NEW Samsung 32GB PRO (Up to 90MB/s read speed, 80MB/s write speed) <-- for Galaxy Note 3?

Well this new MicroSD looks amazing, it's currently on Amazon for $37.24 USD so I think it lands for around $43 ish AUD.…

It's fast but is it overkill for a mobile phone (Galaxy Note 3 n9005)

I've had bad experiences in the past with slower/cheaper MicroSD's causing lag so I just want the best within a reasonable price range.

The 64GB version isn't available yet, it also states only 50MB/s write on the 64GB version, I suspect this is a typo copied over from the 16GB variant though.


  • +1

    Personally I would just get the fastest card within the budget.

    Even if the phone can't make the most of the speed, you can appreciate the difference if you plug the mSD card into a computer via an adapter. Those extra MB/s makes a tangible difference when you need to transfer several gigs of data at a time, e.g. movies or videos

    • Those were my thoughts exactly. $42-44 isn't a huge amount of money, sure it's only 32GB when most people these days are buying 64GB but the extra speed will make moving to PC less painful, and in reality it takes me about 9-12 months to fill 32GB on a phone anyway so I don't need the 64 option.

      Okay thanks for confirming my existing thoughts, I think I'll go buy this.

      • Not sure about you, but generally, regardless of how long it has been, i still prefer to retain a copy of all my old stuff on my phone with me, whether it be 9 months old or not.

        • +1

          I'm a bit of a hoarder too :) To be honest I've managed over 2 years on my current 32GB (Galaxy Note 1 which takes smaller photos/videos) and carry it all with me still. That said I'd happily move the older stuff onto my computer backups if needed. I'd rather a fast 32GB than a slow 64GB, but if I can find a compromise I'll go 64GB still.

          I haven't got the Note 3 N9005 yet, just ordering things ahead.. Already bought the case, screen protector etc :)

          EDIT: Perhaps this is the compromise I speak of … $47

        • Haha, the Note 3. If you record in 4k video, the 64gb is nothing.

          I solved the problem with getting dropbox. Dropbox the very very old photos and video so that i still have access to them when needed.

        • I also use Dropbox (old 54GB deal) until they wind it back.

          I have 3 x 50GB Box accounts too which will take over once the above occurs.

          I don't plan to record in 4K which obviously has it's own considerations to factor in.

          What MicroSD card are you using?

          I see this new gen Samsung Pro card is really READ: 90MB/s, WRITE: 50MB/s (not 80), still the version it replaces (the SE link above) is only 20MB/s write. Surely for 4K you'd want fast write speeds on yours? Don't they require at least 40MB/s?

          I think this post may have answered my questions though, without 4K use I probably only need the old gen, currently 64GB for $47 is a good deal.

        • I use a SanDisk microSDXC. When i record with 4g its saved to flash memory of the phone then transferred.

        • +1

          Ahh good idea.

          Well I ended up purchasing the old-gen Samsung 64GB Pro card. That $47.95 deal was too hard to resist. It's up to 70MB/s READ, and 20MB/s WRITE. If I'm not using 4K then it should be up to any task, and if I do use 4K I can do the internal method like you. Maybe I should now get a 32GB Note 3 instead of 16GB just to be safe :P

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