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[Google Play] Smart Launcher Pro 3 $0.20 (Usually $3.92)


Worth trying the pro version for only 20 cents. Unsure how long the offer is available for.

From the product page:


Smart Launcher 3 Pro unlocks the full potential of Smart Launcher. Exclusive features, even more customization and full control on the categories system

  • Up to 9 screens when you can place your widgets
  • You can assign a widget to an icon to show up it with a double tap
  • Double finger gestures to quickly access to apps and contacts
  • New Arch Layout
  • Smart flat surface detection
  • Full management of your category list
  • 20 new categories ready to add to your drawer
  • 7 extra drawer animations
  • Faster support and updates


Speed up your device with Smart Launcher 3. The innovative launcher that makes your Android more intuitive and well organized. Find out why it has been downloaded by over 20 million people.
Smart Launcher 3 is completely different from any other launcher on Play Store. It's not based on the AOSP launcher.

  • Low resource requirements, save RAM and battery
  • Material design
  • Quick access to your favourite apps
  • Double tap on an icon to start a second app
  • Your apps list is automatically sorted by categories
  • Search bar for quick search in apps, contacts and web
  • Notifications on homescreen
  • Turn off the screen with a double tap or just by leaving your device on a flat surface
  • Integrated lockscreen with notifications
  • Highly personalizable. Tons of themes and lockscreen, support for almost all iconpack
  • Plugin architecture. You can download and enable only the features you want
  • Security: You can hide apps from the apps grid and protect them with password
  • Optimized to be comfortably used both in portrait and landscape mode
  • Runs on almost every Android device. Runs on phone, tablet and Google TV
  • Community driven development

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closed Comments

  • Shows up as $3.92 for me.

    • +3

      0.20 here with chrome browser on PC.

    • +8

      20c for me too, something to spend my Google Survey credits on (-:

      • Thanks for the reminder!

      • +4

        I don't think I've spent more than a couple of dollars of my own money on Android apps… The Google Opinion Rewards app is awesome (even if it does feel a bit "big brother"), I've made about $30 in credit over the past few years since I downloaded it!

    • Odd - it's definitely $0.20 for me. Here's a screen grab.

      • I'm jealous! I'd totally get it for $0.20.

        EDIT: I wasn't logged in!! It's $0.20 now :D

  • Thx OP! looks awesome :D good to put some of my Google credit to something worthwhile rather than another cruddy mobile game

  • Thanks OP, used some rewards credit.

  • +1

    20c for me, bought it, thanks OP. Picked up the Game of Thrones Episode 1 too for same price

    • Thanks, I grabbed that too, damn, it's 1gb.

      This is a good reason to have a phone that's 32-64Gb minimum.

      • Goddam it, just lost 1gb of my monthly allowance as it auto downloaded.

        • Doh, that sucks.

          But didnt you get a msg saying its a large file and if you wanted to use wifi instead of data?, I did. (Samsung Alpha crap/kitkat).

        • +1


          Negative, I bought it on Chrome via my work computer.

          Then as I left, I noticed when I clicked the home button, it offered me the choice of launchers, The standard one or smart launcher - then realised it auto download then saw the GOT logo.

          Probably a setting I stuffed around with. Ah well.


  • Thanks OP, bought it to give it a shot. Looks good based on the reviews!

  • Can you use this with a custom AOSP (v3)?

    • +1

      Roms wont affect any app's. It will just take over as the new default if you let it.

    • +1

      itll be fine as long as you download google ultron first

      source: am IT

      • Haha! I got that reference :)

  • +4

    This is the only Launcher I am using. Strongly recommend.

    • +5

      better than nova?
      i feel funny even when you upgrade your handset to the latest then install the same launcher you dont feel you are using new handset anymore!

      • +5

        It's not better than Nova, but this is the launcher you should use if you are a lazy person.

        Why? You'll know it once you install it…all the app icons are automatically sorted for you.

      • +6

        That's exactly what I am doing… no matter what handset I am using, I am still using the same Launcher(same layout, same wallpaper, same apps, same font etc).

