U-Turn at Traffic Lights in S.A

Got Booked for making an illegal U-Turn in Adelaide.

I know in S.A U-turn is not permitted on traffic lights and also when there is a sign saying no U turn.

Edit: pic 1. pic 2.

This intersection had traffic lights but had a sign saying No U-Turn between 4 pm to 6 pm.

I have pulled an old pic of intersection from Google Streetview and added traffic lights and the now present U-turn sign.

here it is —>> http://i.imgur.com/qHjGufO.jpg

I made the U-turn at around 11:30 pm and got pulled over by a bike cop.

I am so confused right now if i was in the wrong. I thought the sign says no u-turn between 4pm - 6pm so it was permitted at all other times.

Why put a sign saying no U-turn between 4pm to 6pm if it was not allowed at all times. Why not just put a sign that says no U-Turn ?

I pleaded with the cop but the Cop wasn't sure himself and said I will get a fine if I had committed an offence.

Someone who's been in a similar scenario please comment.

Thank you.


    1. I've never seen such a sign you've stated where a U-turn at traffic lights is not permitted during certain hours. I think a real photo is needed and not some poor photoshop effort.

    2. Upon reading it is an offence in South Australia to make a U-turn at a traffic light unless the traffic light has a "U TURN PERMITTED" sign (it has to say that specifically).

    Sorry, you could take it up with a judge (and probably lose) or write a letter to the Police Commissioner explaining your story. He could elect to recind the fine. If he doesn't then you're better off paying it as otherwise if you go before a judge, you will probably be up for another $500 on top of your fine.

  • https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-34.970547,138.517149,3a,75y…

    Heres the link to the intersection in question. The sign doesnt mention a time at all. Are you saying there is a sign there now? if yes, go and photograph it. So if you get a fine (which you havent) you at least will have an argument.


    Making a U-turn at an intersection with traffic lights
    A driver must not make a U-turn at an intersection with traffic lights unless there is a
    U-turn permitted sign at the intersection.

    Making a U-turn at an intersection without traffic lights
    A driver must not make a U-turn at an intersection without traffic lights if there is a no
    U-turn sign at the intersection.

  • +1

    Thanks for replying @ben1980 & @davo1111 . i have now uploaded some pics of the intersection.

  • +8

    That's NOT an intersection governed by traffic lights. Those traffic lights are only for pedestrian traffic. The adjacent street's traffic flow is NOT controlled by any traffic lights. https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-34.970547,138.517149,3a,75y…

    So being that it's NOT an intersection, you can U-turn - except for the hours noted. Cop was wrong.

    For argument's sake, if the traffic lights were just BEFORE McFarlane St, AND McFarlne was controlled by traffic lights, THEN that would be an intersection for the purposes of the no U-turn law.

    "No U-turn at traffic light" laws were put in place because people liked to play chicken with oncoming traffic, misjudging the timing and get t-boned. Because intersections with high traffic always have traffic lights, then ergo no u-turns at high traffic roads.

    • are you sure this isn't a 3-way intersection commonly known as a t junction (a.k.a t intersection)?

      an intersections don't have to be controlled by traffic lights.

      motorists can perform a u-turn at this junction only if it's outside the times displayed (1400-1800 mon- fri).

      • +3

        No because there is no traffic lights at THIS intersection. The traffic lights are AFTER the intersection. The law for no u turn applies at traffic lights.

        • even without traffic lights it's still a junction. which makes it an intersection without traffic lights.

          this road rule applies here as per Davo1111 post's.

          Making a U-turn at an intersection without traffic lights
          A driver must not make a U-turn at an intersection without traffic lights if there is a no
          U-turn sign at the intersection.

        • +2

          so point out the unqualified "no u-turn" sign. it doesn't exist. It's only restricting no u-turn at the set times, which was outside the hours the OP did a u-turn.

