is there any Australian Road Rules you don't know?

Can you wear thongs (flip flops) to drive by law?
Is it ok to "duck out" (drive to the near) supermarket without a driver's licence?

Came across these road rules articles which I found interesting Australian Road Rules You didn't know from Think it's not a bad thing to share.

Also top 10 misunderstood road rules from RMS.

and 10 road rules you never knew you were breaking from

+1 if you know it all.


  • +2


    "A toot of the horn and a wave goodbye out the window as you drive down the street could cost you almost $600 and three demerit points in NSW"

    I do this every second weekend when i go to visit my old folks.

    • lol. I think in QLD it is a $60 fine and no demerits.

    • +2

      A wave without the toot is not a very sincere goodbye.

    • I wonder whether tooting while you're still in the driveway, inside the property boundary, is an offence? I do that all the time at my daughter's house.

  • +1

    ok, so its a stop sign 4 way intesection.

    Im wanting to turn right. the person opposite me driving toward me has also stopped at the stop line and is wanting to turn right.

    who gets to go first is one rule im unsure of :o

    • This! Please someone enlighten us…

    • If you're both turning right, you're both turning away from each other, so where is the problem?

      • we have to cross each others paths, depending on the road and layout of the intersection, unless we try to cut on the outside of each other, but ive got no idea the other guy is going to know what im doing and thats likely to cause an accident.

        • If you have to cross each other's path because of the intersection design, then aren't you already past each other when you have to turn?

        • +1

          I made this in paint just for you :P
          Sometimes theres not enough room in the middle for both cars to pass simultaneously

        • Thanks! That's what I thought you were saying with your original comment - you're both turning away from each other, so unless you're actually aiming to have a crash, I can't see the problem.

    • I have always been confused by this scenario too! I know what pjetson is trying to say, but that only works if the intersection is large enough (like a red light where both vehicles can turn right and not obstruct each others paths). If such an intersection is small (for example in a suburban area with lots of houses) then it is simply not possible for both vehicles to turn right.

      I guess in this situation, one driver needs to be MORE courteous than the other and signal that they should go first.

  • so if you wear thongs and get pulled over for any reason, just take it off and you are ok?

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