Outdoor TV Antennas

The world cup is a week away and I only just found out that SBS will be showing all games live.

Problem-I have no tv antenna and live in a rural area (terrible internet so can't watch online)

Apparently other people on my road get tv reception so it should be possible. I live about 30km from the nearest town, on a mountain in a valley, valley points pretty much straight out in the direction of the town with a decently clear path

What would I need to buy and install on the roof to get SBS. Pretty much the cheapest way of doing it because all I care about is SBS.

I'd like to buy it from a retail store such as dick smith because I rang them and they said I can return it if I can't get reception.
Looking at this one currently


Would that do it? Or am I looking at the wrong thing entirely.

Thanks guys!


  • Do your neighbours get SBS?

    Bunnings have a good range of antennas.

    • Don't really have neighbours as such but just rang a local antenna installer and he said that we don't get free to air reception, so there goes that plan.

  • You said that other people in your road get tv reception, but then that the antenna guy said that you can't get reception.

    Anyway, if you really cannot get tv reception in you location, go to https://www.myvast.com.au

    • I live a lot further in the hills than the other people in my road though. It could also be satellite tv or something that they have, just seen things on their roofs

      Thanks for the link I'll check out what I can find :)

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