes, the local media are invited to cover the public spectacle. Naturally, the authorities hope that public shame will make diehard litterbugs think twice about tossing their scrap paper or cigarette butt on the roadside."

    Cleanest city I've ever seen. Was unbelievable.

    I'm with you, OP… I always end up taking the stupid flyers home to throw away in the recycling bin. Angers me that most of that stuff ends up littering parking lots and streets.

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