Pedestrian Infringement Victoria

Just be aware for all the pedestrian in Melbourne CBD area. I had received a ticket from police cost me $74 due to crossing at pedestrian to train station when the red walking light stop blinking. And the polices on duty stopped me and my friend and explained to us blar blar blar, then they grab our details and phone number for the ticket to be send by post. I though that may be a warning for the first time but eventually I received the infringement Notice within 2 days by post. Did anyone had that some sort of experience?


      • +1

        I totally agree, I thought my comment ….

        Damn governments protecting us from us!!!! Who elects these fools!!

        would give it away

        It's Sarcasm…..

  • OP

    I got hit in Brisbane at the train tracks for $290. Funny thing is I thought I could cross as all the cars were going, the signals weren't blinking, the crossing boom gates for the cars were completely up.

    The only thing was that the audible warnings were still going and my pedestrian gates weren't quite open yet. I figured I'd just get going as there was a delay… but when I continued to cross as I got towards the other side the gates came down and lights started flashing.

    Tried to explain to the officers but they didn't care, just wanted to do their job and meet targets.

    I'd have happily paid $150.

    • +3

      saying "I got hit" is a pretty ambiguous term when followed by "in Brisbane at the train tracks"

  • Well Brisbane fines people for crossing a one way street on Albert Street just because they can.
    There are good examples to do it on but the Elizabeth and Albert Street is just a cash grab.

  • I was really surprised at the number of cops booking people for j-walking and the like when I first visited Melbourne last year. They were everywhere.

    You occasionally see cops walking or riding pushbikes around the Perth CBD, but you can literally stand right in front of them and walk across the road when the man is red and they won't even bat an eyelid.

    Too much paperwork probably… the style of policing in Victoria seems to be a lot more of a commercial business than it is over here. We have a very limited amount of officers and they don't seem to be interested in fining people for trivial things.

    • Lots of things are different legally comparing WA to Vic, it doesn't make them trivial, just different.

    • The style of policing in Victoria seems to be a lot more of a commercial business than it is over here. We have a very limited amount of officers and they don't seem to be interested in fining people for trivial things.

      And for how long did you live in Melbourne for you to come to this conclusion? Sounds like you just took a holiday out East and decided to come back with a very strong judgement.

      • I did, based on what I saw in the whole 5 days I was there. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

        • Except what you said wasn't an opinion. You went and said that the style of policing in Vic is a lot more of a commercial business…etc.

        • +1


          seems to be

          seems to be (in my personal opinion)

          It wasn't a statement.

    • -2

      Does Perth even have any cars in it to hit pedestrians?

      The place is a ghost town compared to Melbourne.

  • -1

    If you've ever seen someone hit by a car, and I don't mean in a movie, I mean standing a few metres away, your attitude towards crossing safely might be different. Besides the injury to the pedestrian & the medical costs, it can have terrible psychological effects on the driver.

    Everyone is clamoring about how we should be treated like adults, well, act like it: cross where it is safe to cross when it is safe to cross.

    If this topic was about being fined in public for swearing, which in Melbourne you apparently can be, I'd agree that it's a bullshit fine.

    • +1

      I've been runover by a car, and I jaywalk an awful lot, there goes that theory

      • Interesting, where you ran over while you were jaywalking?

        If indeed you've been ran over and you still foolishly expose yourself to risk then what does that say about you?

        … I have a theory.

        • i wasn't jaywalking, but still goes to show you that you can't make a blanket theory like that

        • +1


          What theory did I offer, exactly? I simply stated that if you've seen the damage done to a human body after being struck by a car you might be less likely to squeal about the "Nanny State" fining you when you break the law.

          Everyone thinks that when they get fined it's either revenue raising or some government overreach. People need to grow up.

  • +1

    Saw this man on a mobility scooter who almost got hit by a bus. He crossed on red lights, obviously he thought it was safe for him to cross, nope, wrong. He didn't realise vehicles were turning right towards the pedestrian crossing. After the bus braked hard, they both tried to give way to each other, but then both when forward, then stopped, till the bus finally went first. All the cars that were behind the bus could have gone through the lights, if it wasn't for this "I thought it was safe so I crossed" moron. Because of this, cars who had the green light from the other side was held up for a fair bit of time as well.

    Everyone who crosses the road (either at red lights, or non pedestrian crossings in busy traffic areas) and got hit by a car, obviously thought it was safe to do so in the first place, otherwise its suicide. You get broken bones, turn into a vegetable or die, but the driver just gets a dent on the car. In the end, you lose, whether you think it's worth the risk or not is up to you. I rather get there late than never at all.

  • complete BS

  • Sounds like the Police are more interest in revenue than reducing crime…
    Waste of my tax payer money!!

    • +1

      Not backing up the police here. As they are most likely looking to get some more revenue.
      However fining people like this actually lowers the fatalities on the road.

      I've seen first hand people getting hit by a car because they thought they could beat the light.

      • OK I guess you have a point.
        But the police should have given a warning instead of collecting money..

        • +3

          They are not collecting money. They are enforcing the law and giving on the spot fines.
          You can always have your day in court.

          If people are stupid enough to break road laws whilst there are a mob of police around, a mere warning isn't going to get the message across.

