What Are Those Wriggly Things?

hi everyone!


Can anyone tell me what those little wrigglers are? I have chopped seaweed sitting in water tubs and use to water the vegies with. Recently, i found those things.



  • They look like mutant sperm.

  • +1

    no idea, they dont look like any mosquito larve or pest worms i get in my aquarium/pond.

    Consult a insect/bug forum?

    • Yeah I dunno. They look very weird!

  • mmm wriggling bean sprouts.

  • Protein.

    Congratulations for taking such steady photographs, I would have burned the whole thing down.

  • +1

    I'm thinking tadpoles… you're not in qnslnd are you?

  • -1

    In what part of your logical thought process of 'seaweed' and 'tadpoles' come together? You do know that frogs, especially tadpoles can't survive in heavily acidic or alkaline water? They don't look anything like a tadpole, just because they have a 'tail' and float around in water doesn't make them tadpoles, using that logic you could just about call them tiny dolphins.

    With the exception of the 'crab eating frog' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab-eating_frog) there are no other frogs that would dare go near salty water.

    They appear to be juvenile crustaceans, possibly hatching from eggs that were laid on the seaweed.

    Any chance of a video being recorded DC61?

  • Good source of protein? (Sorry, I had to have my Bear Grylls moment.)

  • We need more info D6. Particularly, do they ACTUALLY wriggle/move, or could they in fact be of plant origin (literally sprouts of some sort), how big are they (can we have a pic of a few lined up on a ruler with mm marks on it?), how long has the chopped seaweed been 'incubating' in the bucket before these thingies emerged/became apparent, what type of seaweed is it/where did you harvest it from, etc.
    To me, it seems like a possibility seeds of some sort have dropped/blown into the bucket, and germinated.

  • +10

    OH GOD.

    I think I miiiiight know what they are. Purely from random googling of keywords.

    I googled 'water pupae tail' in google images. Then found a pic of something similar with the image name RAT TAILED MAGGOT.

    So image search RAT TAILED MAGGOT.


    edit - those buckets of seaweed are the perfect breeding ground for them too, if that wiki summary is anything to go by "It lives in stagnant, oxygen-deprived water, with a high organic content". Might wanna reconsider watering your veggies with that water if you eat those veggies… and give the veggies a real good wash before you eat them. Just in case :P

    • +1

      Well done WT!… great bit of Cyber investigation!

    • +1

      Jesus. That's disgusting! Thanks mate. I'll give my seaweed fertilizer experiment another go but maybe in a lidded bucket :)

      • +1

        Maybe you could sell them for fish bait (see the article).

      • +1

        Oh god sterilise the tank fast

      • lol nearly the stuff of nightmares, huh? I mean, maggots are probably the most disgusting critter out there - but to know, now, that they can also have tails and swim… My skin gets covered in goosebumps at the thought every single time I think of those images.

        This thread will forever haunt me.

    • I too saw them for the first time this year. totally gross they way they wriggle through the water all alien like.
      But i understand that they turn into a drone fly that feeds on nectar which may aid pollination.

  • I just laughed. I think your subject heading is funny.

  • Glad to help ;)

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