Netflix Now Starting to Block Australian Customers

Its reported netflix are now starting to block Australian customers ahead of their Australian release…

I thought this would be of interest here..

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  • +4

    So if you don't want/can't pay for Fox who control most of the sole distribution rights in Australia, but don't want to pirate the content, they are closing one of the last methods of collecting revenue from these users effectively encouraging them to pirate. Makes sense.

    • Net flicks shows older movies and has a few new releases, i doubt most the shows you watch to keep up to date, are at netflicks.

      Encouraged to pirate, you have so much free tv shows/ youtube videos. When i was young I had to wait 2 years for a dvd of a canceled channel 7 show.

      Just take what you want, when you want it.

  • +2
  • I really want to know what goes threw their heads. Do they really think it will force people to pay more with foxtel something?
    This is just going to cost them more money to do and they will loose even more as prople will resort to pirateing.

    • +1

      Threw their heads? Sounds like GOT.

  • Update on the situation here from engadget:…

    Quote from the bottom of the page:
    "Update: Netflix tells us that there's been "no change" in the way it handles VPNs, so you shouldn't have to worry about the company getting tough any time soon. With that said, these blocking errors started showing up in the past few weeks, so it's not clear what would have prompted them."

  • I find it hard to believe they can force all existing VPNs to comply. There's just too many of them in too many countries. but if they can, that is some disgusting amount of power that the US government possess.

    • Isn't this more the power of the Australian licensees of the content? cough Murdoch

  • Netflix is apparently not blocking VPN's as previously discussed, and they would rather you to keep it on the low down rather than talk about it.…

  • This is for those using a Roku3 media player, over the last few days a new firmware has been rolling out which hardcodes a region check do the following if your having issues.

    Block Google on in your router and block too, I'm using getflix and followed their instructions here which were for a different router but the same principle applies…

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