Yes folks, now we can say OzBargain has everything including the kitchen sink.
Blurb from Rays:
"The Wild Country Fillet Station the Ideal preparation table for camping and fishing. It features a built in countour sink (complete with tap & fittings), a simple folding design and a sturdy powder coated steel frame. With a table top measurements of 115cm x 59cm it can also be used for cleaning and filleting your latest catch of fish"
Kitchen Sink - Folding Camping Sink/Filleting Station - Rays Outdoors $39 save $110

Last edited 28/05/2015 - 14:56
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Being the Monarch just isn't what it used to be…
Why are guys so pussy whipped/under the thumb these days? Make your own decisions man!
I made the decision to get the E2GO BBQ but then had to tell the missus about it as she had to pick it up for me. Boy did I get a reaction… high fives and pats on the back when I got home. I became a real man that night.
Then I woke up in a cold sweat.
So not married I take it?
There's an old tradie saying "happy wife, happy life".
It works in the inverse too…I'm married :)
Happy wife happy life is utter crap. Healthy marriage means sharing your lives together, whilst also enjoying your own individual pursuits. Whether that be work on a project car, or simply meet mates at the pub once a fortnight.
I just cannot fathom how someone could be scared to make a $40 purchase fearing retaliation from their SO. Not just directed at you king tightarse, few mates are the same as well.
I cant believe I have to actually explain this, but here goes:
"Happy wife, happy wife" is a joke.
It's a comment that blokes would say to each other referring jokingly to the tension an emotional turmoil that a wife may direct "your way" if she was to become emotionally upset by your actions. Its a throw away line much like "can't live with them, can't live without them" and would usually get a smile or half laugh and "yep" in return. It doesn't literally refer to emasculated males, any kind of fear of the wife's emotions or tyrant wives in general but it is and acknowledgment and laugh at the different ways things can be processed by the sexes within a marriage. Much like the French "Vivre la difference" which generally means "celebrate" or "long live" the difference between the sexes.
There was a time not too long ago when jokes like this were part of the language and formed part of the general Australian lexicon. Shared jokes, idioms and ideas such as these required no explanation.I am very pleased to hear it was just a joke. I have thoroughly researched the definition of 'joke' and have a good understanding now. I even found a term called 'sarcasm'.
Interesting stuff.Since it was a joke, I assume you are you going to buy the sink in question now?
I don't know if you noticed zeggie, but it was me who posted this deal.
Its people like you, coming along making stupid comments or attempting to start arguments that make people simple not bother next time. I don't know what you hope to achieve saying something like that. I posted this to share it with others. Maybe you are just a fool.I thought it was a joke? Lol what argument? You were the one who posted an essay on the origin of your joke.
You seem to be offended easily in this thread. You seem a bit precious so I wont be responding any longer.
Good day! (Much like the french "au revoir" lol)
"the french "au revoir" lol"No comments of any kind about actual deal, just trolling the thread with stupid comments.
You further confirm you are a fool. Good day yourself, fool.
Agree 100% - Grow a pair or find another woman, easy!
and yes, I'm happily married, we BOTH have our role in the house, and money is OURS, not hers or mine.
I guess the gentle humor meme of the old my wife won't let me jokes is long past and barely remembered.
Sadly replaced by all kinds of heroic bulldust and posturing. Everyone on the net is a massive alpha right? Takes no shit from nobody, tea on the table, drives a V8, sports a 12incher. Woman knows her role, if she knows what's good for her right.
"Grow a pair" pffft even the expression is phony. Not normal Australian language, learned from American movies.
You come over as a both a Neanderthal AND a poseur. A pose-anderthal!What on earth did viper1980 say that you assumed was posing as a massive alpha male?
Happily married - both have our role - money is ours.
Sounds like a perfectly healthy and happy marriage there!
And sounds like a caveman here: "Grow a pair or find another woman"
With no comments about the actual deal itself, much like yourself zeggie.@zeggie:
Ah its alright zeggie, King Tightarse was just typing what his wife TOLD him to type.BUT it's not just King Tightarse unfortunately, my brother is the same, whipped like a pack mule, how very sad these people are, poor buggers!
Anyway, OP - GREAT find and thanks, will certainly purchase one today, and it will be MY own choice, just like a grown-up, with big-boy pants on. ;-)
Lol, I AM the OP, numbnuts so I acknowledge your thanks.
PS if you get your wife to pluck you could have two eyebrows.
Ask her though, don't hit her.@King Tightarse:
Yes… I understand you are the OP, there was no confusion about that on my part, hence the 'thanks'. (I was taught manners and equality).The connection between your actual post and your personal life issue is irrelevant.
'numbnuts' yes that was a trendy one back in the old days I'm sure, probably coined all the way back in the 'happy-wife,happy-life' era.
(You actually sunk to the level of name calling. Well done)
Stay classy OP.
Not at all mate, I said the above with tongue firmly planted. Monobrow? Dont hit your wife? I was joking, kidding, having a poke back at you. I thought you'd understand. You enter my thread and tell me to 'grow a pair' so I call you a caveman. What else would you expect? There's nothing to it. Don't be so sensitive.
If we were having this conversation in person, there would be no doubt.
I think most of this is mis-communication.@King Tightarse:
I actually never called you pussy whipped, nor anything else if you re-check above, although I did generalize the overall subject to all in the thread.I do like a bit of good banter regardless.
Although the monobrow comment DID make me want to go and iron up my very best flanny and do a burn-out in my Datsun. ;-p
All good with me /b/rother. Have a good one!
What a great idea. Thanks KT!
Bought one, pickup 4hrs drive from home, wifes wont approve but going to say its easier to wash dishes in when we go camping. (That will make her happy)
Its not the 50's but she does like cleaning..Give it to her as a late Mothers Day gift.
Don't forget to give her the matching detergent liquid as well, so she's all set to go.
Babys still cooking, she has to wait until December before shes included in the mothers day rounds.
But before we got married last year i did buy her a vacuum cleaner and a sewing machine (she asked for it,i swear)
Sorry if this is a silly q. But how does the tap work, what exactly do you hook it up to? Is there a foot pump it something?
You connect a garden hose to the flexible tube that comes off the tap.
I have the single sink version of this and they are great for general camping. You don't usually have access to pressurized water / hose when camping, so I added a 12v pump with pressure switch (EBay $15) underneath. I take to 25L plastic jerry cans - one for clean water, one for waste, hey presto - camping sink with running water !
wouldnt want to get the clean water and waste jerry cans mixed up
hey would you mind linking me to the clean water attachments that you used for the sink please. thanks!
Website says expires on the 27/5/2015. You may want to update this. 6 days left.
Now says 3/6/2015… Must be a continuing special @king Tightarse
Oops !. Forgot to grab 1… Lol
Hopefully they have it up again…
BTW I so want this but totally won't be allowed and too big to hide.