        The difference between the handsets are battery life, Camera and Size.

        • I thought I was the only person who did that :)

    • +8

      I tried few launchers including Action, Nova, Smart etc but always come back to Nova. Lets see how many days i can stay with Smart.

      • +1

        It's a very very radical change from your typical launcher and it also takes some time getting used to.

        I do like it on my tablet because I have way more apps on my tablet than on my phone, so the auto sorting in the app drawer reduces the need for me to hunt and peck for the right app on the screen. The customisation is also very limited.

      • +2

        Nova is smoother and faster but it is still the traditional way of Android launcher.

        Smart Launcher is different… But it is slower T_T

        • I've found Nova getting a bit slower lately, but I do have a lot of apps loaded so it's probably that.

          It's not the perfect launcher but it's the best one in my experience.

        • @Click_It:

          Too many homescreen pages perhaps, and perhaps too much customisation.

          Try losing all the complicated widgets / fonts, live wallpapers, and perhaps just stick with using an icon pack. It's much smoother once you trim the bloat.

        • @scrimshaw:

          I'll have a play with it. Don't think I have too much of that stuff going on but it warrants a good look.

      • +1

        Nova's da bomb!

      • And i uninstalled it after few hours..Seems i m happy with Nova.

        • It is really hard to switch to a different launcher.

  • +11

    If you don't like this, I recommend Nova Launcher.

    • Is there any bargains? ;)

    • +1

      what's wrong with Google now(is it a launcher)?

      • -1

        No it's Google's attempt to get you to reveal even more about who you are (so that they may sell your attention to third parties better) by dressing up search as a digital personal assistant. I have yet to meet anyone that actually uses it mainly because it's ****.

        • And now an answer from someone who doesn't wear a tinfoil hat or hate google :)

          There is Google Now Launcher - which links in to google now and is the launcher to use if you want the "pure google" android experience. I have used it in the past and it's fine, a vanilla launcher. I use google now all the time because it's REALLY handy. I also use Nova on one of my tablets.

      • I found that Google Now drains battery really fast. It wakes the phone a lot, so the phone doesn't go into deep sleep as much as it could. I think it offers a lot though, I've seen many people trying to find the compromise between battery life and Google now because of that.

  • +4

    Thanks, used my Google survey credits.

  • @OP, Sandshoes hairy crutch. I just bought it.

  • Nice.

  • For 2 bob worth a try!

    • +2

      How old are you?

  • Ive had a play for 20mins or so = looks good and very customisable. Cheers OP!

  • +3

    I used Smart Launcher 2 on my smaller, old phones and really liked it, but once I upgraded to bigger phones it just wasn't usable any more. Used Nova for the longest time but now I've bought Action launcher and the full version is incredible, much preferred over any other I've tried.

    • Just took a quick look at Action Launcher, but the advantages of it over Nova weren't obvious. "Swipe to load widgets" was one major feature difference I could see (but I use the more powerful "Popup Widget" for that in any case.)

      What other features do you use that aren't in Nova? Thanks

      • +3

        Hmm, I have never seen popup widget before, it looks nice. The other things I like are the side app bar and the colours changing automatically when the wallpaper changes. But the popup widgets were my main thing, I didn't know there was an app for that! I know you can get slide out launcher apps too but I prefer to keep installed apps to a minimum. Why use nova/popup widget/a swipe app when I could just use Action launcher for all 3? Sure Nova has its advantages too but in daily use I was happy to give up Nova for Action.

  • Just got it on my LG G3 and not sure i like it after 5 mins of playing around…

    Edit: my main issue is with the lack of alert bubbles on the icons on the main screen… Any work around?

  • +1

    Never used it before, I'm going to give it a try with my google survey credit.

  • Been using this for a year or so now. First app I install on a new phone. Simple and fast with good customisability.

  • I don't know about this. But the best launcher I have ever used us KitKat launcher, simple and clean.
    I will give this a go. It's only 20c.