  • +2

    I think that jaywalking (crossing the road at the lights when the lights don't show the green man), is the same as running a red light in your car. You are disobeying the traffic light, even if you don't see a car and judge it to be safe.

  • I work in Casselden Place on the corner of Lonsdale/Spring St, Melbourne. I have seen Police few times on that corner issuing tickets to pedestrian crossing on red lights.

    I would say if you really can't wait for green signal, just check if police is walking around while crossing on red light.

    • I know that street, walk there everyday - its one way single lane road - at least half the people do not wait at red light. When you are missing train then you might think to cross over but still very wrong. But when you are going to office, what's the hurry people? Stop and obey rules, it's for your safety!

  • Technically speaking you broke the law.
    I remember the law is blinking red = finish your crossing not start your crossing. Which is where they will pin the law on you.

    However if you write into them, don't defend yourself, admit you were wrong, however also say stuff like this is the first time you made this mistake, and you will learn from it, and you regret doing it etc etc.

    They will often change the fine to a warning if it was your first time.

    Never try to defend yourself or make excuses as to why you were doing so, that will easily get you a DECLINED letter and then you need to pay for it.

  • Just because the man is green doesn't mean it's safe to cross. Still got to look both ways. Don't be complacent.

    Drunken idiots, carjackers/theives/joyriders can come at any (rare) random time. A punk being chased running in the wrong direction can knock you over if you don't look around and listen.

    Heck you could trip over your own shoe laces because you had someone else tie them poorly and still don't know how to tie them yourself and might break your neck. Woh! The risk! Oh the risks of life!

    • It's good practice to look before crossing, don't just trust the lights…
      Even when driving, if the traffic light is green doesn't mean it's safe to go, proceed only if it is safe to go.
      By the time you check, there will be someone behind horning, but that's better than dying.

    • I've crossed the road once, when the green man was clearly on.

      One driver tried to turn right while I was walking across… and if that wasn't bad enough… a second driver, behind them, tried to do the same, thinking that it was safe / his right of way to do so, even when it wasn't. He was "blindly following" the car in front. :O

      I kept checking back at the pedestrian traffic light to be sure I was not wrong and the green man was still there…

      It really is dangerous to assume that the green man makes it safe, more so - people who are on their phones when crossing the road. Really boggles my mind.

      • I've had drivers / passengers horn/shout at me as well.
        Perth drivers………… :)

  • By the way in Melbourne (not sure in other cities) you can cross the road whenever it is safe to do so, unless you are within 15 meters (or 10, cant remember off the top of my head) of a pedestrian crossing - then you have to obey those signals. So there is no fine against jay walking as such, the fine is actually for not obeying the pedestrian lights.

    • unless you are within 15 meters (or 10, cant remember off the top of my head

      nope, and nope. please read the thread

      • okay 20 meters just saw your post with the link to vicroads

  •… could be worse… wrong place wrong time…

  • If so many people are jaywalking, then clearly there is a problem with how the streetscape is designed.

    Perhaps pedestrians resent being herded in the corner, forced to apply for permission to cross the road and then waiting up to a minute to cross (which adds up as you walk across the city).

    A car-dominated city is not the only way to plan a city.

    • +1

      pedestrian crossings in the cbd don't work. Brings traffic to a complete halt

      • You seem to have a few unstated assumptions there. Starting with why are we trying to move traffic through the cbd?

        • because people need to access the cbd? or at the very least get from one side to the other.

  • +5

    This crackdown on jaywalking is in direct response to the number of fatalities/injuries that are occurring in capital cities. They are also cracking down all over Sydney. I think you should be asking yourselves why the increase in fatalities/injuries? Oh, I know, the people crossing the roads have no idea what they're doing and think cars will stop for them.

    At busy city intersections I have zero sympathy for people getting booked for jaywalking, in the exact same way I have zero sympathy for people crossing when they shouldn't be when I'm driving, and nearly hit them because it's dark, I have a green light, and don't expect to see a pedestrian half way across the road. Idiots. Seriously.

    If we were to go somewhere like Bangkok, because that's the only place I've been that is like this, people walk all over the road in between the cars and they get hit and someone scrapes them up and the world moves on. Australia has deemed this to be inappropriate and want to do away with the scraping. So be it.

    • +4

      Hear, hear! In the Brisbane CBD a couple of weeks ago, I nearly seriously injured/killed a dimwit that thought it would be a great idea to cross the road while I had a green arrow and he had a 'don't walk'. Stupid bastard on his phone, strolled out on the road in front of me as I turned the corner. Fortunately I was able to slam my brakes on in time to save his worthless self. Literally missed him by less than a centimetre. I blasted him with my horn and he turned and looked at me, still chatting, blank look on his face, oblivious to the fact that he was nearly mince meat under my wheel arch.

      I have zero sympathy for the OP. Classic sook from a person who just doesn't have a clue.

  • Not sure if this post is still active, has anyone had their details taken down by police in Melbourne CBD (stepped out on road and then two cars turning left cut in front so green man became blinking red) and told you might receive a fine in the mail? When questioned police office what this means he basically said he will see how he feels?

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