Grand Theft Auto 5 PC pre order

Just wondering how many of you have pre ordered GTA5 for PC. Its been a long wait…so long infact that I have built a new PC waiting for it. I have a pre-order from JB HiFi and got an email last Thursday saying it has begun shipping…hoping it arrives today because the release is tomorrow and it would be great to get it loaded up even if it can't be played till tomorrow.
Quote…"Digital version of the open-world game unlocks at midnight UK time, meaning people in the US can play on April 13"
I hope this means we can play first in Australia with our time being ahead.

Has anyone got news of their delivery (or got it already) or if we can kick off at midnight if we have our copy?

I'm gonna offer that postman a beer when he gets here with my copy!


  • I preordered whey they finally announced the game for PC, it has been a while but with past pc release issues I'd rather wait until the bugs are sorted out

  • +4

    I don't pre-order games anymore. In the past, game companies usually made sure that their games were playable without any major glitches… nowadays many games have sloppy coding, bad multiplayer matchmaking and are poorly optimized for PC hardware (as most of them are coded with consoles in mind).

    Last game I ever pre-ordered was Skyrim. Remember the 11.11.11 hype? Game was released in a broken, unplayable mess, with quest NPC's bugging out and making you start all over again to progress the game. And this was a game released by Bethesda…

    Wait until the game is in a stable state before you buy it.

    • And this was a game released by Bethesda…

      I find most of Bethesda games to be broken beyond their capabilities… It's usually the gaming community that fixes it.

      In Skyrim's case it was the unofficial patches that did the work if you ask me…

    • Remember that bug on Skyrim where regular bears were stronger than Dragons? Oh man that was so-!…. W-what's that? Not a bug?

      Well played, Bethesda.

    • +1

      Remember the 11.11.11 hype?

      I do.

      But Battlefield 3 and Diablo 3 saw Bethesda's Skyrim debacle and raised them an almighty clusterf*ck that prevented tens of thousands of people from playing at launch and connectivity issues that lingered for at least a month after launch (for some, even longer).

      Those two and the sad mess that was Total War Rome: 2 were the proverbial back-breaking straws for me . Anyone that vividly remembers the "spinning grey circle of death" that prevented people from activating the game for up to 3 days after BF3's launch or the insane server queues and lag when Blizzard somehow imagined that the most anticipated game of all time wouldn't need robust, launch-day infrastructure; those transgressions still stand out in my mind as the worst states/iterations that games have been released in, at launch.

      Those games were absolute, borderline-irredeemable pieces of sh*t on launch and as much as I have to admit they were significantly improved since their notorious release dates, part of me still wishes that Blizzard, EA/DICE and TCA never fixed them and they remained unplayable, botched warnings from history to remind gamers never to shell out money for Alpha-grade software, ever again.

      Just thinking about the $80-90 dollars I paid for those pre-orders still sh*ts me; given there was a minimum 4-6 month delay before any of those games approached what any reasonable person would consider, a state of completion.

  • people in the US can play on April 13"
    I hope this means we can play first in Australia with our time being ahead.

    For east-coast Australia, the game unlocks 9 AM Tuesday (we are UTC+10), which is midnight Tuesday morning UK time (UTC+1).

  • I've already played the game on PS3, and it's unchanged apart from graphics and addition of a pointless First Person mode, so I'm not going to buy it again. I may get it for graphics sake when it's $5 or $10 on steam, which is inevitable as the years go by; I mean, it's already a 2 year old game, paying anything more than $40 is criminal.

    I doubt you'll get your copy by that Midnight, but look at it this way; neither will all the people on steam, as they start downloading at that point. Not only that, but if you expect the servers to work wonders on Day 1, well…

    • +2

      steam pre-load was available from April 7

    • +1

      From all the reports I've seen it may be based on a 2 year old game but its had one hell of an overhaul. Reviewers are clearly giving it a full 5 stars for the way it looks and plays. Also rave reviews for 1st person view especially for driving.
      Im like many of you as far as online expectations first up. Im going to look forward to single player mode and see it as a bonus if online works as it should right away.
      I'll post as soon as it arrives…:)

      • +1

        Overhaul or not, the characters are still the same, the guns and cars handle the same, Trevor is still bonkers, and it's still in the same city. GTA5 has now been released for 3 years in a row. I wonder what Rockstar will do to get people to buy the same game again next year?

        • +4

          Next year

          GTA V HD remaster collector's super mega ultra edition… now with even more realistic 3D explosions.

        • +2

          @ProjectZero: "Sci-Fi/Zombie reskin. You're welcome"

        • @FrankMcFuzz: Dood… that's Saints Row… wrong franchise =P

        • +1

          @ProjectZero: The Zombie reskin was Red Dead Redemption, which is Rockstar, so I wouldn't put it past them lol.

        • @FrankMcFuzz: Lol thought you were talking about Gat out of hell…

  • Anyone who is planning to play this on a Nvidia card, click here for the latest Game Ready Driver which has already been optimised for GTA V!

    • Can someone confirm- Nvidia stopped the overclocking block on laptops? I've got a 970m (345.20 with non-locked vbios)

  • So hows the game? I wasn't able to get a hold of Jerry last night so I didn't end up getting a copy =(

    Guess I'll wait for a sale or something…

  • It just arrived with Toll. 10.45 am in St kilda, Vic.

    • A hard copy of it? On like 9 DVD's?

      • DVD…7 of them.
        Hows this….There was no serial number on the manual so I called JB and they had plenty of stock so I had to go and get another one!!!!