  • +1

    I don't like change… Change it back! Change it back!

  • Great Find OP, using some free Google credit.

  • I'm 8 cents short

    • +1

      try the free version then consider if it's worth 8c.

  • For 20c its worth a try but I think nova stopped me as my thumb was hovering over the purchase button I hesitated and yeh.

    I'll download it and I'll give it a go…. Doubt I can get away from nova prime.

    • +4

      For 20c, you might as well buy it and get it in your purchased app back catalogue, that way, if Nova Launcher development ever turns to sh*t (unlikely), you will have another Pro Launcher option available.

      Over the years, when they were on sale, I bought all the pro versions of the different launchers, so no matter which device I am using I have multiple options for premium launchers. I think I will always stick with Nova though, unless something changes.

      • Picked it up on the end, have yet to install it.

        Also game of thrones is 20c

      • +1

        I usually stick with stock launchers. Sometimes I use nova, it depends on the device really. When I had an HTC phone I was always happy with Sense, and now with my note 4 I am happy with TW. I know people will disagree with that. xD

        • The stock launchers (Google Now, Touchwiz, Sense etc) are okay, but I find them a bit basic… I love how many customisation options Nova Launcher gives you.

  • I vouch for Apex Launcher, I've been using it for years.

  • Very very good launcher, and my personal preference over nova prime.
    However, not as customisable as Nova.

  • +4

    Just found google opinions for the first time, got $1.00 instantly, anything else like this?

    • Google payed for my purchase

    • Give it a few months… You will build up a nice little Google Opinions piggy bank!

      • Had a huge KitKat bank a while ago.

  • Just got it for free WTF? Anyone else comfirm?

    • yeah me too.. It s free..

  • Yay, long live the google credit :) Thanks OP.

  • after installing visit this link and download more supporting apps

  • Thanks OP…got a buck from google credit and bought this…Been using KK launcher and really like that one…but for 20c why not.

  • I dont need any fancy launcher. One feature that looks useful tho from what I can see from the list is protecting apps with a password.

    • If your stock launcher is light enough, it's fine. If it hogs resource like mine did, you will feel some improvement in performance by changing it to something like Nova or Apex.

  • Hmm thanks, tried it but not my cup of tea. Much prefer APEX

  • Not very good. Found laggy (Note 1). Switched backed to Nova! Also couldn't add icons/shortcuts to desktop/screen, only widgets!

  • Never used any of the aftermarket launchers. Bought this to give it a go.

  • Thanks so much! Scored it for 20cents too (",)

  • Well found out about Google rewards installed that done a quick question got $1 brought the app so true ozbargain style free app and made 80c not a bad day…

  • Great.. finally have got something that could match (or come close to) ios quick app launch .

  • +1

    Bought it. Love the Fallout Pip Boy skin for this App!

  • +1

    Damn! Just bought this for full price a couple of weeks ago!

    Brilliant app. Love the UI, and goes REALLY well with 'Magic Fluids' live wallpaper (which doesn't chew up battery as it only reacts to your fingers (cue wife jokes)… you'll have to see it to fall in love with it (cue girlfriend jokes)).

  • Was going to grab it but seems the sale is only for AU. My billing is setup to use my 28 degrees in USD. Says $0.20 on the product page (AU pricing) but when you click buy the total amount comes up as US$3.92 so no good if you buy using play store in USD.

  • +2

    Tried, don't like it. Back to nova, got my 20 cents refund.
    Need more than 12 apps on the front screen

  • +3

    Never used this launcher, Always had Nova, and Go Launcher.

    For mere 0.20, and Google survey credits paying why not!?

  • I bought it, no idea what this does or anything but I bought it.

    • It replaces (enhances ?) your UI

  • +3

    I tried it out, I don't like it. :)

  • If you wanna be cheap Yahoo Aviate Launcher also does the category list…

  • +1

    Installed on my note and yeh it feels alien to me. Nova is calling.

  • can i get a link to Nova?

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