Home Server Build

I am looking at building a Windows based home server, and I am after some advice on technology to put into it.

The current server is a Duron 1800, 1.2GB RAM, mixture of 40GB to 120GB drives & WinXP. Surprisingly it serves all of the function below without issues. But it is close to failing (burnt out RAM & USB slots and on its 3rd PSU). I want to build something more stable and lower power to replace it. Budget around $500 with no peripherals.


  • Data storage (RAID 1 Mirrored Backup).
  • Dropbox backup sync for critical items.
  • Plex Media Server.
  • Remote Access.
  • Torrent Box.
  • Print Server.

Any advice on parts or specs I should consider?


  • Run up an Unraid box, has plex plugin , can re-use those old drives , easy to add/remove drives from array, its meant for home media. Stable. Forget torrents - run Sickbeard and SABznbd on it.
    Plenty of step by step tutorials if you google.


  • HP Microserver N54L $229 currently on the home page? It runs an AMD CPU so no problem installing Windows.

  • get the microserver and either install win 8 or windows home server 2011 if you can find it. Need to add another 2gb ram. It will take 5 hard drives with no modification, and another one if you buy a esata to sata cable, and a 5v power splitter cable ($5). Most run 1 os drive where the optical drive is located and use the 4 bays for your data, in your case raid 1. It is a little sow to boot so don't expect ssd to make it lightning fast, but it is stable.

    windows home server 2011 is great if you want to back up other windows computers and most software runs on it same as win 7. Biggest issue is finding it for sale. Was around $50.

    I have a microserver running Ubuntu as well but loading software onto it and setting up file sharing across the network is a real pain. If you are into Linux then no probs.

    • I'm thinking of resurrecting my whs 2011 build to run it as a running a media server and probably OwnCloud.

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