So GTA 5 got delayed, again.

April 14
Three delays thus far, this is becoming quite comical. Rockstar are amazing developers but they can't hold deadlines for shit. Don't worry though, current pre-orders will gain an extra $200,000 for online! If the port doesn't live up to the expectation then the outcry is going to be fun to witness!


  • Lol at the comments. Full of middle fingers which is fair enough. Hope no one preordered it.

  • +4

    I don't know what you're talking about. GTA5 has been out for two years, and I got sick of it after a week.

    (Spoiler, I do know what you're talking about. I am trying to bring to attention that it's the game, and not the platform, that should be your deciding factor of whether you like/buy a game or not. Mostly so you don't have to wait two years.)

    • I don't agree with the "it's the game, not the platform" being the decider. Platform is most definitely a deciding factor with purchases, especially GTA 5. The majority of my friends are still waiting for its PC release. I bought it originally on the 360 but never finished it because it looked like garbage and I knew I would enjoy it more once it eventually (see: mid 2015) got released.

      What I disagree with is people complaining about the delay who have seemingly purchased for last gen, current gen and presumably PC. That to me, is pure idiocy. Wouldn't surprise me if this is a way to boost sales /tinfoil

      • +2

        Just having a look at steam, GTA isn't even out and it's one of the most purchased games right now. Obvious graphical superiorty on PC aside, it is still the same game. Trevor's still crazy, the cars still have awesome destruction physics, and the ending mission(s) is still terrible.

        Current gen is still 'last gen'. "Here is our game we remade for the next gen consoles (because making new games is too hard!), the only addition we made is first person, that'll be 80 dollars again please, lol kthx"

    • +1

      platform does come into play when PC comes into it, the amount of extra content you can gain from PC certainly makes the game better, mod support is a necessity and provides a countless number of extra content once the full game is finished. Look at GTA 4, still going strong (on PC).

      • +1

        Still. If it means having to wait 2 years, I'd much rather just play the console version to realize "Oh, it's not as good as they said it'd be" and then get it out of my system rather than being hyped for ages.

        Mod support is cool, but I am a strong believer of "If you need to mod the game to have fun, the developers did a bad job", ala Elder Scrolls games and Minecraft. Or maybe that's because I'm weird and the only person that enjoys vanilla Mount and Blade. But, on the plus side, if we didn't have modders, we wouldn't have games like Counter Strike, Defense of the Ancients, or Team Fortress, so long live modders.

  • what's pissing everyone off isnt the fact that it's taking so long it's that they set release dates and every time it gets close they delay it further.

    im over it now ill buy it when it's on sale somewhere after it's release sometime in the year 2027 if it's not delayed again.

  • I just purchased a new laptop for this game- and now delays. Ah well. Cannot wait for the amazing graphics, and mods.

  • I am still playing, and genuinely enjoying, GTA:IV on PC. It looks stunning, and the mods (map and engine wise) are incredible.

    I bought an Xbox 360 specifically for GTA:V. I stopped playing it after a month or two.

    For me, the only platform for GTA is PC. But I'm nuts- GTA is the only game I play. I have no patience for others… Am I the only one?

    • You tried Saints row? Less serious, more fun. Plus coop.

      • Have tried all of them- and older ones were tolerable (but no where near the adictivness of GTA). I think the newest one has gone too far. I don't really get games that are "fun". I prefer them to be as real as possible (immersive) or completely stupid (ie Mario). Ha. Just my 2 cents.

        • +1

          While I disagree with you that 'I don't get that games are fun', Severus Snape, I do agree that playing over the top games usually pop out from the norm. 'Completely stupid like Mario' well, whatever the hell that means. Wonderful 101 is my choice for over the top silliness, trying to be serious in its own universe but definitely aware of how silly and funny it is for the duration.

          As for real as possible, Dwarf Fortress sits opposite W101 as my 'favourite realistic game', even if it is about dwarves and goblins and dragons. Using a bludgeoning weapon to break bones and cutting weapons to sever arteries is YES. Vomiting and becoming nauseated after being in a cave for 3 years is YES. Tossing cats off buildings to test if your death-pit is a high enough drop to kill goblins, and not only break their leg bones, is…. very much YES.

          This is what realism means. Not slam-packing as many pixels onto the screen as possible, and then HP regenerating the day away.

          As far as immersive, Metroid Prime wins. I don't feel like I even need to explain why.

        • @FrankMcFuzz:
          Thanks for the comment!

  • As long as the port is nothing like gta4. I'll be a happy man.

    In the mean time is there an ozbargian MP thread/clan? Pretty sweet games coming up… Division and seige etc.. I know there's a steam group. With EOI.. if I started an MP request thread would the mods be ok with that?

    • There was a console gang thread a while back but nothing for PC (that I can remember), not sure about other game multiplayer threads though. And the mods would be fine if you post it in the gaming forum!

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