Free Sports Socks (Australian Sports Socks)

Hey all,

Just got an email regarding the recent deal that was posted here, it's since been removed after I tried to find it, but I do re-call signing up for the offer, email below looks like they won't be forfilling the free socks deal.

To all subscribers to our free pair of socks offer on August 2014.
Please accept our sincerest apologies.
Australian Sports Socks is a business that custom knits orders for clubs, schools and like organisations specifically to their requirements. As such we have had an offer on our site for a free sample to be supplied, whichever is best suited to their requirements, in order that the organisation may determine if our socks will meet its needs prior to placing an order.
Earlier this month, August 2014, this offer was posted without our knowledge or consent on the website and over the next 3 days we averaged 2,000 requests a day which is something highly unusual. With so many requests we have been unable to personally check every email so assume that most of them are from private consumers not clubs or organisations looking for socks for their team members.
We are sorry to disappoint you but, due to the lack of our consent to this posting, the free sample offer will not be fulfilled and further, has been made unavailable from our website.
If you are genuinely looking for a sock supplier for your club, school or organisation we apologise for this inconvenience but ask for your understanding. Please contact us again on 07 5530 3622 or email us at [email protected] supplying the following details:-

Your name
Club name
Contact phone number
Delivery address
Sport played
Type of sock you are interested in

One of our friendly staff will be more than happy to assist you and ensure we provide you with your specific requirements.

We extend our deepest thanks for your understanding and hope to assist you soon.

Related Stores

Australian Sports Socks
Australian Sports Socks


  • Just got the same thing. Was looking for the original post so could update. Strange was removed?

    • +3

      Found the original link

      403 Forbidden

      You do not have permission to access this page.

      Reason: Requested by store.

    • The store requested removal and we removed it.

  • +4

    ah well we tried. Good effort guys.

    Any chance for Ozbargain Sock club?

    • +2

      2,000 requests for socks! that's crazy I bet they wish it was samples that would be leading to actual sales though

      • +4

        2000 a day! 6000 requests for free socks. \o/

  • +5

    I thought I would be a shoe in on this deal. I got the email too, it really spoke to my sole, I feel like a heel for trying to get a toe in a free deal.

    Australian Sports Socks didn't post the deal so at least they weren't sock-puppeting.

    I've missed out. DARN !

  • But they have a 6000 strong mailing list!!

    • +2

      If you look on there page, they still offer the free sample but is marked as expired, I'm going to guess they didn't send out one pair of free socks? as it would be to hard for them to sift through everyone elses requests, there video on there main page even says the offer, ah well

      Edit: Just realized I just hit the 1000 comment mark! go me! :)

  • +7

    What a shame ;-(

    Maybe now they will get 6000 emails requesting details to be removed from their mailing list.

    • +3

      I bet they're glad their mailing list software is more up to date than the website!

  • +8

    Would it really have been so hard to put on the webpage that the offer is limited to clubs/schools etc?
    Instead they make an offer for a freebie - then get surprised when people take up the offer.
    I didn't bother when the deal came up but people should realise that when you put stuff on the web PEOPLE WILL LOOK AT IT and often not just you and your handful of mates.

  • +4

    I feel this business is a little misleading in that it appears they "screen" all free sock recipients before sending anything, fair enough if they don't want to send out samples to all and sundry - but perhaps they should be more prescriptive in their marketing ramble.

    Just noticed they appear to have set up a separate email address to handle "replies" to their outbound email, moves like this often make me question the sincerity of their "apology"

  • +5

    It's not hard for the marketing or advertising team to plan correctly and include terms and conditions to restrict whom the free offer is targeted towards. I see no reason to accept the 'apology' or have any sympathy for any company who cannot plan, run their website or advertising better than this one.

    Rather strange that the 'reply to' address for "Jim Smith, Managing Director, QUEENSLANDHOSIERY MILL" is "[email protected]" when even in the email signature it has his direct email '[email protected]' … totally discounts any honest or genuine sincerity on their part in regard to the email sent.

  • +2

    "This offer was posted without our knowledge or consent on the" - Do we need their consent to post it? (genuine question here, I'm curious to know)

    • Consent doesn't have to be given to putting a link on another website. However, if a user (not a rep) posts a deal and the company requests that it be removed due to it not meant for the public (or some other legit reason), we either mark as expired or remove the deal especially when no one will receive the item (thus not qualifying as a deal insufficient quantity). It's a case by case basis.

      And for clarity, if a rep posts a deal and they request removal (usually because they don't like the comments), we almost always reject their request (per guidelines) unless there is an adequate reason.

      • Ah I see, thanks neil.

      • we either mark as expired or remove the deal

        Hi Neil. In this case, why was the deal removed, and not just expired? From what you wrote above, once the company requests removal, it's up to the mods to remove or expire.

        • The deal was never valid or active and there really wasn't any value to the community to leaving it up. As the OP said, it was 6000 requests that this small business had to deal with.

        • @neil:
          Cheers neil.

        • @neil:
          While I have no problems with what you've said Neil I am not sure I completely agree with the 'deal was never valid' comment.
          The fact that the company has stated that it does not intend to honour its offer is not the same thing IMHO.
          In fact, if anyone could be bothered I suspect you'd have a claim under the Aust Consumer Code for what seems to be a misleading representation made on Aust Sports Socks' website…

  • +1

    They've assumed we don't have a 6,000 team footy league.

  • I would assume that the company would not be including our emails in their mailing list now.

  • I just click "unsubscribe from this list" ^^

  • Since the deal was also on their website, I believe the entry shouldn't have been deleted from here. I think the company is misleading since the deal is still on the site(albeit expired due to it being on Ozbargain in the first place) and should alter the advert as I believe it is intended for Clubs/Organisations as such.

  • Fair enough for the company, many of these sporting uniform sops arent multi-national conglomerates, they are small family businesses. Also, it takes a special kind of OzB to want to get around in odd coloured sample footy socks, just because they were free!

    • What I don't get is a sock company that is based in Queensland. Queensland and wearing socks doesn't really go together.

      • That special kind of Ozb won't mind if the socks don't actually match and are different lengths.
  • unsubscribed.

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