The Genie Will See You Now...

This thread was inspired by lemc6125's

If you could have one wish come true , what would it be?

Poll Options

  • 70
    To have more money that I could ever spend.
  • 20
    To live forever.
  • 30
    To love and be loved.
  • 38


  • I'd be blunt, Endless amount of Money.

  • To have the ability to go back 10 minutes at any given time.

  • +1

    wish for endless wishes.

  • I'd rather struggle myself for love and money. Living forever could be a two edge sword; I'd love to know what happens in the future, but I really don't want to live long enough to see my own children die.

    So although it sounds cliched, i'd go for "Cure for cancer". That being said, in a few years we may all be wishing "go back in time and uninvent AI".

    • i'd go for "Cure for cancer"

      lol… Congratulations! You just won Miss Universe…

      • should find the root cause of sickness than keep on looking for medicaldrugs to cure sickness……

        too many confusing "facts" now. Chloresterol was bad before, now it's ok (US medical board), past 10 years so many ppl eating pills to reduce that….. and now it's useless

        • It is very confusing.

          Having high cholesterol in the blood vessels is still a problem. If you have that, you may need cholesterol drugs.

          But as we learn more, it seems that high cholesterol in your diet doesn't necessarily lead to high cholesterol in your blood vessels.

      • I lost a dear friend to cancer last year, and now I am watching helplessly as another is struggling with it. I have no words for the pain, indignity, suffering behind that one diagnosis.

        The thing about clichés is that sometimes there is a good reason for their existence.

  • I'd wish for enlightenment.

  • Live forever won't be much fun unless you have endless supply of money- parliamentary pension perhaps. That's the problem with the science gee whiz stories, people will live to the age of 200- you'll have to work till you're 175.

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