• expired

Open Rabo Direct Savings Account ($1000 Deposit) & Get Bonus Melbourne Rebels Merchandise Pack


I have been looking for a new savings account since Ubank changed their account structure. Some of the other online banks have similar rates but have limitations such as no withdrawals which doesn't suit my needs. This account however has an interest rate of 3.85% provided you increase your balanced by $200 each month.

Taken straight from the website

We're proud of our partnership with the Rebels, and excited to offer you a FREE merchandise pack when you open a new account with RaboDirect and reach a balance of $1000 or more.

How to claim your Rebels gift

Simply apply today for a RaboDirect HISA account and enter the promotion code REBELS14 at the end of the application form. Once your HISA balance reaches $1000, we'll send you a RaboDirect Rebels merchandise pack*, including a beanie, scarf and limited edition Gilbert rugby ball.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    but ubank offers 4.02%?

    • But UBANK doesn't offer the merchandise pack, which is what the deal is about.

      • +3

        I prefer some cold hard cash, thank you very much.

        • Then this deal is not for you !

      • OP gave their reason for switching from Ubank was they "changed their account structure". That change gave a higher interest rate until recent rate drop to 4.02%. It took a few minutes to open new account (but I couldn't do it via phone).

        Seems little reason to dump a higher interest rate. Just open this account, grab the merchandise if that's what you want, and transfer funds back to Ubank (or ING for 4%, free withdrawals at any ATM, & 2% rebate on spending with PayWave - if deposit $1000/mth).

      • Unless you really need a Melbourne Rebels beanie, scarf and limited edition Gilbert rugby ball is it worth it?

  • +1

    Wonder if they have any iPad minis left

    • Wondering this too. I have yet to deposit the funds, and the promotion was to finish 31st Dec, or while stocks last. Stocks were ozbargained.

  • I don't think there is much reason to change from UBank because of the account structure change. The requirement to have a UBank Ultra account was accompanied by a drop in the monthly deposit required from $2000 to $200. That is, under the new scheme, you can deposit exactly the same amount of money as before to get the bonus rate. In fact, it's slightly better, because IIRC you no longer need to make the deposit via the direct debit ASP (e.g. you can set your transaction account to transfer out into UBank, rather than setting up UBank to direct-debit your transaction account) - and I think you can also deposit say, $50 a week, rather than a single ASP of $200 for the month.

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