Looking for New Internet Provider and Currently with Telstra

My brother has tasked me with looking for a better internet provider for our house, as of late we keep getting capped about a week before the reset, which is obviously quite annoying.

I don't know too much about Melbourne's internet providers other than the big ones; Dodo, Telstra, Optus, TPG…

I've done an plan search on Whirlpool and the best one I can see is the Sacko internet plan, yet I've never even heard of Sacko and everyone I've asked doesn't know about them either.

We currently have a Telstra plan, $160 for 500gigs, 35 down and 1.8ish up. This is bundled with our phone plan and I'm not sure what happens to that once we choose to switch. I just assume I can call Telstra and just switch it to a phone plan and disconnect the internet plan for another provider.

The household has 8 people actively using the internet, however I use the most so I pay for most of the internet accordingly. Because of that I'd like a plan cheaper than $160 dollars and it seems like it's very possible looking at the list but I'm not sure if there are hidden charges or such.

Our current speeds

Link to the whirlpool plan search

If anyone could help me choose one that would be greatly appreciated!

TL;DR: Need new internet plan with higher than 500gigs usage for household of 8 people.


  • I take it you are currently on Fibre or NBN? I've never seen ADSL2 get speeds that high.

    • It would be cable right? The up seems a little low for fibre…

      Btw OP, if you guys are gamers like myself and use steam alot, I would recommend iinet and their group simply because they have unmetered stuff for steam.

      • There are only 2 gamers in the house, and I'm the only one who really does all the gaming, but my brothers torrent quite a bit.

    • Currently on Cable. NBN hasn't rolled out in my area yet ):

    • My area is not covered by them yet ):

    • Holy crap, I got a little too excited… too bad that's not in my area yet…

  • I've been with them for over 2 years ! It is wireless , never drops out , and is super fast ! I love it .


    • How fast?

      • I think most people got about 9-12mbps… which was pretty slow.
        I'm not sure if they have improved after Optus bought them though.

        • I'm only getting 4mbps at the moment :D(only can get adsl1)

    • No cable available in my area.

  • To OP, if you live in an apartment, TPG's FTTB might be available (for some reason, they seem to be a lot quicker rolling out fibre than NBN Co, at least in Sydney CBD where I am).

    I get 93down and 38up and 7ms ping for $60/mth.

    • +2

      Nope, living in a house.

      Optus gave me an unlimited cable deal with 100mbps up for 90 dollars though so that's okay?

      • That's pretty good, cable is expensive so that's probably the cheapest you can get.

        • Yeah I was looking at the Telstra plans and I have no idea why we are paying $160 dollars a month for our internet. Their plans are capping out at $130.

      • That's what I am on, also my wife is with Optus for her mobile so we get a 10% discount (I think it was)

        So I used that to upgrade the speed for the same cost.

        Had it almost a year and it's been rock solid for me.

        • Oh nice! I was going to get the mobile discount but was too lazy to connect the accounts so I just got the 10% discount for the internet bill instead. Now I'm paying $81 dollars so it's not too shabby.

  • I just ordered my internet for my new place with EveryNet. Reasonable prices and happy to support the little guy.

    Too early to tell if I made the right choice.

  • Donno about Melbourne, but in Sydney, only Telstra and Optus have cable, so that really limit you options, I am on Optus, they are hard to deal with, but once everything is up and working, then it's good.

  • I know a rep that can get $20 discounts on all cable Telstra Bundles (eg 200GB for $80, 500GB for $130).
    And Telstra lets you "top-up" (double) your data allowance three times a year for free, hopefully you already knew that.
    But sounds like your Optus cable offer is the best deal.

    I wouldn't recommend going down to ADSL from cable. I went the other way and wouldn't go back.

    • I wouldn't either if it's affordable. I can get cable in my street but the cost for what I need is about $150 a month. I can't justify it over $70 a month ADSL2+. Sure the difference is 6x the speed, but for most of my needs, ADSL does fine and can't justify the price difference.

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