Any WA law prohibiting mobile speed cam within certain distance of speed zones?

Hi all,

Wife got "flashed" today for the first time in her life lol. She got done near where 70km/h turn to 60km/h by a mobile contractor speed camera operator. She reckon she might be doing around 65-70km/h at the time.

I remember someone told me there's a law in WA prohibiting those speed camera vehicles within certain distance from where the speed zone changes, is this correct? Any room for argument if she does get a fine? Just find it so dodgy how some of those private contractor park their speed cam near when speed dropped suddenly!

Love to hear your opinions. Cheers!


  • +2

    Although there might be such a loophole in reality the 60 zone starts where the sign is, not X metres after the sign. Ditto when the speed changes up - in reality you can only do the new posted speed after that sign, not as soon as you can read it.

    I think in VIC a similar rule exists although I've also seen it broken numerous times by operators, so tend to err on the side of caution now.

  • If she has a squeaky clean driving record, she could try writing to ask for lenience? Can't hurt.

    • Thought of this, but does it really work in real life though? The issue I see here is it's issued by the private contractor operator, who obviously has $$ sign in their eyes…

      • Can't Hurt as Turnip says. If nothing else, it may extend the time you have to pay the fine.

  • Mobile speed camera sites are assessed and approved by specialist traffic police and these sites must conform to the criteria - fatal or serious crash locations; school zones; areas of reported speed related hoon complaints; or areas where 15% or more of vehicles are exceeding the speed limit.


    No state has laws re placement, only "guidelines", though WA and QLD, those guidelines are explicitly not binding obligations in a legal proof sense (and even, if they fail to, is not to be considered doubt in a court)


    • In another word, I'm screwed pretty much?

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