        • @digitalterrorist:
          i'm not disputing op rights to perform a u-turn if op did so following the directions of the road sign.

          i'm just disputing your post stating that the image op provided isn't showing a t junction (a.k.a t intersection).

          t junction from macfarlane st http://tinyurl.com/lvxnk3k

        • @whooah1979:
          Well if you read the OP you'd know that the OP performed the U-Turn outside of the restricted time.
          And you've cherry picked the one time that @digitalterrorost doesn't mention "traffic light controlled" before the word Intersection.

          OP you're in the clear, that is not a Traffic Light controlled intersection. The cop was wrong and you should contest the fine.

        • @scubacoles:
          i don't know what op did or didn't do. i wasn't there. my post's makes no reference to op being right or wrong. they only state what the rules are.

          digitalterrorost wrote

          "That's NOT an intersection governed by traffic lights"


          "So being that it's NOT an intersection".

          both those comments contradicts each other. it can confuse some readers.

        • @whooah1979:

          i don't know what op did or didn't do

          Yes you do..from the OP (edited 7 hours ago versus your comment 55 minutes ago)
          "I made the U-turn at around 11:30 pm and got pulled over by a bike cop." (emphasis added)

          And it's clearly an Intersection, but the "no U turn law" only applies to Traffic Light Controlled Intersections, so it's implicit in what digitalterrorist wrote but I'll spell it out for you.

          "So being that it's not an intersection (where the no U turn law applies) , you can U-turn - except for the hours noted. Cop was wrong."

        • @scubacoles:

          i did read op's post.

          thanks for explaining digitalterrorist's post.

          Davo1111 got it right 8 hours 14 min ago.

          what happened to

          "It can only confuse readers with poor reading comprehension."

        • @whooah1979:
          I removed it cause I thought it read far more inflammatory than was intended..

        • +1
  • +3

    Hi digitalterrorist. Thanks for your reply.

    Thats precisely the point i tried to argue with the cop but he was not ready to listen.

    If i receive the fine i will definitely dispute it.

    • +1

      Yes, dispute it! Even if this intersection is considered to be controlled by traffic lights (doubt it though, see discussion above), you can argue that the sign not permitting u-turns within certain times implies that a u-turn at all other times is legal.

  • +2

    well, don't worry about it until the fine comes.. IF it comes.

    He probably wanted to save face by not admitting he made a mistake, hence the "you'll get a fine if you've committed the offence comment"

  • +3

    I doubt you will receive a fine. The cop was a dill, hopefully just having an off day.

    The fact that it states you can't make a U-turn between 4 and 6pm implies that you CAN do so outside of those times.

  • Thanks everyone for replying in the true Ozbargain spirit. Your replies were well researched and I am glad i shared the incident with you guys.

    I am much relieved now knowing that i was in the right And there are little chances of getting a fine.

    I will update this post in case i do receive one.

    Thanks again.

  • wow, what a curious sign. Ive never seen one of them before in Adelaide - is that in Glenelg?

    the fact that we cant do Ewies at traffic lights but Victorians can is just bizzare. I can't see the problem with being able to do them at traffic lights if traffic is all clear. The East South Australians manage it just fine (but then they also have the good sense to allow motorbikes to park on the footpath too).

    • victorians make more mistakes.. ;)

    • +1

      Yeah thats Glenelg North i believe - Tapleys Hill Road?

    • I've never thought it was wise to do a u-turn at traffic lights (I'm in Victoria), but my husband thinks they're fine. My opinion is that you hold up other traffic turning right if you therefore need to stop and wait for pedestrians, plus you should give way to anyone turning left into your road.

      We have a u-turn/right turn similar to this one near my home, and it's got poor visibility for u-turns. However, that's not what I hate most about it. My problem is that about 90% of those doing u-turns do not give way to the people trying to turn right into the same road. It's been very poorly aligned, in that the u-turner makes the right turner have to diagonally drive around them to continue their turn, and the u-turners almost always go when they should not legally do so, possibly causing an accident if either party isn't paying attention to what the other is doing.

      I have asked for a sign at this spot saying U-Turn must give way, and the council said everyone should know this, but clearly not in my town.

  • Yep its Glenelg North. Tapleys hill road.

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