        • There was no serial number on the manual

          What did it show? Mine was on the back of the manual

        • @chipstss: It was totally blank….JB have had it happen with other games in the past…wonder how many others will have the same issue…luck JB is 5 mins away for me…

  • I keep getting this error using the launcher- "The game failed to connect to the internet."

    Any ideas?

    • +12

      Try connecting to the internet.

  • For those who got the retail copy, can you activate it on steam?

    • No - only buying on Steam gets you a Steam copy. And all copies, including Steam, run through Rockstar Social Club.

      • Ah okay, coz i remember reading somebody commenting that the eb games copy activates on steam. Might be that Eb Games storespeople are giving out false information?

        • +1

          That was mentioned early on in the Nuuvem thread, but Dagmar queried EB on Twitter and reported back that the response was their copies wouldn't activate on Steam.

          Did a little search of Twitter myself. EB Games confirmed today that they're not selling Steam copies of GTA 5.

        • @Thrift: Alright thanks for the confirmation, i'll still probably get the retail copy because it's a nice collector's item haha

  • +1

    Its working beautifuly…with settings up high…get it!

    • +1

      First online race went without a hitch…. So sweet!

  • i dont understand why it keeps downloading :( i preloaded it via steam. pls gaben let me play

  • ""Digital version of the open-world game unlocks at midnight UK time, meaning people in the US can play on April 13"
    I hope this means we can play first in Australia with our time being ahead."

    Sorry if I am wrong, but doesn't that mean the game unlocks at same time for everyone?

    • Yes it unlocked for everyone at the same time.

  • -1

    I held out from pre order, what's the best deal now?

  • Anything post GTA II has been a dogs breakfast in terms of PC stability and support. I've bought the last 3 GTAs whilst having a considerably "high-end" PC at each period and it barely ran with medium settings.

    Rockstar have clearly placed consoles on their priority on both release date and interoperability. The fact that we get the game 1 year late is a sham. I have stopped buying their stupid game, they can shove it.

    • +1

      Sorry for your loss then. I know IV was terrible but V has been perfect for me performance-wise, the wait was worth it IMO.

    • You're missing out. I was seriously disappointed with IV and found it barely playable on my setup.. I've been playing V since PC launch, and it is absolutely brilliant. Most enjoyable game I've played in years.

  • Yes, it runs like a dream… On or off line…so pretty to look at and so much stupidity… Heaps of funny moments.

    As far as game companies go… Its a business. They have to make deals with console makers obviously to make more money. PC copped it but hey, we now finall have it. Its a competitive business and they do go broke…just like other tech companies if they dont maximise sales.
    The game is a masterpiece and if you dont want to play it then fine, but you may be doing that to spite yourself if you like the other GTA's. Hell, buy it from overseas!!

  • Where did people buy it and for how much

    • If you want the steam activated version… get it from jerry, else check nuuvem… I think they were the cheapest non steam version available.

    • Got it from GMG just then after they reduced it to <60 and let you use GMG credit. Shit the download is slow. Even for the set up tool.

  • -3

    This game is wicked

  • I pre purchased mine in November with a nearly expired JB gift card for Just under $90…I probably would have waited until release otherwise..

  • -1

    Not really going to play this game because simply Sleeping dogs definitive edition is much better. The setting is so good

    • You're not going to play it now. You will play it later.

  • -5

    Not trying to start a flame war but PC version is pretty much just a direct PS4 port, graphically is has very little difference, so by playing it on PC you not only built a new computer for no reason, you also waited all this time for no reason. Don't believe me, feel free to look at some comparison videos……

    • +6

      pretty much just a direct PS4 port

      New/improved things in PC that aren't available on PS4
      - multiple controller options, controller for driving, mouse/keyboard for other, seamless transition
      - custom radio station
      - Rockstar Editor for films/clips/highlights
      - Multi monitor setups
      - 60 FPS
      - 4K support

      Not trying to start a flame war either (own a PS3/4 and PC) but it's personal preference, people did not 'wait all this time for no reason'. I doubt too many people build a new computer just for this one game, and the wait for the game for those interested would have been worth it. The game is well optimised unlike the mess that was GTA IV on PC so it's been thoroughly enjoyable.

      Rockstar themselves have said in interviews that the PC version was always planned from the beginning, with 4K assets designed from the start then scaled down to meet console hardware. If anything, the PS4 version was a PC port.

      Seeing as you seem to have no interest in the PC version of GTA V, feel free to not return to this thread and wasting more of your time.

        • +6

          Not trying to start a flame war

          So I figured you actually wanted to discuss something and yet you respond with

          cool story bro

          Well done and thanks for your contribution.

        • multiple controller options, controller for driving, mouse/keyboard for other, seamless transition
        • custom radio station

        This is interesting… would love to do the custom radio stations… also playing a driving game or doing any driving on a keyboard is crap… glad they brought intthe multi controller option =)

  • Dont know if this helps gets it a bit cheaper. Might be cheaper Steam keys out there didnt look very much. Dont think Ill get the game just thought I'd help out…

  • Does anyone know how you are supposed to 'capture' your deaths? With the instant replay mode on I can't get into it to tell it to save when I die :(

  • If anyone else is still looking for a cheaper key I just bought off using Hola - Brazil it comes up at 39.99 US, used code SAVE20-APRILD-EALSON and brought it down to $32 USD > 42.68 AUD with paypal. Now just have to wait 1 day and 17 hours to play…

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