Having more than 5 sims active (re: half price telstra starter kits 2 sim method)


Are there any problems with having lots of sims at any point in time activated against your name?
I notice telstra requite your D/L and DOB when you activate a sim online.

I am just about to, for the first time, start doing the telstra prepaid starter kit 'method', with the main Sim1 [long-life>simplicity] and the monthly throw away sim2 [Freedom].

So if you buy a whole bunch of cheap $30 starter kits and activate them monthly then use them on Freedom and use Creditme2u to transfer to your main Sim1, you are accruing all these sim activations against your name.

Can this cause any problems in the long run?
In the past weren't you added to a 'database' once you had more than 5 sims activated in your name ?

All info appreciated.


  • I've activated 3 in the past 3 months at TLS shop and had no probs. But, prob not what u r asking.

  • I've had about that or even more activated simultaneously but nothing happened. No calls from the police, no one knocking at my door. But if you're paranoid you can go on live chat and get them to deactivate some old SIMs.

  • +1

    There has been discussion about this previously on OzBargain, with me in the fray.
    The deal is this:

    The telcos don't care - in fact, the opposite. The more active SIM's they have in the marketplace (even if used for a month then discarded - still 'active'), the better their reportable and apparent market share.
    In the ongoing wake of 'Vodafail', Vodafone has been particularly 'proactive' at times in just seeking to get their SIM cards out there and activated.

    There is (or was - I am not going back to check) a stipulation in the Telecommunications Act about five active SIM's as a 'maximum' - with extra documention (beyond initial sign-up criteria) needing to be forwarded to the department should you wish to have even one or two extra (activated) cards in your name.

    There appears to be no 'active' enforcement of that.

    Will you still end up on a 'database', with some potential consequence down the track? Maybe. For some - probably…

    I have black hair (and a full beard at the moment), but generations of my family bleed green. If you have a Celtic surname like mine - as opposed to an 'ethnic' one - even if your name is on a database, you are unlikely to draw any attention.

    If you have one of those 'ethnic' surnames - particularly one that might indicate that you are of the Muslim faith - I think that it is highly likely, at some point, that some background searches will be made which explore your fondness for SIM cards.

  • Have worked for several telcos behind the scenes. The multi-sim data is mainly used for fraud detection. If you're not doing anything that break T&Cs then no stress, and even then to come up on their fraud reports you'd have to be doing something odd like having no outgoing calls/data but lots and lots of incoming.

    In short, it's fine.

  • Ok everyone thanks for all the great answers,

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