Wallet Tracking Device

Hi All,

So I just went through the nightmare of losing my wallet, it had everything in it and was so painful having to get all the IDs and Cards replaced.

But the most painful part was not knowing if I had lost in out and about or it was hidden at home somewhere. I turned my house inside out multiple times and couldn't find it. I finally conceded but not after wasting days and years off my life with stress.

I noticed there is trackers you can put in your wallet, Ive seen ones like TheTileApp or Trackr etc. I know nothing beats remembering where you leave things, but if I could of at least known if it was in the house or last known location, I could have saved much of the stress that came with it.

TheTileApp looks too bulky and doesn't have a replaceable battery (makes them a throw away after a year) and TrackR seems to be getting really bad reviews. Is there a new player or under rated tracker you can recommend?


  • +1

    I've been looking for something similar too to keep tabs on my ah, wallet.. I'll be watching this thread!

    • Ok I'll ask it, what are you actually keeping tabs on?

  • Put this in it, https://www.thetrackr.com/

    Edit: Nvm, you mentioned it in your post.

  • +1

    There was an expensive wallet I saw get posted on kickstarter earlier this year, it notifies your smartphone when you walk away from it. The cool thing was it's powered by kinetic energy. This was it I believe.. http://www.woolet.co/

    There's been a few more that are posted but woolet seemed to be the most advanced.

    • Interesting, not many reviews out there on the success of it, given the price Id want to know it worked first.

  • I think I saw something similar, just have to find the bookmark. Sorry to hear about your loss. Hope its like mine and under the bed :3

  • Just buy a 3ft hot pink ribbon and tie it to your wallet. Have a personal rule that the ribbon is never wrapped around or folded inside the wallet, only stuffed beside it.

    Or just minimise your risk and don't put everything in your wallet.

    or both,

    • I don't think I carry anything I don't need too. Credit cards (Cashcard, MasterCard & Amex), Drivers licence, Work security pass & ID, coffee card (I could use one of those apps I suppose), Medicare & Private health) (Suppose I could do without, however could be handy for the unknown) & Opal Card. Apart from the Medicare I need the rest.

      • +1

        You use all 3 credit cards on a daily basis? You may be able to cut out the cash card.

        Also, RE: medicare/private health. If you have an accident, if it's serious enough, you'll be going to the same hospital, whether or not you have private health insurance…. and they'll keep you alive, irrespective of if you have your medicare card on you. If you've got the capacity to tell them your name, i'm sure they can look up your health insurance details on the computer

        I prefer to have my work/security pass seperate, but that's your choice. Depending on where your coffee shop is, you might want to keep it at work, or attached to your work ID.

        So i've just cut your wallet down by 1/3rd, 2/3rds on weekends.

      • From that list, all you really need is 1 credit card (get one from your bank so you can also access your bank account), work security pass and your Opal card.

        • +1

          So the assumption is I don't need to drive a car or carry photo ID, I don't want triple points when available on my Amex and I don't want a delicious free coffee every 10? Also I think this is a little off topic, whilst this would minimise the impact of me losing my wallet again, I would rather not lose it and/or know where to find it if I do.

  • I got a wife, now I don't carry/lose anything.

    • +1

      That's half the reason I lose stuff, she always "puts stuff away" which is usually never where I'd look to find it.

    • I sold my entire collection of Encyclopedia Britannica, because my wife knows everything.

  • Wallet chain.

    • I'm not badass enough to pull that off, especially at work.

      • what about a retractable lead like you can have for IDs or keys

        • That wouldn't work for your wallet, unless you anchor it inside your pants pocket. I'm not after getto work arounds, does anyone have any actual knowledge or information on the item I requested? So far I've got pink ribbon and a chain…

  • A tracker will only tell you if it's in the house. It still won't tell you where, so if your objective is to prevent you having to " turn your house inside out multiple times", it will not help.
    The best way to prevent that is to be 'present' and aware of your actions more.
    We live a busy and often chaotic life and minor details such as keeping track of our valuables seem unimportant until we lose them completely.
    Jump on one of the free Udemy 'mindfulness courses when they come round again. You will be amazed.

    • +1. Just put in the same place every time. I'm no good at it, but have several places to start looking and it's usually in one of them, although it's a bit tricky while settling into a new house! Haven't found my 'favourite spots' yet. Failing that, it's in my back pocket.

    • I wouldn't mind turning the house inside out if I knew it was actually in there, my issue is searching for days when it isn't there to start with. Many of the trackers I have researched play a game of hotter colder with you, that has to be better then nothing. I normally place my stuff in the same spot, this is for rare occasions when someone else has moved it or I have dropped it or fallen out of my pocket. I am under no delusions that this is a replacement for good behaviours, I just want to know if its in my house or not so I can start replacing everything.

  • +1

    i ordered 10 x Trackr ( special deal) january 2014, havent received anything but generic emails saying its coming soon..still udergoing improvements….production has a problem….samples are being shipped….
    over it by now.. disappointed and would not recommend them to my friends…

    • Yeah I've read a lot of bad press, on paper their product is superior and has everything I want, they simply don't deliver … and it in your case literally. Would be nice if Apple or Google picked up on the market and developed something decent instead of all the group funded ones which seem to be all failing to meet the mark. The only one that functionally appears to be meeting expectations is TheTileApp, however the throwaway aspect seems a waste and in the long run expensive.

  • ANY updates on this forum?
    still very interested in something to help me keep track of my wallet!
    current status of wallet- LOST

    • +1

      Well if it is already lost I dont think we can help. I never ended up purchasing anything because nothing that currently was available satisfied my needs and expectations. I still want to get something, I'm just waiting for technology to get better and more reliable, I havent done any research since this post.

      • current status of wallet- FOUND!!
        was found at the movies…
        didnt' even go to the movies recently haha but all worked out

  • I am also waiting on tech changes before buying also

  • I was looking at getting a wallet tracking device as well last year… but same thing - there was nothing that was universally great that seemed good enough, so I never ended up getting on.
    Would still love something if it was reliable and did what I wanted without any frills.

    Something that was small, and would BEEP if I paged/called it, and/or something that would BEEP if it went too far from my phone. That's it!!!

    • Also needs to be rechargeable or with replaceable batteries. TheTileApp looked the goods but after a ~a year, its a throw away and buy another :(

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